wick Wed April Farm Report By Al Wall Hybrid lilies easy to grow a the Agricultural Representative lor York County Seeding time Is one the best on farms The thinking and planning about varieties fertilizer machin ery weed control etc all go into action If it works out well the satisfaction is worth a lot more than even the dollars and cents or it The edge of it is off this week however for us in the office at Newmarket with the passing of Cock- burn set the pattern for many farm programs in York with many of them still going strong lie had an important role in the progress of in the Balkan many farm developments in this county A few of the Peninsula major ones were the great Junior Farmer clubs of the mmi thirttes and forties the start of the Maple Cattle Breeders ries the ancient Nomadic the development of he vegetable industry on the Holland people planted the bulbs in Marsh rehabilitation after the disaster of Hurricane Hazel Gre a the Crop Improvement Association the Junior Plow J medical vegetable purposes indoor Easter lilies and the Tiger Regal and Madonna lilies in the garden The Madonna goes back at least 3500 years According to world lily authority Jan do of Grcsliam Oregon e Madonna originally grew In Western Asia par- izing lilies in Holland 1790 As a direct re sult of his patient research and painstaking breeding he gardening world has an entirely new ra garden lilies in heights and shades to suit the most fastidious requirements Perhaps the most important development planted equally the spring as In the autumn A planting as lato as the May weekend will still ALUMINUM SIDING Africa for organizations parts of Teams the foil fairs the could go on and on Enthusiasm and a genius for gelling things organized were behind all of these achievements lowers and used will be remembered for a very long time for religious symbolism And back to spring seeding putting in a forage During the de- crop by itself is a fairly new practice that has a lot pression days to offer Better than two tons of hay in the first year is only much later in the Middle Ages thai the Madonna lilies were grown a leading hybri dizer of new daffodils possible This was verified by Bill Staines at Queensville ruary very wideb and Lloyd Doner at last year and their quality grown early daffodil is one was the very best of his important creations j i if During that period he The advantage of getting a thick stand of Alfalfa to going is big paint it is thin to start with it ding daffodils and concent- will be only a year or two before it should be plowed rated on lilies In doing this up again Thick direct seeding can stand kill and still be good But once the first bloom results from the ini tial spring planting flowering in seasons there- Modern hybrid lilies are easy to grow and are not too demanding as to soil conditions Sun is es sential A location in full is the ideal situation but where Ills Is not pos sible make sure that the border is better than the solid shade of a building Lilies need a soil thats rich in humus Dig planting site down to a depth of inches and lake the earth onethird Any of the follow ing forms of humus arc ex cellent for lilies Compost ed cattle aim re discard ed mushroom from the home posl heap In which you dealer With the of the Madonna lily which should inch of soil over Hie top For better INSULATION MAINTENANCE APPEARANCE Court St Newmarket DONT DELAY CALL TODAY 8954744 Prize Holstein STOUFFVILLE A purebred cow owned by Jacob Grave of Stouffville recently won a superior production certifi cate from the Association of Canada The cow Fond R Reflection Belle pro duced lbs of milk containing lbs of fat over a years period he followed a family tradi tion Hes the great-great- grandson of who began hybrid- INTRODUCING THE ALL NEW PROFESSIONAL XM20AM CAMPING TRAILERS by I iWOODS I Ton of Gold RICHMOND HILL A cow owned by Don Head Farms has been awarded a Ton of Gold certificate by the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club Don Head Clarissa 712 Excellent produced 100 lbs of fat over 1406 days To qualify for this award a cow must produce at least lbs fat over 799 MINI BIKES SALE OF FLOOR SAMPLES AND EXPERIMENTAL MODELS LI THE GREA Si AURORA I Telephone I Advertise weekly for best results ALL SIZES ONE PRICE Limited Offer Famous General SafetyJet 1050 SALES 61 St milk fOR A FERTILIZER LAWN SEED POWER MOWERS GARDEN HOSE SPRINKLERS See our display of GARDEN PATIO IRNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE FLOWER VEGETABLE GARDEN ROLLERS HOES RAKES CULTIVATORS GARDENING GLOVES See our selection of EVERGREENS HARDWOOD TREES NEWMARKET