NewmarketAurora YoungGrainger vows NEWMARKET Trinity United Church was the setting for the recent marriage of Jackie Grain ger daughter Mrs Grainger and the late Mr J Grainger Newmarket to Mr Jim Young son Mr and Mrs A Young Bel- haven Rev Pick was the officiating minister and the bride was given in marriage by her brother- inlaw Mr Dan Hopkins The bride wore a fulllength satin gown with a floral lace overdress which formed to make the train Her shoulderlength veil was secured by a white rose with sprigs of leaves She carried red roses and while carnations Patricia Cooper and bridesmaids were and Anne Young Bel- Bruce Rae Cedarbrae The brides mo ther was dressed in a pink suit with white accessories accented by a pink and white carnation corsage The grooms mo ther wore a lurquoiac dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow and while carnations The reception was held in the Granada Ban quet Room trip through the Ottawa Valley the couple After being closed for July and August Mount Albert Public Lib rary will reopen Tuesday September 1 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION DRIVING PARKING LONG PROBLEMS WALKS GO BY BUS REDUCED FARES Round Trip Includes Admission CHILDREN SI Bus Faro Only BUSES DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS August to September 7th Daily except Sunday Tickets and Infoi Main St Gordons Garage 534 Davis Dr Telephone A Word For The Week NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett REV LAWRENCE A Church of the The essentials for acceptance with God both at the beginning of ones Christian life in conversion and the processes of Christian living are found in the Beat iludes particularly the first four Blessed are the poor in spirit they that mourn the meek showed her Welsh ponies and won third fourth and filth place with litem Johorc aytuna Beach Flo- visiting her uncle lilting Miss brideelect of Mr which do hunger and thirst after righteousness George Willis was enter- Poverty of spirit is nn inner consciousness of taincd at a miscellaneous need an acknowledgement that God in Ills grace and shower Wednesday evening mercy is the only one who can satisfy that need Jesus at the home of Mrs Sam tells of two men who come to God the Pharisee and the Sheila publican The Pharisee had no awareness of need Be She opened her many lovely gifts am was satisfied with and bound up In his religious activity gifts under decorated luncheon was His prayer was but a demonstration of his goodness shower umbrella A lovely a shower cake The publican presented only one request mercy for luncheon shower at the Robert Mar tin Memorial Scout Hall lav evening for bride- i Mi i himself a sinner Luke 1014 No one feeling self- sufficient will expect nor receive from God but to the humble and needy God gives from his abundant supply mercy to the sinner courage to the fainthearted strength So the week grace to all who ask Mourning is the attitude of penitence the ing of personal responsibility without alibis excuses and self justification It is the expression of regret the desire for the changing the inner nature which is not as it should be The comfort which God gives is in trans forming grace It was the woman who came with tears to the feet of Jesus who received the words of forgiveness not Simon the master of the feast Luke Meekness is the positive and purposeful position- It is believing that what He gives and how Ho gives will be good acceptable and perfect It is the being in the place of the receiver gladly grateful for the privilege of receiving The low place of receiving is never dis graceful it is the place of blessing Those who come to grudgingly out of utter necessity miss a great meas ure of His blessings Those who have not received from who have been unable to or unwilling to Jean Mitch hold a Shower for rot Gould have returned from a trip to the West Coast They spent three nd her two griilsiiis James and Ke vin Foster of Newmarket arc on a holiday trip to the West Coast They will spend some time with Mrs Me- TO OPEN NURSERY SCHOOL East Area Ages Offering play French instruction Phone lifted David won a sec ond in the Brood Mare with Queen and a first in ho break the wrapping of sufficiency which has been Astern Parade Class Lou placed around themselves came th- the hungry and thirsty for righteousness ll second place there is the promise of filling The spiritual nature of lL Western da- man will never he satisfied apart from a right relation- ship with God There is available the Bread of Life and Landry of Andrew made a fine showing tor the Circle Stables at the Sutton Fair Friday and Saturday Anne won two firsts with her pany Col onel on Friday anil Steven role the same horse spoilt a week with former residents of Newmarket and Kal Krlstenseus and Kai formerly lived on Timothy Street and were of the paint Whistler mountain on the sky tram A real blizzard was blowing up top wilh enough snow to throw snowballs and the temper ature degrees However ther in the valley In Water of Life Faith brings the fulfillment of Gods promise the Kingdom comfort inheritance satisfaction Tin Gallery music at Sharon Temple NEWMARKET piano All have been skill- Music was very important fully restored to the Children of Peace According to early or who made up Sh settled by David Will- congregation of Sharon stao Temple and a recent the year 1800 He and about to the Temple will six friends left the original low this music to be played and bring back the original atmosphere In June at the annual meeting and picnic of the York Pioneer and Historical Society held the Temple grounds a band played from the gallery for Pleasure horse Lou Anne rode her own horse Princess Sandy Allison received third prize in Ihc Western Par ade class and rode Misty The Circle Stables are a Daubers with Jeanne Gould Kai is now a commercial fisherman in Victoria and Die Goulds thoroughly enjoyed a trip on the fishing boat and see ing them unload the big co- hoe salmon While in Yictoria they also visited other for- FINAL LET GO all SALE DRESSES COATS SPORTSWEAR Now Only 1500 None Higher All Sales Final FASHIONS NEWMARKET PLAZA DAVIS DRIVE 8958032 Let The People Praise Thee O God Sirs Toole St Pauls Church VINCIS VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship Corner of Arthur and Newton Streets WINE CRAFT first time in many years Tills program was taped the time and these tapes will he combined with a CRC program of a few and visitors to the Temple will again lcar music from the high gal Although Hie Tem ple of Peace at Sharon is an architectural curiosity it with many musical instru ments of those days still in an excellent state of preser vation and in playing order These include a barrel organ believed be the first built in Upper Can- founded a sect of their These as they were known built two liii idings at that time one of which is Sharon Tem ple The Temple and grounds were purchased by the York Pioneer and His torical Society in they have restored EUROPEAN STYLE- COOKED MEATS IMPORTED CHEESE BREAD -BUNS- PASTRIES MILK GROCERIES TOBACCO TAKEOUT SERVICE and the pioneer music of David day will add an other atlrictive quality to historic Temple of I NEWMARKET PLAZA melodious and Dont miss these starfilled nights at the CNE Admission Grand Ik ONTARIO North Sharon Holland Landing County Road CHILDREN UNDER FREE FIRST RUN fftfySideaftiK Mountain TEDDY THE LAND RAIDERS Lily George COLOR ADULT lt VAN I DAY OF Check the lineup Football Toronto Edmonton o50 and Bobby Sherman 400 and The Temptation Italian Fattival 700 6 Uremia Lea 500 and Red 6 70 International 4ooiiPi Buy 500 Hobby 500 ami 400 Pride ami 400 5h Dimension 600 500 and Ilium and Bugle Competition 400 Military Bond Tattoo 400 and 200and100 Canadian National Exhibition Toronto August 20 to Sept Sundays from SHARON COMMUNITY HAIL SCHOOL GOSPEL HALL Tuesday pm Prayer and Bible Study All Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED Sunflower CI and on Thursday evenings re ibi for girls and Tuesday Radio Broadcast The Back To God Hour am am welcome to ill THE SALVATION ARMY Bible Study the our Church 1100 am Morning SoloisW Ed Towers pm Evening Ser- Soloist Mr Russell Jen- V Christian Science I73S6 am Each Sunday Tuscan Masonic Hall just off Main St Sunday school convenes at All Welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Ardcn and Queen St AU Welcome PASTOR Rev R E11U a School 10 am Sunday School Classes for all ages am Morning Wor ship pm Evangelistic pm Prayer and pm Bible Study All Welcome and Prayer Meeting Attend This Sunday