York Centre institutes hold meeting from loan The Womens In- library was hostess branch The In Manor- approximately 110 women iam was given by Mrs J representing the 12 Wo- of Aurora mens Institutes in Centre At roll call of York District as they met branches was for the 21st annual meeting d in pennies for friend- in Community ship the life line for University early in May when the theme was Motivation Produces Ideas and brought reports to the meeting HOME PROJECTS Mrs J Mrs H Hamilton of Schomberg and Mrs Aus tin Rumble of King City at tend the officers conference this year District President Mrs George Richardson of Vandort and Mrs of King City were in charge of the meeting Mrs Carl Boynton wel comed the ladies on behalf of the branch Mrs Henry of 3 Newmarket responded Reports from the standing committee conve nors showed donations of more than an in crease over last year Mrs Sam Caw- teaching and Nestle ton representa tive for the District on the Secondary School provincial board of the Wednesday night May 20 Federated Women at the Summit View of Ontario ratified the laurant to honor the directors and gave ing principal AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics Of The Town by Emma M Purchase AURORA Form er teachers from all over Ontario Joined the present f of Dr a report of the Board ing at Guelph Mrs Fred Weld rick of Institute reported as representative of Federation of Agriculture executive a report was read from Mrs Ross Arml- tage of Pine Orchard Insti tute as district curator She commended the branches on their efforts in the histories The interest has increased in the years of history re cording by Institutes branch is working on leaving the scho ol after 30 years as teacher viceprincipal and principal Seated at the head table were principals guests of Mrs Saturday Mr and Mrs Frank Dove Street have returned homo after a tour principals the school California Mr with Mr 1 Mrs I Mr Carmichael Ward and children of haver and guests last weekend of Mrs Thayer parents Mr and Mrs Mr Miller noted Thompson that five of the staff of ten volume Mrs Cawkor In stalled the new officers el ected from the slate pre sented by Mrs Ray of Pine Orchard In stitute convenor of the no minating committee Honorary presi dents Mrs Corner Au rora and Mrs J No past president Mrs Austin Rumble King pre sident Mrs George Rich ardson first vice- president Mrs Henry Kcttleby third president Mrs Carl secretary- treasurer Mrs Ray Mc- Newmarket assis tant secretary treasurer Mrs Hall King City Federated representative Hies here years Adams Mr Johnson Mr Mrs Louis Fowler proposed a toast to Mrs Miller who was presented a scroll sinned by the wests and a Mrs Jean Brown of Toronto spent the week end with her sisterinlaw Miss Myrtle Brown Con- aught Ave Bishop and Mrs 123 guests present and corsage of red roses Mr Miller was the recipient of a reclining chair airs Smith and Mr Win Thayer spoke in apprecia tion of the principal and Mr Norman Jolly Mr Ed ward Mason and Mr K Smith sang on original song composed in honor of the occasion recently Mr and Mrs Jack Hill of formerly for Mr A Miller Aurora United Church and members of the group enjoyed the weekend camp ing at Richildaca Kcttleby The Will return K to India NEWMARKET A native of this area and former student at Mom Pleasant Public School an Sutton High School Mis tin Rumble King of Aurora United Marion of Keswick Agri culture and Canadian tries Mrs citizenship and education Miss Helen Hunt er King City home econ omies and health Mrs Al bert Ridley Newmarket historic r Mrs Waller Johnston Newmarket Mrs Ross New- Church held their annual Will he the speaker Mother and Daughter ban- Sunday May quel Wednesday May in the Social Hall Japanese lanterns and a cherry blos som garden set the scene for the film Portrait of the Orient This years presi dent Beverley Smith re ceived her CGIT gradua tion pin Mrs Waller Smith mother of the graduate re plied to the toast to the mothers given by Terry ditors Mrs George Smith Newmarket and Mrs Ellas Federation of Agriculture representa tive Mrs Fred of the CGIT Irs Richardson the head table for the Forward m neighboring program recently the church MARION the Gerald Traviss Following her graduation from Sutton High School Miss Traviss taught for a couple of years and then attended Green College Illinois She which the ladies of ton branch served lunch- Mr and Mrs Gil- eon Entertainment was and family of by the Kcttleby A humorous skit called ten by Mrs J Conovor of Keltleby was presented histories were on display as well as handicrafts and pamphlets production Oklahoma Faith left for missionary India in October a twoye Miss also worked at the Union Bible Seminary and the Free Mel- COOPERATIVE NURSERY REGISTRATION May mo to pm 373 Bofeford St East side Door Telephone 8957281 For Information WIG SHOP StewartBeare LTD HUGE SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED WAREHOUSE SALE mm in slock must be moved from SLASHED Big big Specials in every dep duplicated Tbis sole is or A 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