rs C George heads Kettleby institute KETTLEBY Sixteen members and thice guests attended the pot luck Institute meeting on Thurs day evening The newly elected vieepres Mrs Robert 2nd vice Mrs Howard sec treas Mrs George Arm strong assistant Mrs Ro bert Carson district direc tor Mrs Norm Greensides alternate r s Howard Black public relations Mrs Sid Richardson insti tute directors Mrs Dora Mrs Helen Scales and Mrs Wayne Standing Commit tee Convenors home eco nomics and health Mrs A Morrow agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs citizenship John Davis and Janctte re turned last week from a winter vacation in Florida Miss Linda March is home for a two week spring vacation from Wes tern University in London Kettleby are sponsoring a rummage and bake sale on Sat May clothing small items of furniture and white ele phants may contact either Conovcr historical re search and current events Mrs tweeds- history Mrs John vere saddened to learn of ho death of George Mc- who lived here for number of years and mar ried the former Francis Fox He leaves his widow two married daughters Ri ta and and John Ro bert at home The Mo- have resided at for a number Members of the Newmarket Library Itoard last week expressed their appreciation to Mrs John West who been a member of the library staff for the past years Mrs West is seen accepting a gift from Mr John chairman of the library Hoard while her Mrs Sophie looks on Mrs West lias also been a of the Library Board White Photo Singers present concert DR HURST Urges early diagnosis in speech at Sarnia the Sarnia A Hurst of Newmarket told his audiences there that even under the best of con ditions an intelligence quo tient est was only per Dr Marshall He also specializes in diagnos tic work for children with learning disabilities D r Hurst is past- pre si dent of York County Educational Research Council and has ted with vision reading achievements and learning disabilities educators to realize thai if a fraction of the money ex pended on an individual in his lifetime could be spent on him while he was a youngster in school a lot problems are not neces sarily isolated segments of society Some per cent of the children presently in school will fail at least once he said He gave the audi ence an extended list of behavious examples which parents could NEWMARKET A large audience attended the Spring Song concert in School Auditorium on April and enjoyed an evening of chor al and organ music The ladies of the choir under the direction of Mrs Jackson presented a varied programme ranging from folk songs and music al show tunes to sacred panied by Mrs Helen guest artist was Richard at the organ Mr Leach and his presentation f music wrote for a documentary film The Waiting Face r enthusiastically For his second appearance Richard Leach was joined by Mr Victor i drums and they arrangement of Who Will Buy from Oliver brought to a close a very enjoyable evening of music and consequently identify child with potential disabi lities He warned parents to beware of the good might have a dis ability which could keep him from being his normal inquisitive self mum 1 off A teacher for ten years Dr Hurst has also enrolled in the Graduate School of Educational Stu dies at the University of for The choir sang a group of four sacred songs for which they wore red surplices and black skirts With a Voice of Singing by Martin Shaw had good clean entries and Mrs Davis accompaniment ad ded to the enjoyment by Cesar and Allcluja by Mozart were accompanied by Mrs Dav is at the piano and Mr Leach at the organ and were very enjoyable A group of seven ladies within the choir who call themselves The Vil lage Seven sang three selections and a trio Kath- lower presented three One could only wish that Mr Leach had been playing on a larger organ as the drums overbalanced the choirs last group of songs Brother John from the Singing Nun and a lovely Sales up profits down Sales of Dominion Stores Ltd increased eight per cent to a record high of the year for the March with preceding year Net earn ings of 931B397 equal to a share were below or 117 last year Net profit per dollar Sound merchant ising programs and low pricing produced a very However cost of doing business eluding merchandise creased substantially w the result that profits w Newmarket make deans list NEWMARKET Two Newmarket nigh Scho- graduates earned Deans List honors at Col lege Angola Indiana dur ing the winter quarter They are Wayne son of Mr and Mrs Carl Millard Ave and Robert J Gunn son of Mrs French of Mr Bondi Is maj oring in mechanical engi neering and Mr is a business administration major Both earned above a average for the quart- CENTRE FRIDAY MAY 8th Adults 300- Child No Extra Charge SPONSORED BY ROTARY CLUI BENNETTS AGENCY THE FABULOUS Bach Again The Original RIDING THRILLFILLED ACTIONPACKED SENSATIONAL NEW FEATURES FOR 1970 Cut the work and go of rug cleaning RENT Electric rug per day THE WORLDS MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOWGIRLS THE WORLDS GREATEST CIRCUS TALENT MORE TRAINED ANIMALS THAN EVER BEFORE Children attend special film About 50 people attended the of the film That All May be One sponsored by the UCVY of York Pines on April Some of the young people Woods Vicki Woods and Lois The- are plan ning to attend Oklahoma at SI Andrews College in Aurora as their outing Plan to attend the Cub and Scout Rummage Saturday May at Mrs Chrh George and Mrs Wayne tire holding a Wed May at pm area ladles are invited proceeds are for the home of Mrs Nick Most of the members arc now hooking rugs but crocheting and other crafts are being explored WORLD FAMOUS FOOD 8954101 8958615 OPEN Hon to Thurs 8 Sat AM To AM FREE ON ORDERS OF DELIVERY IUOo up orders 5 00 BUSINESSMENS LUNCHEONS ALSO SERVING THE BEST IN CANADIAN FOODS CARLTON RESTAURANT MAIN STREET NEWMARKET doane hall has her favorite On May 10 give her perfume during our 2 OZ Eau de Cologne 625 Value 375 Prince Spray Mist Cologne SPECIAL EDITION 18 OZ I3IVARI BE 300 A not a perfumed cologne hi 1 an refreshes scent so subtle it with any fro perfumed cologne Its real makes feel After a bath then with nal cologne from Cologne hall PHARMACY to prescription prices always I 8 YONGE ST WELLINGTON NEXT TO THE Open every week night til PM SATURDAYS AX SUNDAYS NOON PM