THE ERA WED APRIL 1970 VOL 119 NO PI Editorials An illogical assumption Few York County residents would disagree with King Township Councillor Gordon when he says municipalities cant squeeze the sponge another drop to fill the coffers of the Hoard of Education When the education levy approaches twothirds of an entire municipal budget as it does in King its obvious that many essential municipal improve ment programs must he severely limited or entirely curtailed And few would disagree with Councillor contention that elected municipal leaders must do something to halt the drain on prop erty owners to pay for education But as King councillors learned last week choosing an appropriate course of action presents a thorny problem King considered refusing to levy the additional the school board wants from the township in But council retreated when advised by its solicitor that such a refusal is illegal Then council considered passing its school levy under protest an act which would represent little more than a single sour note in the sweet symphony eman ating from the school boards bank account the tax money rolls in While we sympathize with the principle of the protest we believe King and other municipalities have little choice but to pay their 1970 school taxes To hold back the taxes and plead for an alternate system of taxation is too costly in Kings case almost 80OO would be needed to send out an extra set of tax bills and for this year would simply be a futile gesture In short its too late for 1970 If municipalities wish to pass their school tax levies under protest fine But they should follow up such token expressions with a unified movement to convince Queens Park that the educational tax structure must be changed An appropriate kickoff to such an organized protest would be a meeting of all interested county politicians and the appointment of an ad hoc committee to draw up and present to Queens Park alternate methods of school taxation The committees first goal should be to con vince the province to abolish a most illogical assumption inherent in the present tax system the assumption that property ownership is some how related to education SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Itll cost me a fortune No major or even minor theme this week Just a few obser vations Perhaps the most important to me is that my daughter has turn ed over a new leaf Or perhaps its just an old stone She is studying and She has learned in a re markably brief period that bread as the kids call it is fairly important when it comes to eating and keeping a roof over ones head She has learn ed thai jobs are mighty scarce when your only experience is playing he organ in a church one summer She has learned that a Grade and one term at college has as much use as a third leg way She gave the kid a quarter of a sleeping tablet in milk so he would nt yowl for his mama and alert the bus driver Weve been left with the mother cat an unexpected treat like We thi job Her function is to stock in one of those cutrate stores And since she was three her greatest at tribute has been knocking over her milk dropping full bottles of any liquid and smashing cups and sauc ers while doing the dishes Its not lack of coordination She can play a Oh well Well Thats one thing off my chest The next one is not so I HI cit izens a sickening disgust at the at titude of most Members of Parlia ment toward their own financial se curity At present with their a year six of it taxfree and various other perks Postage travel sec retarial help etc theyre grossing about as MP Barry Mather recently pointed out This is not wealth Far from it these days And I think they should give themselves a reasonable increase consistent with the cost of living and tax in creases But the proposed pension plan stinks to high heaven Oppose most of their lives to public re wound up in poverty But the one is ratten in the opposite Dont let them pass it News Syndicate which lates this column wants an up-to- date picture of yours truly Who first came up with this infamous idea I dont know but vile and vicious are the words that first come to mind Itll cost me a fortune Ill have to buy a wig Ill have to have my remaining molars painted white Ill have to pay a pho tographer to touch the whole thing up And Ill still look like a veteran of the Boer War My wife disagrees She says my fine bone structure will always come through Yeah Just iike a deaths head However I aint The grog blossoms wont show in black and white I can have my eyes which is expensive but works My Roman nose is Intact and perhaps a side shot with the jowls taped up behind my ears might con vince some people of something or Maybe they could take the shot from he waist up and show the needleholes where I had my cor tisone shorls I would certainly he heller than one from the waist down I have bowlegs and gout in my rigtil big toe Anyway youll be seeing it Take a good snort or a tranquilizer before it comes out Ill be right there with you But what the heck wo all have troubles If were greater than mine it wouldnt be a bad world Cope with your own trou bles and dont let them drag you down Look at the world troubles and if you personally can do some- them do it Otherwise dont let them drag you down Its a long road that has no turning youll he a long time dead and spring is here Rejoice I mmi -pp- THE Readers ERA Dear Editor During the past win tor months I spent about 10 weeks with my daughter in Newmarket First let me say I enjoyed my stay there very much and appreciated shopping in the fine plaza on Davis Drive But why is not something done about the bus terminal For years I he bus stop ped on Main St which was convenient As I live north of Colling- wood I could board my bus across from the plaza on Davis Dr which was quite good also Then in January the ter minal was moved to the rear of the restaurant in the and I was really glad as one of my daughters lives on Wilstead Dr just a few hous es east of the terminal so very handy for me This meant I could easily manage Returning to from London at the end of March I was amazed to find the bus no longer went to the plaza but stop ped away along Davis Dr at a dirty garage This place has no facilities for travellers and as the place closes at six there is no telephone where one could call a cab Of all the out to discharge iMiHSMigiTs hard find a worst a big step lijiritwuidi the rear of the hotel as I hey for years this matter I would think that the public convenience and safety would lie the first thought of those in pow er Or is this loo much to expect Maybe a letter to the of Gray Coach and the Minister of might have some effect Hon there I hope this is settled be fore visit New market the bus terminal back where it can serve the whole town best Your truly ETHEL POWELL Mrs Box Ontario Dear Editor A cloud of dust and a Hi Ho Silver Its the lone Ranger Wait no it isnt its the town of New- markets street sweeping machine At least it looks like it but it is hard to see through all the dust Ugh EARL KIRI1Y Keswick Ontario How about Jolly Eaters The housewives mothers and grandmothers there seems to he an unexplained sex distinction here who have become members of New markets newest health club The Jolly Hollers Report in last weeks Era may not know it but their at tempts to gel he flab off wheth er voluntary or involuntary may in duce one of the severest nationwide depressions ever to hit this country tin ion of the trade cycle that curious undulating motion of economic activ ity marked a succession of booms and slumps or as we in Canada know it inflations and recessions One thing we all know how ever is that when a lot of people hand fatly together for the sole purpose of become diet conscious No wo man is about lo he convinced that exercise alone will make a sylph Von f li I ha diets the diet that was all bananas and skimmilk the protein diet he liquid diet the weekend diet the psy chological diet the vegetable- juice diet he simple classic diet thai in volves total abstention from any food whatsoever and the and now discredited diet that was based so I hey said on magic pills that inflat ed once swallowed Every diet breeds violent social warfare with those on the inside imploring others to join hem And when hey do what hap pens A depression for ming out into In the USA at hey are desperately stump Why they have suddenly last few years become a nation of They go to bed hungry and wake up hungrier because they are kicking the food habit The chain of effect is obvious enough to feel the draught are the resla minis super- markets and butchers who cut hack their orders and throw the producers into desperate confab mills on our grim to n virtual stop Agricultural he the dowutroddei lie open at last Remember in days long past he prettily plump girls never had it so I Painters and sculptors fought tooth and nail for their services as pier than to cram his studio with models Nothing made Rubens hap- jumbo Rednesses and Renoir never painted girl who had a bone within an inch of the surface It seems impossible not to look hack on those days of heavy weight models without a certain envy and regret Hut this counterrevolu tion will end all that Those anxious to start the thing throw a suet- dumpling and sixlayer trifle party one evening and invite a lot of thin undernourished women The very worst that could happen economically speaking would he a glut of sports cars on the mar ket A round ike county Municipal councillor when Of IKll lV wlIO II Inn Is mo 1 They holler 1 whs mil or they say yon didnt 11 lotrkKl l II IloiKirlo use lo this thick v rail il in 111- trade the really said wo mild they mild The loudness of la another of ton however can only report what they hear and man ferret Hint Indk of I heir Inclusions and the on hehind doors litis Is becoming increas ingly in Newmarket where the council recently came up with a now jo around holding public committee or the whole mieliny of the who of council Ho- in- where rol of the ue later voted foil council ing wounds in the farmers no new mnchinerv and Windsor Hamilton and are smitten by unemployment Very soon related men I reaches the smaller towns and places like New market become ghost towns with store fronts Ihe bones of emaciated animals and possibly hu mans cluttering up the gutters and tumbling Itimbleweeds aimlessly down the middle of Main Street And all because of sense of rejection and insecurity that comes from looking at photographs of so many bony models Am I advocating the aboli tion of the Rollers I am merely saying leis balance In encouraging competi tive clubs for bin ladies with the ultimate aim being o the scale or more Think of il ladies Instead of exhausting your selves by doing pushups and relaxed and hot lobster and cream sauces etc And what is more voull be freed I last from thai surreptitious whs the is cant bo of public Probably 0 v For Aori with refer- to Wo The Wo uodi- virion ho public for IllCI hid a that income A vial committee of mod No lit what do with the Motors was asked to meet with lack Mould the mayor of Met ros York borough who recently of fered himself and his firm of for to th f course to look at problem of view and help solve them Mr Mould may be a very astute move but the bare facts made public so far could lead some people to suspect council of THE ERA Serving York County Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD DAVID HASKELL Publisher WILLIAM J Associate TERRY CARTER Managing Editor GEORGE WALDEN News Editor Published every Wednesday at 30 Charles St Newmarket Ontario by Inland Publishing Co Limited Subscriptions for two years month Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Sec ond Class Mail registration number Phone Newmarket Charles St Phone Aurora