The Era Newmarket- Era publisher is at Senate media hearings Haskell Is week attending the Special Senate Committee on Media Mr ac companied and Douglas Busett presi dent of Inlkfid Publishing Co limi ted the company which owns Hie Bra Mr Is to present a brief to the Com mittee during this after noon sittings Charles Nolan publisher of the Tribune a sister newspaper to The Era is also attend ing- of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers 1 Both the provincial and federal associations will present a brief r too many eyebrows FORHAN CRITICIZES HEMAN Sutton Figure Skating Club strong man Frank Burrows has a big weight on his shoulders hut hes getting lots of help from his teddy bear buddies at the clubs annual ice carnival Andrew is at left Rick at right The carnival was Saturday and Sunday While photo The mayor hod said a largo commercial project would be shelved because the engineer quit but Mr Forhan claimed the project is only in the dis cussion stage a long way from getting to an en gineer He also contended the engineers resignation will not hold up prepara tion of the town budget as the major claimed Ho charged Mr was unable to get along with people and pointed out the engine er resigned the day he re turned to work from a months sick leave wonder If he really had the towns inte rest at heart wonder too if he had not planned this resignation and had Job to go to and council had only a couple of hours warn ing of the resignation Mr said if there was a personality conflict Deputy Reeve Bruce Eves who reported lo and the engineer the mayor should have switched Mr Eves to another committee Mr was also critical of Cummings- Cockburn Ltd an amount of tnvesti- consulting firm former ly employed by the town and of one partner of the firm Donald Cockburn who is a former town engineer Why is council always made the fall guys he asked We ask for professional advice ac cept it and then when something goes wrong we arc the fall guys Councillor Aubrey Smith who was on holidays when the engineer resigned said ho questioned a state ment by the mayor that the now town hall must be shel ved for a year because of the resignation He said the town shelved when the Cane Parkway for highrise apartments The town wan ted sell the site to pay for the new town hall Mr Smith he foresaw the dispute with the should h and felt the may- organiza tion is only as good leadership he said and added criticism of the press for criticizing council when they are only trying to right wrongs left by pre vious councils Councillor Doris Blair said she felt with proper cooperation Mr a much belter Job in some areas than he did She felt he should have spent more time reno vating services in the old part of town and less lime with new subdivisions Reeve Clare Sal isbury said he felt the town lost a good man when Mc quit Ho told us he would not be pushed around could have done ho said it he would change We asked ques tions some of you didnt agree with the answers you received and thats the rea- behind his resignation MARCH VALUES 2 SPEED WASHER Here is the washer with thi features that the modern housewife wants Big capacity 2 speed washer will handle kinds of wash loads with the dependable efficiency that has made Inglis famous Price includes delivery setup and demonstration 1 year FREE HOME SERVICE Lowcost Bank Rate Terms 295 It makes GOOD SENSE to buy from STEWART WROUGHT IRON DINETTE SUITES by See this classic collection at STEWART BEARE Beau finished in Jet Black Sparkling While Avocado and Antique Brass Heavy plate glass tops and gay floral and striped upholstered chairs Suites ore available with chairs and A chairs Top quality at alow price PIECE SET Is In is STEWART BEARE LTD Newmarket Plaza 8959861 8959552 Toronto line 8896969 OMB hearing Continued from page will allow people to see the lake from Eagle St said Mr Smith Mrs J S an Eagle St resident whose home is opposite the site told the hearing she supported the rczoning She said two buildings would cut off her view of the lake more than Two Newmarket realtors Alex and Robert Armstrong testified the highrise building would tend to in crease rather than decrease land values in the area Newmarket Mayor Tom said town council favored one building not two himself alone and facing a battery of so called specialists He charged wanted to build an epitaph to themselves told hear ing when Eagle St is widened about feet will be taken from the site suggested watercourse which runs through tho site to Fairy Lake pre sents a flooding danger anil said he was objecting because it high rise Is going up In front of my house Mr Kent who Is a real estate salesman sniil it Is my firm belief and my brokers firm belief that it will de preciate value of properties in Mr Kent complained he found the decision to the Ontario cabinet EAGLE ST Continued from with tho slush and brine Its a dis grace the way it is engineer Jack Cox said survey crews arc working on street this week but he said there is only enough money in the 1970 budget to do the surveying and design Eagle Water he said Cox said the street wilt have lo bo completely rebuilt a major job Last August thentown engi neer Georgo pointed out Newmarket Councils operations committee that TYRC may not reconstruct Eagle until and if they do Eagle it may be 20 years before they can do lid which leads into Cane Parkway Mr worked out an arrangement with chief engi neer Jack nettle whereby he town would request the commission to take over ami reconstruct ltd so that Cane Parkway wouldnt be a paved road that starts nowhere and goes nowhere in return for New market resurfacing Eagle St Immedi ately and in the near future Mr said later the operations committee chaired by Deputy Reeve Bruce Eves told him to mind my own business committees minutes for that meeting show the committee recommended that a letter be sent to TYRC regarding the terrible condition of Eagle St but making no recommendation on paving hints delay County became a region It could have its own health unit but It wouldnt be able lo support one without and Vaughan Mr said the govern ment had definitely decided there must be a consolidation of municipalities within York One of the major reasons this is important he said is because representa tion by population at county council is all out of whack However he said a twotier region al government will be and the municipalities during the next do wo need Kings High ways suburban highways county roads and local streets in York County Thats the sort of constitutional debate that will be going on between the federal govern ment and the provinces and thats the type of debate we hope to start with Another example do we need a Department of Lands and Forests in southern Ontario couldnt a conserva tion authority or county parks board do the job This map shows the boundaries of Newmarket as they are now dotted line and as they will be if the towns annexation proposal Is approved broken line It also shows the location of some major subdivisions either planned or being constructed