Era Newmarket Aurora Keswick Wed May A Word MM For The Week NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett Education is theme of Queensville meeting HEPPNER intce Church I a book is The Bible in the 1 It deals with moral theological biological governmental social I legal dramatic prophetic historic poetic I romantic In the Bible we read the mind of God the state man the way of salvation and the doom of sinners I the happiness of believers Its doctrine is Holy It italns light Its precepts are binding its histories are given to ted in learning Hie film pro and its decisions a immutable Read it to be ise believe to be and it to be Holy It contains light direct y to cheer yon is the Christian charter is opened and the gates of lie disclose grand subject our good its design and the glory end it should fill he memory rule the heart and guide the feel Head it slowly frequently and pray erfully it is a mine of wealth health to tin soul and a Many socalled religious guides deny the Book They hive taken the inspiration out of the Bible the fire out of Hell and the gold out of Heaven the Blood out of the atonement and God out of Christ Evolution has been propagated with the purpose he s Be f God They hove under- Christ The Bible says i Ihe Recorder Ihe Gate I speak every about its language under the sun and enter every corner of the earth I am an enemy of ignorance and slavery I am lor enlightenment and liberty I Ircat all persons alike a two day visit to their cousins Mr ami Mrs Roy Ioyc At Orlando They al so loured Silver Springs Mr Si- vens assisted by Miss Pat Dray entertained at a per sonal shower for Miss Lin da Dray bride elect of Mr Brock Pollock Linda received many personal gifts from her girl friends neighbors The Chapter of Beta Sig ma Phi held meeting at the home of Mrs It Wood The guest speaker for the termin director and tea cher for Ihe North York Academy of Ballet Mrs Klosterman brought Janice Tolman one of her students to demon- Utile for furl of he New market find Pro fessional Womens Club is Ihe delegate this to the Provincial Conven tion of Muriel allied at a Saturday at her residence for her daughter Miss Jan ice Mark who will marry at the Aurora-New- Kiwnnls Ladles on May at the Guest Night for Adelines will be They will have a 111- A 111 deepen his feelings and he installation of the Newmar- was conducted They will wise counsellor and t he everlasting hills present their plans for My advice on what you should do with the bible J up in the following Poem The Adult Train- i place of vhen the trainees were feted at their annual bowl ing banquet The Ladies Auxil iary to the Centre spon sored the banquet Each trainee received a trophy Special awards went to Hick Thorns for high single Richard Chapman for high doubles and Linda Warden and Harry Armitage re ceived awards for most im proved girl and boy Hetty Hillary won the best sports man hip award and Nash the best effort Per fect attendance winners were Hon Sanderson and Mr the Ladies Think of it carefully Study it prayerfully Deep in your heart let its oracles dwell Ponder its mysteries Slight not its histories- Projection ists Course Count Hospital will hold a given at the Newmarket Pot Luck Luncheon and Library on May at Trinity FIREPROOF VAULTS ON PREMISE DAVIS DR NEWMARKET ST S AURORA AURORA HEIGHTS PLAZA NEWMARKET When the patrons of the Newmarket Odeon Theatre The Main St the atre has installed a jumbo- sized air conditioning unit which will be in full opera tion within a few days In The unit Is loca- led on the roof of Ihe Odeon building and will give the MOVING When it is followed by a Welcome call Mr Jen Ann Stevenson 89S5400 LOOK AT THIS SPECTACULAR BAG SALE- AND THE LOW LOW PRICE ONLY IDEE Host Sou Perfection Sno Whiles White the uncolour in our Bright Summer White Sale Ifs your chance to stock up ill your closet Worn our wide range of superb dress and casual shown are only a lew in washable just sponge it vinyl a luxury look White the to match any colour scheme at an citable low price PS youre deadset against White Bom collection tool education and was in charge of Mrs William Hamilton Other items of included plans for a euchre and also a trip Refreshments ere by Mrs Fred Dew Mrs Hoy Gibson and the Thomas House Don ills anil their daughter BUY YOUR POOL NOW POOL DISPLAYS INSIDE POOL ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES POOLS IN EVERY SHAPE SIZE 15 ROUND to 8 Deep 3 to 8 Deep illion fooltown Main Street NEWMARKET 8953302 WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ON SERVICE OR PRICE Let The People Praise Thee O God St Pauls Canon J Organist Mr 1 Morrison 1irM Sunday Alter Trinity am Holy Juniors Holy CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SERVICE It am Ancient an Inn nit IhpmiiMn iiouiiced SHARON COMMUNITY HALL THE SALVATION ARMY and Mrs Sunday School am Sunday Services am 7 pm Thurs Bible Study pm Make the Salvation Army Your Church Home CALVARY UNITED CHURCH Gwillimbury Heights Alex Coles am Morning Worship our community Church VICTORY BAPTIST am Family Bible School am Family Wor- 1120 am Junior Church tun Pioneer Encampment Wednesday pm Annual Meetings- 7 pm Young Peoples Fain GOSPEL HALL SS and Bible Christ does no I Christian Science 11 am Each Sunday Tuscan Masonic Hall Millard Ave just off Main St west of Fire Hall Sunday school convenes Welcome Rev James Joosse Tel Worship Services am pm Sunday School Sunflower Clubs for girls and Clubs for boys and Tnestf and Tuesday Radio Broadcast The Rack To Hour a cordial FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Arden and Minister Bible School Morning Worship Missionary featuring Miss Meeting ST JAMES THE APOSTLE Anglican Church of Canada Sharon Mays am Holy Eucharist 1st 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer 2nd Sundays Attend Church This Sunday