Wed June A camping weekend for little brothers LAKE York Countys Big Brothers took their little brothers camping hero last weekend and despite the chilly weather the first two days men and boys alike took part in a number of enjoyable activities In top left photo Big Brother Dave Knowles of Whitchurch Township Police presents a new rod and real to Paul Truman winner of the fishing derby In top right photo Aurora Recreation Director Barry Young demonstrates an underwater compass to several of the boys on Sunday morning Mr Young also gave diving instruction At left Norm Stewart of Aurora prepares steaks for Sunday lunch Mr Stewart was organizer of the week end program Eighteen men and boys look pari in the camp- Big Brothers of York County is a movement to match fatherless boys with interested adult men to fill the gap left by the absence of a father photos by John LOU King recreation budget gets 2900 increase KING TOWNSHIP Kings recreation com mittee budget The township bud get had originally allotted to the Councillor Margaret noted that a portion of the additional a 1 in government grants Councillor Gordon pointed out that the gram is expanding and it looks like were going to get Recreation Com mittee member Tom explained details of an ex tensive summer program tiiat will feature such Fri day night activities as mov ies dancing sports and Wed like to see families out on Fri day nights Mr said Well have some very good movies and the price will be just 50 cents Mr Cober said Iwo persons have been in terviewed for the position CHIROPRACTIC Services Included In OHSIP Ontario Health Services Insurance Plan JULY 1st 1970 lots of volunteer help of recreation director Health unit suggests school improvements AURORAMost of schools both element ary and secondary were Medical Officer of Health for the Unit Dr Slingerland pointed out in the report that the recommendations are just that and not stipulated re quirements but he did ask that subject to funds avail able the Board undertake as many as possible The staff report Keswick Public School A health room is required for the use of the school nurse and child ren who might be ill Brown School General cleanliness in washrooms and hallways DANNYS CAR SALES LTD Col DANNYS CAR SALES YONGE ST NEWMARKET mend at ions pleted at moderate cost and within this years budget Others will be investigated and included in the budget if necessary Some of the Items recommended in the report washrooms and also im proved ventilation Prince Charles School Windows open ing outward should be chan ged to protect students in the school yard Holland Landing School Heating to be improved In the portable classroom end better light ing and ventilation in the BIG SAVINGS INTERNATIONAL B276 GAS AND DIESEL Live Power TakeOil Point Hitch Live Hydraulics GAS 00 DIESEL- In Stock Ready For International Harvester Store SI Newmarket mile North of Davis PRICES ARE BORN PLANET RAISED ELSEWHERE ALL STEAK ROASTS 95 PORK BUTT CHOPS 591 SUNNYBROOK WIENERS WONDER BREAD J leaes SWIMMING POOLS EXCITING CLEARANCE OF OCEANIC ABOVE GROUND POOLS by CONVERTIBLE AT HUGE SAVINGS oils- J Diameter Depth Complete Pool A AMI alluding Hirer end tedder WHILE THEY I AST ONLY A WW OCEANIC C0R0NAD0 ROUND POOLS ONLY 15x48 ROUND J A A Complete While lost WW 5 ONLY ROUND Complete While Hie ONLY CORONADO ROUND Complete While they lost IT OCEANIC ROUND AND OVAL POOLS Clearing el Below Listed Sites oh ON SALE AS LISTED BELOW it ONLY Complete Complete 3 ONLY Complete ONLY DAYTONA ROUND While lost f ROUND A While They Lost ISxUW OVAL While They Lost x48 While They lost DAYTONA OVAL While lost 30xl5x4B SEE A A White last eVW SPECIAL CONVERTIBLE POOLS I960 ftSffli 2912123 LESSOR MOTORS MIX CM Not until youve seen trie deals Idol ore join mode MOTORS Jone Hero Is Just on example of rfie typo of you con expect to mole now BRAND NEW 1970 ACADIAN 2 Dr HARDTOP Only 2999 1968 FIREBIRD 2 Dr HARDTOP Will a 350 in V8 engine for only 2395 1967 1967 1966 1966 1966 1968 PONTIAC LAU JRENTIAN CHRYSLER RAMBLER CLASSIC CHEVRO LET IM PA LA STRATO CHIEF IMPALA for only 1695 for only 1895 for only 1095 for only 1495 for only 1395 for only for only 895 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Dr SEDAN in mm for Only 1895 L MO NEWMARKET limited Dealer lor 91 Yonge Street North Just north of Davis Drive 8952351