THE ERA WED MARCH 1070 VOL NO Editorials A penny saved a The major recommendation from the 19C9 town budget that a capital levy program be established to offset high interest rates should be seriously considered by the finance committee this year Councils finance committee must finalize the town budget during the next five weeks Last years finance chairman Ron proposed council levy one mill a year and put resulting 18000 into a fund for capital projects That was before and to accomplish the same thing this year council would have to levy about 13 of a mill Mr Killick warned the interest rale being paid on debentures by the town is a heavy burden and said some means must be considered to ease the load Last year interest was the second largest item in the town budget Newmarket paid out The town budget was The proposal makes even more sense this year Interest rates are higher now than ever and during the last 12 months council has considered embarking on a number of capital projects for which they have little or no cash in the bank a new town hall a new arena a town square and participation in a regional park Cooperation needed School board officials outlined plans at an Hills ratepayers meeting last week for a resource centre which will lie the heart of the new Rogers Public School when it opens in Newmarket next December The centre will not be simply a library its book collection will be supplemented by film clips records and oilier audiovisual equipment the type of thing any public library should have but most cant afford This is particularly so in Newmarket whore the town library is doing an admirable job with the meagre resources available to it The library has not even been able to offer a small record collection to its members all its money must go for books Since the money to equip both these facilities comes from tax coffers a program to eliminate duplication between the school and the library and extend the use of the school resource centre facilities to the public is badly needed The Eagle Hills ratepayers were told the school board has this question under study school boards have been saying that for years and has an experimental program underway now out in King Township The school board plans to have centres such as the one planned for Rogers school in all its schools someday A sharing program would benefit students as well as library users and taxpayers We hope the King experiment is only a first step in the right direction SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Spring needs some zing Havent tried a bit of doggerel for quite a while so I hope youll for give me if I succumb to that rare and Ode to Spring Spring You are simply not doing your thing Most seasons enter with a certain Equanimity You have been coming in with utter Youre behaviors absurd And only a bird Would be dumb enough to take wing This spring Lets sec a little zing Spring I dont mind the slush And the snow and below But its not exactly the thing Spring And I dont know about you but thats all I can stomach of that poem It promises to be an interest ing spring In Ontario the teachers in Metro Toronto asked for a sturdy increase The Hoard refused The teachers federation pinklisted the Board This means that any member of the federation will be frowned on from a great height if he or she takes job with that Hoard claws and exposing its yellow fangs It has pinklisted all the school wards in the province The result should lie a barrackroom lawyei delight and an educational At least though I doubt it this might put an end to the annual cattle sale a demeaning aspect of a and other benefits into teach Great Slave Lake secondary school And at which school boards become panders inflation The trying to trim a little fat off the cat trying to conceal the fact that she is pregnant and nobody wants I couldnt care less Ill pay my income tax and support an entire family on welfare Maybe they need it Ive lived on bread and water for weeks and I know what its like I dont like xes That is if Im estate tax and have to come lax on that I object Strenuously And I object just as violently to the fantastic cap ital gains of land speculators The field is full of downright crooks working with other peoples money and producing nothing except fat profits for themselves Sock it to them Mr Benson This has nothing to do lax reform but Kim Smiley is alive and well and living in Umbo Thats the favorite residence of a lot of young people these days its a sort ads between Utopia and tit Li in I jo is not a bad place to live actually taxes no demand ing job I wouldnt mind the odd holiday there But I wouldnt like it as a permanent residence Id miss the old toil and struggle and sweat of real life Its cool in Limbo but who wants lo bo coo all the time Ill take Hie arena of life you have lo face the bull and you can take that any way you wish and cither not flinch from the horns or run like hell for the At least theres a choice First it was cigarettes hen insert spray even The pill or The Whitest wash in town Dear Rift Through your newspaper I would like to ask the teachers moth ers and fathers to keep their children off oilier peoples lawns I imn and I live alone I had a stroke years ago which look my voice and right side had a double hip opera tion on my right side I try so hard to keep my home looking nice I have my lawn fenced but that doesnt stop the kids they run all over the its wet and it ruins the w so hard lo keep looking nice CRIPPLED fill i pur hen of The Era It is shameful and de grading the way the animals of our forests plains and watersheds are being continually harassed in winter and during summer They are being constantly scared out of their wits sometimes so badly they die by mechanized speed demons I think the time is ripe for the Ontario Government to take action and put a stop to this kind any specie of wild life using any type of motorized machine Whether the wild life crawls walks swims or flies We must have a law that will protect our steadily diminishing wild life We must in ike this kind of hounding terrorizing by high power motor boats and motorized snow vehicles a criminal offense punishable by When my forefathers rul ed supreme when they were masters over all upon this land they were indeed i free and happy people The birds and the animals they loved the way they loved their little child ren so close did some of them come to their feathered and furred friends thai they spoke a common tongue In those early days all the birds and animals the swimming and crawling things had the follow ing six inalienable rights The right of mans love Tho right of mans protection The right to live he right to multiply The right lo un molested freedom right to mans indebtedness Today even for the animals there is no just society I Have Spoken 11IO WHITE OWL Jasper Hill Keswick Vengeance out of fashion is seldom thai any kind wed decide In talk the of evil becomes unfashionable In the over with our lawyer psychiatrist event this happening movies IV in hum ill of whom shows some novels modern maga would advise is that our zines and even newspapers may nil go out of style wives would he much with The mass media of commu nication depend on murder robbery rope infidelity sadism din etc for llieir very existence The reader or viewer today lias he coaxed with slnrllini typography and attractive layout which means that a strong emphasis must he placed on the sexy person ality the crime of violence or any oilier feature of plissical or animal appeal you see is still quite we feel disinclined toward vengeance today Is because of time it lakes A real food oldfashioned has to he planned period oil full blooded evil which is rapidly fading into at lilts i iiuuse ne and that is vengeance People dont seem 1 go much for vengeance these days The influence of psychology a higher standard of education I glealei ItIslanding luil in of our allow man and a cowardly regard fur the law has knocked the sin of vengeance right out of lis 1 In old days vengeance was a very laid hlood and thunder novel had it as tin chief Ingredient and is Hit of the old silent movies III III I recall used In hrlng I old homestead will nit shnl mongoose am sold my only daughter Ihe Indian had lot these Silases tint now last I have you ill my power Willi that the hern would lea off his s commence Ii hell mil of Silas ami the mill ill It Iters evil had once again triumphed have mellowed s For instance if Silas ran off with wives today our reaction lawns watching TV playing poker and drinking licet And planning a vengeance could he a lot of hard work Well have keep a ledger listing all Die people we pi urn lake have lo keep II After a good nights sleep And if were he ycar vengeances which most used he for some peculiar reason wed han In tih mentor courses so that wed remember what Hie hell the was in first place Now you can readily see how laziness and fast pace of modern living has made vengeance more or less a thing of pnsl tut here and there you may still find the odd human heing who favors it as the ideal solution Hut such people lit called Ileitis stale Around the county JOHN IOTT With tho sudden rash of bank holdups In Toronto area motorists are becoming accustomed to delays by police roadblocks on arlcries leading from Metro I was stopped last week lit in Am in i pallet in hi it Ihe Aurora Sulci in Sheet in King Township and the events there made me wonder if police were looking for a hank robber or a drug peddler As I approached llio inter section the officer was iuestuming a student who was traveling by motor cycle The policeman waved mo to the curb anil told mo to wall At that point I didnt know what he was policeman escorted to tin parked along luf Street As watched hoy took off Ills which was searched by officer Then the policeman look the boys gloves and put them on if ho were searching for II mulling hill wail of lull After about five minutes lie d the youngster to continue to approached a lis in mi Mil glanc- said haul up sir becking 1 cat OK 1 off low Sire a I win hod III radio Polled foe in earmold Is icitibtc driving Mil- 1 isnt old have a he Hut 1 ai but I could have switched i la other road loci THE ERA Serving York County Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD DAVID HASKELL Publisher WILLIAM J Associate Publisher TERRY CARTER Managing Editor GEORGE WAIDEN News Editor Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario Inland Publishing Co Limited Subscriptions for two ears for on year Single copies 15c each or by carrier 60c per month Member Canadian Weekly- New As and Audit of I Sec ond Class Mail registration number Phono Aurora