PEOPLE IN THE NEWS i 1 4 Builds wooden clock but it doesnt chime Mr Bells clock which has been on display in the Main St window of Tom Surgeoner Mens Wear Is made almost entirely of Wheels gears ev en the bushings on the axl es are made of wood Only the shafts themselves and the weights arc metal and the face plastic Mr Bell who op erates a billiard hall on St said the clock Harvey Bell check accuracy of his wooden clock White photo hours of his spare time to make in his woodworking shop He bought the plans from BUY ONE GET ONE FREE All this week at JB DISCOUNT MARTS Aurora Heights Plaza 7273231 Open am to pm Days a week HISTYLE HAIR SPRAY 299 BAYER ASPIRIN MODESS 255 AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY 299 COLGATE 100 2179 LADY PATRICIA A HAIR COLOURING 49 2 99 PANTY HOSE 2159 2175 BANDAIDS 2149 CORNING WARE Manufacturers OUR til Ml Offer PRICE Launch fight against drugs out drug abuse throughout York County was launched on Sunday at the Aurora Community Centre At i drug seminar attended by representatives nearly every facet of life in the county from teenagers to service club representa tives from educators to so cial workers and from par ents to the medical profes sion It was decided that the drug problem Is a symptom of the alienation of the pre sent society and that there Is a very real need to es tablish communication be tween young people and adults It was also felt that there is an urgent and practical need for estab lishing youth group Drop- in centre facilities before this summer so that our young people can have something to do and some where to go a spokesman said The seminar de cided that each natural community in York Coun ty should form its own So cial Action Committee to help solve drug abuse The Committees arc comprised of teenagers The seminar dis cussed the use of schools for these dropin centres where more permanent fa cilities are not available engineer NEWMARKET Town council last week named year old civil engineer Mike Perkins the now town engineer Mr Perkins was previously employed by the Torontobased firm of con sulting engineers hired by the Mayor Tom explained at last weeks council meeting the town interviewed a number applicants for the posi tion and had several test ed by a firm specializing in the hiring of engineers You can save MONEY at Bros Ltd SAVE 5 5 5 5 USED CAR SALE SAVE Every car is specially reduced in price til May Take the car your choice to the mechanic of your choice well pay the inspection fee 3 Low cost factory financing 4 60 day warranty discount on parts and labour raj FOLKS FOR MILES AROUND TRUST 7 PLYMOUTH SPORT BROTHERS LTD A CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH 7279429 or 8897510 YONGE ST S AURORA Will town pay i the test the firm had Born and educat ed in England he gradu ated in civil engineering in from London Uni versity Mike Perkins ar rived in Canada with four years experience three of them with municipal Oulside the office his activities range from tennis and rugby to bridge low Council later the consensus of meeting was the town could safe- I prove trds jilirt to drain the portion their develop ment Into Hit watercourse running the park Die balance of the the Holland and at least two council members maintain lie town should require the firm to drain its in that direction Deputy Bruce Eves and Mr Smith think the whole subdivis ion should drain smith and Council lor Hob says he Is still wor ried about money for downstream im provements He questions whether the own can make upstream developers pay for the downstream work made necessary by their subdivisions or whether it just hopes it can Mr Smith feels the towns present subdivision imposts a lot for storm sewers ami for sani tary sewers are grossly inadequate lie says sewage from the new homes is filling the old sewers and when in future years they have to be expand ed to handle the extra load the older residents of the town will have to pick up most of the bill When Mr the question at the April council meeting Clare Salisbury told him the Edwards firm is paying for installation of the 72inch underground storm sewer from his subdivision to Eagle St and that the next developer adding to the system will bo re quired to build pipe from there to the existing one in the Woodmount subdivision He said as other build on system each will be required to add section to the sys tem until it Is complete This didnt satisfy Mr either who pointed out that by step by step from the of the watercourse that all the is iihmil Here it is shown where if cuts through liiins Park councillors fcir this low land will be subject to the flow into the Inadequate ditch at the flooding prob lems will he created down there in the old part town Planning board member Frnie Sokol added fuel to this firo when at a joint meeting of town council and planning board he called for a freeze new subdivision development until the town is able to write a completely nsw land use plan He said this should establish where and in what apartments town houses ami single family residents should go lay out street patterns and plan sewers water mains and other services Mr argued the only way the town will know how much each developer should pay towards these services outside his own land is to have such a plan Planning Board Chairman dor- don revealed at the same meeting the town doesnt even have complete information on what ser vices it does have underground Mr Clelland pointed out the planning board cant find out where trunk sewers will have to go and so dont know who will pay for them share when the Conservationists add one last point the Holland Valley Conser vation ii i in in engineers James McLaren Ltd to produce flood plan reports on the Aurora The McLaren report overdue now will be a catalogue of the towns art as It will indicate what lands must drain into what system and allow tin- ic assess downstream Improve ments against the right lands A new land use plan a subdi vision agreement with teeth In it and a copy of the McLaren flood plain re port said about knows what they For that council and the use plan nobody Q talking about both he and ailed for a freeze developments PARKS Continued from Page per cent in cash This money must bo put into a special account and used only to buy land for public purposes However there is nothing in the act to say what type of land must be given for parks or other public land must be given These require ments must be spelled out in the sub division agreement between the town and the developer The problem here said one town official is that Newmarket doesnt have any standards for these park lands some subdivision say the Mr Smith agrees He contends the town needs a completely new sub division agreement one that would spell out where and what kind of land the town for parks and that would make them pay more towards other services Im not in favor of any future development until these can be made to pay for themselves He said he knows of at least one subdivider who plans to give the town a piece of swampland as his park contribution If these things are not in the subdivision agreement then these will continue to get away with murder said the councillor Recreation Director Dan Shan non the man responsible for the day- today administration of the towns parks feels the two new subdivisions in the southwest sector of town Eag le Hills which is partially comple ted and Highland Heights which will probably go up this summer should have been planned with one large central park instead of two smaller the Highland Heights subdivision agreement that Councillor Smith made his pitch for fully developed balked ately at any suggestion they spend money on the park entitled to it the the Hut he agreed that they should do something and he said when the firm had bulldozers grading in the area they would grade the park too He also agreed to discuss erecting a tennis court providing the town doesnt want an expensive one and some childrens swings