Its Curtain Time get man out of my hair sings Nellie Ola in the Pickering College production of South lost weekend In background arc Susan and Nellie who workers and ltrnce Powell who plays Pete the bartender White Photo NOTICE to Ratepayers of the Township of Whitchurch Setting of Fires in the Open Air Please governed accordingly Hard of Hearing Hearing Aid Wearers HEARING AID CLINIC will bo held TUESDAY APRIL TO PM Newmorkcl Oplicol 8953881 PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT BELTONE HEARING SERVICE 4761 2253281 study history NEWMARKET The March meeting of the Womens Insti tute was held at the home of Mrs The program was the history of the Auxiliary of York County Hospital Mrs William El liott gave a very Interesting and informative paper on the hospital from its with cap acity in the house formerly occupied by the late Dr Joseph Dales In 1923 the Ladies Auxiliary was formed and has been and still is a great help to the hospital One of their projects was the opening of the gift shop which with its lovely array of flowers and gifts greets one as they enter by the The next Institute meeting will meet again at Mrs home for the annual meeting and election of officers Treasure Island Is the musical being pre sented by the junior boys of St Andrews College in Mr is director and the musical Is open to the pub- Newmarket Lions Club Tenth Annual Music Festival opens Mon day evening May in President A A announces town and county officials will attend The Festival of Stars al ways a major tor the festival will be held May at Trinity United Church rote is that among the entries this year are pupils of ear lier winners in the Festi val Among them are a large group of piano bers under the baton of director Dave McCaffrey sang April at Chapter lands Chapter will perform at the Kiwanis Sportsman Show Friday evening Ap ril The Sweet Ade lines plan to attend the In- Party in to help celebrate their birthday party with a cos tume ball entitled April in By RUBY I I land Kudclka and David a scene front A Resounding of three comedies presented last Dr Williams Theatre Arts Also presented When Ladies Meet mil ilocles Will Philosophers tho Toronto production of Hair Janet will finish her version lias a huge cast and schooling before entering a chorus of play the company this Spring presented in the Creek of behindthescenes SEE OUR BOOTH at tbi AURORA SPORTSMAN SHOW Featuring EXCITING NEW BOATS Sidewinder Cutter FROM MERCURY See The Complete Line Of Mercury Outboard Motors From Fisherman 4 HP To The New Powerful 135 HP FOR REAL GOPOWERI PARK MARINE and pick The Bradford Dis trict High School Drama Club Best Play of the Georgian Bay Drama tin had to look after i costumes and Ellen Barlow Supporting Bradford school 1 SALE APR to VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE AURORA SPORTSMAN SHOW ALS TACK SHOP R ftJO2011 ORF ROAD MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY A NOTICE MOHAWK RADIO ELECTRONIC SUPPLY LTD Now under the management ol Mr T H Young Come in and see our Wholesale Retail SPRING VALUES Rodios Fi Tape Recorders Gorrald Tomtobles Complete Stock Radio TV Tubes Experimenters Ports Supplies DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET COQ1 Across From CNR Slotion I Visit Our Booth at die AURORA SPORTSMAN SHOW SEE ALL THE NEWEST FUN PROFESSIONAL SPORTS EQUIPMENT NEWMARKET SPORT CYCLE SHOP Main St VISIT OUR BOOTH at the AURORA SHOW MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS INSTRUCTIONS HIT RECORDS SHEET MUSIC MODS MUSIC CENTRE 167 Main St Newmarket 8959961 THE ATTENTION GIVERS t booths 50 GM LET US DRIVE YOU HAPPY PARENTS ARE YOU CONCERNED See Auroras Youth the Drug Problem Be sure you and children see this display and film at the auditorium TORONTO AIRWAYS BUTT0NVILLE FLYING LESSONS CHABTER FLIGHTS AIRCRAFT SALES RENTALS Be as tree as a bird fly SEE US AT BOOTHS 50- 66