The Era Wed Sep a J East Gwillimbury continued from page 1 by Chairman Jack Hopkins My years experience will help to serve the people of East better said Mr Morn ing He then outlined his work as a member of the Recreation and Roads and Bridges Committee Incumbent councillor Jack Rye lauded Mrs Rolling for her splen did leadership and pointed out that it was an honor for the town ship to have a former member of council Garfield Wright as the Regions first chairman place and pointed out he has been a township resident for years Regional Government Town plan to be done by Dec 18 Eagle Hills election meeting Ross Chapman said he has been a township resident for more than years and has been active in sporting activities He said the additional cost to homeowners alone was because of the pro gram NEWMARKET The new official land plan on the expanded the will market grow I the topographical map ping of the new town and the study to determine what sting King Township By ALICE KING TOWNSHIP An angry Reeve Gordon Cook blasted King City lawyer Donald at Monday nights nomination meeting when the latter referred to King Townships new official plan as being full of mishmash Though nominated Monday and respite considerable pressure Reeve Cook held to bis decision not to run for the mayors spot Mr previously another possible mayor candidate also was nominated Monday along with Coun cillor Lome Both de clined Sir Findlay will run for in Ward 1 That leaves Deputy Reeve Ken and Council lor Margaret Britnell to battle it out alone for the mayors seat In the contest for council seats Mrs Eileen Woods will oppose Mr Findlay in Ward 1 In Ward 2 its Roy Wilson against Cyril Flinders who formerly declared himself a candidate for may- Leonard Osin and Vincent Dug- will contest the Ward seat while Ward 5 has Ben Rough opposing Ernie Crossland- Sheardown in Ward 3 and Jack Van Luyk in Ward 6 won ac clamations has will all be by Dec according planning boar Cleliand Mr Cleliand said his board will call a public meeting to unveil and dis cuss the plan after its completion We n n d to then consider any objections that arise at that lime and make our recommendations to council before the end of the year he said He said Municip- Planning Consultants Ltd the Torontobased firm doing the studies will make interim reports to planning board between EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT CHRYSLERCANADA LTD HAS RELEASED ALL MODELS 19 DAYS EARLY YOU MAY NOW HAVE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF ALL MODELS FROM LAWTON BROS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH SEE CANADAS MOST POPULAR COMPACT VALIANT DUSTER TRY THE FABULOUS NEW SATELLITE AND PLUS BUY A SHARP FURY SPORT FURY OR BROUGHAM WIN THE ADMIRATION OF YOUR FRIENDS WITH A BOLD LUXURIOUS ALL MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY BROTHERS LTD or YONGE ST S AURORA CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH Surgeoner NEWMARKET Mayor Tom Surgeoner opened his remarks to the Eagle Hills candidates meeting with a strong denial of rumors that he will back out of the mayoralty race He told the meeting it has been rumored that he will accept a provin cial appointment instead of seeking reelection The mayor said he would prefer the provincial job but he said he feels there is a job to do here and I will stay and do it The mayor didnt have a pre pared speech for the meeting but used answers he had prepared for a series of questions submitted to the three mayoralty candidates by The Era for a feature in this weeks edition The i said t see page road building pro gram in town a catastrophe The mayor explained the program was part of a sevenyear plan which the 1969 council used to gain Ontario High ways department approval for pro vincial grants on worth of work the highest ever This year the majority of coun cil told the Highways department we didnt want their subsidy we could have had Church St rebuilt and I feel we lost about He said parts of the town arent zoned including sections of the down town area and blamed the planning board for this This town is badly in need of a new administration building he said and suggested such a building would stimulate downtown redevelop- Salisbury NEWMARKET Reeve Clare Salisbury also a candidate for mayor told the candidates meeting at Stuart Scott school that as Newmarkets sen ior representative on county council he sat in on all the hearings and dis cussions on regional government from first to last Mr Salisbury stressed his coun cil experience a total of years and told the Eagle Hills meeting that it was through his efforts that county council recently passed a re solution asking the Toronto and York Roads Commission to consider a cross walk at Eagle St and Lome Ave The crosswalk had been demand ed by members of the Eagle Hills Community Association Mr Salisbury who along with the mayor opposed cuts in the 1970 roads budget by council took issue with Mayor Surgeoners figures He said Newmarket had a road construction program in the budget this year at least per cent of which would be paid by provincial subsidy He said the whole program had received provincial approval be fore council chopped it to in a drive to keep the 1970 mill rate Id like to point out council only has number of dollars to spend and only cents of each tax dollar goes to the town he said or three items he had opposed bitter ly this year One he said was the proposal for a new town hall 1 know we need a new town hall but I dont think we should have spent 1 mills to buy that old building on Botsford St that someone has been trying to get rid of since The reeve said he also opposed spending 831000 for a new official plan He said this could have waited until planning was taken over by government He said the cost of the old building added to the cost of the plan came to more than out of this years budget or two Thats on a home assessed at he said Forhan NEWMARKET Newmarket has doubled in size during the past few years without updating any of its municipal services Councillor Bob Forhan a candidate for mayor Oct 5 told the Eagle Hills candidates meeting last Wednesday He said the town has grown from 5000 people to and nothing has basically changed He said sewage facilities are in adequate and told the meeting the NewmarketEast Gwillimbury sewage treatment plant cant hold and pro cess sewage during a heavy rain storm raw sewage goes right into the creek He said the town hasnt allow ed for proper growth here and he also charged it didnt allow for proper siz ed sewage pipes underground He said recordkeeping has been so poor in some areas the town doesnt know what size pipe it has underground The whole east side of town has a water problem too said For who at is the youngest mem ber of town council He said expansion was allowed to proceed on the east side without an adequate water supply Expansion probably shouldnt have been allowed at all there he The candidate was also critical of sidewalks and roads in the town and of high municipal taxes The town just kept pouring peo ple and sewage into facilities that The town has got to stand still face up and deficit financing has to stop said Mr Forhan He told the crowd he fought against the Edwards subdivision be cause he felt it wasnt going to pay its own way that he had fought for planning and against the placing of industry along the Cane Parkway He said he feels heavy trucks dont need to be made to go through town that they can be kept on the edges by plac ing industry on the edges of town Towns should be planned for people Weve got the prettiest town north of Metro a Main St that is not a part of St a natural conservation area right through to back in or years Twinney candidate for N councils second regional seat told the Eagle Hills meeting he is more fami liar with East Gwillimbury problems than Newmarkets but if elected he would learn quickly He pointed out in East this year taxes went down on most homes and that when the town ship council started its budget it bad a surplus and 92000 working capital Thats from good management he said We dont spend four or five hours at council meetings the way they do down here at this council Newmarket because three hours of that is arguing We do our job and go home he said Mr Twinney said he was sure lie could do an equally efficient job for Newmarket if elected Taylor NEWMARKET Tom Taylor a former member of Newmarket Coun cil now seeking election to council as its second regional representative levelled strong criticism at the provin cial governments property reassess ment program and at the two pieces of legislation Queens Park has offered municipalities for tax relief when he spoke to the Eagle Hills candidates meeting The accountant and former Libe ral candidate for the legislature termed the two bills nothing but a bunch of piecemeal He said many industries in On tario and particularly in York Coun ty are foreignowned and when pro perty taxes on industrial buildings drop because of reassessment com pany profits go up proportionately The result is you pay the dif ference and the money earned in pro fits doesnt even stay in the country let alone the town he told the meet ing The candidate said he favors a program to attract more industry to town to give us assistance in he said He was critical of the towns subdivision planning and construction of highrise between Eagle Hills Fairy Lake is not sensible That park corridor preserved if you cant Me tin thing he said He termed York council resolution fee at Eagle and Lorn Salisbury had just engineered through council a to what is needed UMBER Plan bicycle marathon NEWMARKET The Arena Bicycle Marath on la the latest attraction to be announced for the two- day Newmarket arena op ening celebrations Water St Oct and 3 Participating mer chants an displaying mall banners In their store win- Hum starts at Botsford and Main Streets at Sat urday winds through town and ends at Timothy and Main Judging will be on obeying traffic laws as well as speed Twentyfour cad- eta from Queens York Han gers will relay progress of the cydlsts Registration for the events is at and Saturday after- and Main Then an two events one for ten under is sad one for this undent Davis Dr Newmarket present gift fe 89551761