Rowe clash as debate flares over King Township police By ALICE MATRAVERS KING TOWNSHIP The township police igni- of the years hottest debates in King Township Council last week when Councillors Margaret Britnell and Gordon squared off in an embattled exchange which she angrily replied No I do not intend to apologize Public affected by the police force are at their lowest ebb We have a problem and its time we were adult and There have been a number of snide insidious comments about the police force right here at this table Im the only one who has come right out and called a spade a spade Continuing her broadside the lady candidate mayor snapped to Councillor Rowe If I am suffer ing from election fever you sir can give me lessons in Gordon Cook interceded Coun- final dig If anyone suffers poor public relations our politicians do she said They could stand a good cleanup as much as our police The Era New I- AuroraKeswick nil Wed IS mi Roberts first to file in Georgina council derby Alec Roberts of Keswick officially the first to papers for nomination So this is what replaced us eh Seems like a waste of iron and rubber to With all the traffic jams on St I better than it smells either Oh well back to the alfalfa and clover Photo taken at new GO Transit terminal on Yonge St White Photo the case In Wards Four The third contestant Is the Five and Six Ward Four incumbent councillor Bruce covers the village of Sut- Welch ton while the other two In Ward Three member for the wards encompass the pre- Sutton councillor Erik of Re- sent Township of sen will oppose Clyde Drap- of York The Jersey area for the Willow Beach- Under the new Ward One has Murray Roches Point seal system the mayor and one Brown and Mrs Ruth For Ward Two councillor elected at large operator of the Is- Jim Poyntt is the only can- will represent the township land Lodge Nursing Home didate which Is true of for the Region of York as candidates Mr Brown Ken Smockum in Ward council The other candi- was an unsuccessful Five and Gerry In date for Die position at the date for North Ward Six and Hugh Lyons present time is Bob Pol- Cou in the past election of Sution In W Four lock whose father Roy former North Sharon Gun Club draws fire cillor got well as defending the force against Councillor charges he attacked police remarks in a recent press release en current wage disputes Chairman of councils police committee for five Councillor listed ways in which the force had been upgraded He said educational standards had been raised by attendance of King policemen at the Police College and added that King officers earned marks well above average Others attend Seneca College on their own time he said Councillor said he was annoyed by the that a politician levelled the criticism against the police and suggested that Councillor should have first discussed the validity of her complaints with Police Chief Leslie Pengelly Councillor Rowe read a letter from an accident who praised a township policeman for his kind and humane interest Ive had at least 15 phone calls complaining about our force said Councillor Councillor countered with the claim that he had received calls commending the police I wish theyd phone me then retorted Councillor Britnell Then Councillor switched his criticism to he police complaining about a police press release which said Lawyer Norman Mathews had cost the public un told thousands during last years arbitration The lawyer only cost taxpayers said Councillor Rowe He saved us at least through his disputing arbitration awards King seeks mayoralty of WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP Eldred King presently a Markham Township Councillor will i for mayor of the new municipality of Whitchurch- in the Oct 5 re election Mr King a farm er and father of three lives portion of Markham Township that will join the WhitchurcbSouffville area under regional government He has served two years as a Markham Town ship councillor and has served on planning board and as the townships fin ance chairman Prior to his elec tion to council in 1968 Mr King served four years on the Markham Area School Board His main interests are planning and finance as York County goes into re gional government he said I live miles from Stouffville and I feel my geographic location makes me a most unbiased and qualified person to lead the formation of the new SHARON East Gwillimbury Township Council at last weeks meeting heard pleas from neighbors of a gun club to restrict the operation and the proprietors of the club refuted the statements that were causing a dis turbance George a resident in Ihe area of the Sharon Gun Club on the Cone asked council to stem the noise emanating from the gun club operation as of ricocheting bullets Reeve Gladys Rolling told Mr that the license to operate was granted to the club by the AttorneyGeneral but he countered that the per mission was for safety pur poses only and they did not consider the noise factor He complained the members of the club were allowed to shoot some- after sundown but later in the meeting when the operators of the club Mr and Mrs March spoke to council they said this was completely and no member was allowed to fire a gun until after Mr March said he was positive the noise was not from the high po wered rifles but from shotguns used in another section of the club He told council the AttorneyGene rals department closed the premises last year until certain adjustments had been made and after an from Toronto the noise factor Mrs sad council was trying to be quite fair to both parties but council would seek le gal advice from their soli- He told council Mr had owned the property he now lived on for many years but had only built a permanent type of residence over the past Earlier in the council he had received very little satisfaction from the AttorneyGenerals and questioned I 1 keep both sides happy Mr March as sured council he would do his best to restrict the hours of operation on Sun days and agreed with Reeve Rolling that he would ob tain statements from neigh bors to the effect that they were not unduly disturbed by he gun club Ernest G Rlxon and Mrs Jean Smith The new region will officially come into ex istence Friday Jan 1971 Nominations will be accepted Monday Sept for seven councillors to serve on the municipal council for 1971 and as well as for mayor and regional mem ber for the regional coun cils of and In Ward One of North two councillors will be elected while in Ward Two one will get the vote In Ware Three of North there will be one which is also I COME AND SEE US AT THE FAIR BOOTH 14 MINI VEEP HONDA NORTON FIAT ARCTIC CAT AURORA i St E A PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS AND iff COMPLETE MAKE UP ANALYSIS DISTRIBUTORS NEWMARKET DONT MISS US AT THE AURORA HOME TRADE FAIR SEPT and HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY ITEMS OH DISPLAY ELDRED KING municipality Mr King said Mr King has gam- Mr Kings candi dacy makes the race for mayor in ville a fourway Al ready declared are Whit church Deputy Reeve Norm Barnard Reeve Ken and Stouff ville Deputy Reeve Jim Mc- GETTING MORE DIFFICULT TO GET A PARKING TICKET First you to find a like your children but lives era I blocks what they used to be They Women ate no used to be git Is Marriage isnt a word It Patience is the ability to idle your mot when you feel like stripping your gears Preserve the life of your garments by moving fiberdestroying dirt particles before white Oak 8957411 a t Carry Town of Whitchurch Stouffville NOMINATIONS The Nomination of Candidates for Offices of MAYOR AND SIX MEMBERS OF COUNCIL One member of Council to be elected from each of the Six 6 Wards ONE MEMBER to bo oloctod to serve -On- THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Und one Trustee to be elected -y- SCHOOL SUPPORTERS OF THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH AND THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST to en The York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board will bo hold In auditorium of Stouffville District Secondary School -On- MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21 From Seven oclock pm until Eight oclock pm D ST If More Candidate are nominated or the respective office than are re quired to fill the tame and qualify as such dates before Nine oclock pm of day following nomination The will be hold MONDAY OCTOBER 5 1970 From the hour of Ten clock a i till Seven oclock pm and r Notice of the Tlmn and Placet for at the Polls on October 5th well the advance Poll will be published the week of September R E Coiner Returning Officer PARIS KITCHENS I FirePlaces latest in styles and Plus the latest plumb- Beautifully styled MEDICINE CABINETS by Miami Carey Add comfort and beauty to you and easy to install GRAND DOOR PRIZE Beautiful Woodgraln Hardhoarri Panels year choice as by Gurney TIRED OF WAXING KITCHEN OR BATHROOM FLOORS Cushion Floor Just wash It and ita good Only Yd CARPET FOR YOUR HOME See our representatives for Free Estimate The latest color design and fabrics V TRADE FAIR SPECIAL Cascade Heater Don I miss it 3 days only INSULATION can lavs you money and give you added comfort We are distributor lor CGC 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