The Era Wed February MM to the Ktaff Lions Club annual Oyster Supper and this year the attendance record was broken again More than people sat down at the Anglican Church in King City last Tuesday to oyster slew ham and homemade pies Proceeds topped the mark AMOVE Vicki Lynn Slonchouso sets out to develop her taste for oysters At Mrs Stanley and Mrs Wilhert ladle the ovstcrs from the copper kettle and Al RIGHT Mrs Mary Oltrlen of KirigCitj guards the tabic of scheduled to wind up the dinner Photos by George ZEPHYR By ron Armstrong a litelong resident of Township his home near Zephyr on Jan 22 The youngest son of Benjamin Armstrong and Martha Allan of Reach Township he was horn Oc tober 1895 on the farm to which his Scottish grand father had brought his J After Zephyr Public School and Mount Albert Continuation School he spent his entire life on the same properly where ho was born lie farmed the land until the early 19003 As well as farming he operated his own general insurance ZEPHYR Byron Armstrong dies at 73 He is iiimui his wife a daughter Mona and two brothers Allan of mi John of Snow- den and a stepsis ter Isabel Mrs Gordon Miller of Sunderland He was prede ceased by two brothers and a sister James of Carrot River Norman of and Annie of Zephyr The funeral ser vice was conducted from the Chapel at Mount Albert with Rev James ton of assisted by Rev Erie Warren of Zephyr and Rev Hugh MacTaggarl of Elect St James officers I if I or mist He Murphy Salmon George Point and Rev Ha on December in Street Presbyter ian Church Toronto by the Rev J A Mustard to Lau ra McNelly daughter of dei Peter McNelly and Una Gibson Donald Rone past rector conducted the meet ing Officers installed Joseph Hall rectors war- Gerald Paris I IVittsun Ports audi Daisy Hall vestry Alt interested per dont miss this fantastic SALE DIANAS out Regularly 1000 No Smoking tin Reg Now Unified All S Final WASH N WEAR WIGS DIANA Reg NOW BEAUTY SALON Ploio