Hint ill it on the Farm near Keswick firm program for rciinbHHution of fori ids in Its Curtain Time By Ruby L Haskett The I Barn Jacksons Point wit hold its grand opening on Saturday June 27 with Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer the feature A pow er failure at a party turns everything cockeyed in this hilarious and original com edy The play has been a smash hit in and Comedy will be presented up of parents relatives and friends enjoyed Paul as The Mika do both evenings Kevin Dow portrayed well in both performances Alternate casts the two nights had Mark Ear I do NOT plays to In the Black Co medy leads will bo Geof frey Saville- Head Mia Anderson Tony Lloyd and Hem- as Paul and Paul as Koko Grant and Danny Miller alternat ed as Melnnie and Clair played and the three lovely sisters were Taylor Heather Debbie 1ong Jean McDer- niirtt and The chorus num bered strong with school girls nobles guards and Roberts the prompter the director The plays run through lo July The Hypochon driac classic mokes a profession of being sick Ls a joyous and zany This classic will be July 712 at the Red Barn and is fun for the The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan jun ior high school version was presented by Grade and of the Prince Charles school last Thursday and in auditorium Mr Keith Pro fit Vice Principal was both musical director and play director Ho directed the successful production Pinafore last year He is also the accompanist for the operetta with the diam ines and Miss did ink and Richards looked after the large wardrobe and were assisted by the of the Grade students The arm The Toronto roc- cation and musicians as sociation is again giving free entertainment in Tor onto parks Near here via the Don Mills expressway is Gardens presenting Thursday evening Ayl- with square dancing At Nathan Phillips Square is the Community Folk A r The Shaw opened Monday even ing with Frances nights it always pm Matinees Wednesday Sat urday and Sunday at Toronto Work shops Productions Chica go is running lo good audiences at the St Law rence Centre Front and Scott Sis Walter Kerr calls and Clive imaginatively fashion ed and deftly during the New York run George be happy white yak clean 8957411 NEWMARKET COUNCIL BRIEFS Building permits for were issued in Newmarket during May the town building inspector reported lo council Largest item They totalled east of Ihe town pumphouse on Srigley St The board told him Ihe plan couldnt be considered at this time Councillor Herb a homes board member reported il 000 expense the club incurred from its fireworks display May 18 Gerald Brady a taxi driver involved in a fatal accident on Davis Dr has had bis taxi licence suspended by Newmarket council Builder J appeared before Newmar ket Planning Board recent ly with a proposal to build firm Weir and advised town council It tin been retained by 11 Kit Co Ltd to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board councils refusal to approve the Highland Heights sub- agreement Town Clerk Grant Blight and lown treasurer Sluarl Parks have been au thorized to attend the an nual convenion of the Asso ciation of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers at Honey Harbor from June to Council gave them 125 said FOR THE GRADUATE The Cougar X100 BOYS or GIRLS SMOOTH BOYS SPORTY Supercycle 3Speed Racer Oh boy Hit Ink With dragstrip eel that in spin 15 I Ill All Il t mum ill hi fur last one a barcon trolled real si run ho 39 95 54 Other great things going for it Goldcolor iinidks hi rise handlebars chromed Gkiming Gold Metallic finish Hoys Gold Girls Bin Junior Models Wheels By Englands leading bicyclemanufacturer St Archer sped bub Caliper brakes front rear chromed rim mudguard Racy dropped handlebars Extra Cash and Carry Sonus Coupons 26 Wheels a Wheels 46 95 Get going with a CANADIAN TIRE Credit Card