A RARE BIRD For the first lime In over years there are Giant Canada Geese goslings on Fairy Lake a rare occasion indeed said Holland Valley Conservation Authority Resources Manager Derek Sterritt The proud parents shown above with their new goslings were encouraged to nest on the lake by the Authority Of six eggs laid three hatched White photo York Manor expects delays NEWMARKET The addition to York Coun ty Manor could be finished by August but there la York County Coun cil members questioned the delay In construction fol lowing he report of the York Manor Committee pre sented to them last week Administrator at the Manor B Gohn told council he was personally doubtful of finishing the structure at such an early date but the building was connected be told council one Job binges on the com of another FOR LARGE SELECTION OF EUROPEAN STYLE COOKED MEATS BREADS BUNS PASTRIES IMPORTED CHEESE MILK GROCERIES TOBACCO Seven Days A Week NEWMARKET PLAZA Our Automatic Calendar a lew Sell win Water Jewetle with matching lupins bracelet only 29 he jewelli NEWMARKET PLAZA 3 days only Thur Fri Sat Way below regular price WASHABLE LINEN VESTS SLACKS SKIRTS Your choice eac Washable Knits Vests Slacks Full fashioned washable Pullovers Cardigans Reg Si Now only Savings Save 2 jeans In all the most wanted New prints Pant Tops Now only J Specially priced Spring Dresses Reg value to Now only Stock up and save Famous Flair brand one size Panty Hose TO Now only I Reg Save 4 Cool crimp washable Slacks Reg SI I Now only I Quality Ftuhioni for you Newmarket Plaza Summer 70 Carefree Soft Styled Hair Like to Swim like to dance later Then see our range of WASH m WEAR WIGS Nina Ricci Revlon