Hie Era Newmarket Aurora Kcswlrl Wed April 23 Hornets atoms NEWMARKET five seven year olds get their start in hockey with the Newmarket Atom Hockey League More than players were registered for atom hockey this past win ter George was league director with Clar ence as assist Hornets coached by Bill became worthy league champions last week with an impres sive win over Laird Rubys White Steve Patrick scored four goals Jamie three to give the Hornets their big lift into the champion ship circle Mike Ruby scor ed three goals Tan Mac- Donald one to pace Carrier Red Runners and White Chargers had to go into a shoot down to de clare a consolation series champion Red Runners came out champs Kerry Stony was the Runner halo collector with four goals Jamie Robinson shot three Brian one for Char gers Drew was Run ner coach Ken Needier coached Chargers Atom hockey has been in good over the past season with ten excel lent and knowledgeable coaches at the helm Teams and coaches were Hornets Bill Aikman Red Runners Drew White Char gers Ken Needier White Laird Ruby Red Devils Steve Dunn Mar auders Tom Blue Tigers Jim Fitzgerald Black Panthers Clarence DeLaHaye Blue Bombers Black Knights Don Leslies are town champions AURORA The town is congratulating Aub rey Leslie and his Leslie Appliances hockey team They were duly Installed as Aurora Town Hockey nine wins against defeat Canadian Tire lost to Erics 96 but were able to hold on to share second place with McLean Leslies unfurled their gopower in the third period scoring give goals overhaul a two goal deficit Rick Thompson and were twogoal mighty mites with Leslies Bud Sutton Frank Jones and Ray LcBlanc polled other winners goals Ron notched three goals to spark Curlings Rick Beaumont and Jack Hirst stroked over Burling goals Bob Jackson and Bruce Calvert were the big three two goal snipers with Er ics Tom Case Wayne Liv ingstone and Jerry Brown i n threegoal Canadian Tire drive Hugh Larry Keffer and Fred contributed other Tire tallies WIN FIRST There was no hol ding Essos flashy forward Barry Dukart blas ted for four goals Dave Alex Smith Dan and Hrabb got in for a goal each Don Sheridan was a two goal mover for Mc Leans while Bill Collins will meet April at the Community Centre to cele brate the end of another successful year Awards AURORA TOWN LEAGUE FINAL Leslies 9 1 Can Tire McLeans 4 12 Erics NEWMARKETS BIGGEST OUTDOOR MOW MARINE COMES T0 Great with added attractions like the most advanced marine technology in the industry It lo It AllMilM NEWMARKET PLAZA Yes this is the largest OUTDOOR BOAT SHOW North of Metro Over 20 different boats from SMALL FISHING RUNABOUTS to the BIG MINIDAYCRUISERS are all on display so is the tremendous lineup of MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS Summers coming be ready for the FUN whether your bag is RACING FAMILY FUN OR SECLUSION ON A SLEEPY LAGOON Theres a Boat Motor far YOU ft to ft Fiberglass DISCOVER CUTTER THE LUXURY Fiberglass Boat to 20 ft Oefboards SternDrive Runabouts 24 Modols to Choose From IS ft to ft Outboard Runabouts 18 ft to 23 ft ii SternDrive witb many Exclusive Features Outboard HOT ONES COILED FOR ACTION SternDrive or JetPowered 36 NEW WILD COLOURS Grab a SIDEWINDER and hold an Youll find out why its the worlds largest sell- ENTER THE LUCKY DRAW A WINNER CASH CERTIFICATE PRIZES RANGING FROM to EVERY HOUR to 9 pm THURSDAY FRIDAY AND ALL DAY SATURDAY