Sutton North ASK HIGHWAY 404 SPEEDUP PAGES VOL NO 8 CENTS Sincel852 ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY SUTTON The councils of both Sutton and North Township have asked the provincial government to give top priority to construction of High- Newmarket The councils were endorsing a Aurora Keswick The councils way traffic Sutton Reeve Sam point ed out land expropriated for construction of Highway has been held by the pro vince for eight years White paper raw socialism Sen Grosart socialism in the of liberalism an unbelievable document Senator Alllster told tbe YorkSimcoc Progressive Conservative Aiiocl annual meeting here last The meeting held in Bradford Community Centre elected a new executive and approved two policy monitions York Simcoe members agreed to bold a nominating convention in June to select a candidate to contest the riding in the next federal election They also agreed that membership cards would be recognized in all the areas of the riding and that the age limit for membership in the parent association be reduced to IS years from the present Senator Grosart paid tribute to district We need men of that calibre in tills constituency to face the challenge of what the present government is doing and this insidious White Paper in particular Hon Robert Stanfield has Issued a call to the Conservative party to fight this great crisis said the Senator and TO have a responsibility to fight as wo never have before the philosophy behind lie document poses great danger and appears to be a deliberate policy to destroy a people and a nation in one Senator Grosart warned the audi ence that winds of change arc blowing Wheat glut may hit meat prices here NEWMARKET The grain at Mice at all- To soil out of the West this trend will he NEWMARKET The grain glut on the prairie could mean both lower meat prices In the stores and tougher times ahead for farmers in York County says York County Agricultural Represent ative Wall but the decline is more likely to be a longterm effect over two to five years With prices wheat at distress levels in the West ho said its easy at any price at all To soil out i province however ail grain has to go through the marketing agency which sets a realistic price The agency is the Cana dian Wheat Board he said The result is that a hog produc er at Mount Albert is in the same as one at Swift Current hut the rules arc vastly different Tough times for farmers and great ly reduced prices for consumers in Ont ario arent going to happen overnight ho emphasized Mr Wall points out if Oita- I two jo stockpiles within the happen at all on a largo scale He said there are only so many market He said the western produce will be cheaper because grains are selling in livestock industry it will lake time for he West for as low as cents a bushel them to produce in York County farmers must pay a bushel for the same grain Tho big difference Is that grain tions call tor more pigs this summer any- be sold within a province in the West way and with more coming out of the this trend will be exaggerated He said western provincial gov ernments are heavily subsidizing prairie farmers who wish to diversify into live- Mr Wall who represents the Ont ario Agriculture anil fowl department in the county pointed out there are also fac tors Influencing western farmers to stay kith grain their reluctance to be tied down to a yearround livestock opera tion and the lack of experienced live stock men on the prairie A longterm to the farm ers problems would tie to pay prairie farmers not to grow certain crops as is done in the US he said pointed out scrapping the Wheat beef producer at Any for fa help the housewife however LEADING SCORER Drug panel students disagree with principals estimate of drug use in high school and I cannot bo trusted wo must transfer the savings of the private citizen Into the public sector They evidently know how to spend our money better than we do I would interpret Sec GROSART page 2 Hub Knne of the Newmarket receives the Russell Lane Trophy from the donor Sir Lane He was the leading- goal scorer in the Junior loop finishing the regular schedule with goals and assists for a total of points Steve West from Bowmanville Whiz Kids finished in second place with points While Photo Trustees teachers are deadlocked on salaries NEWMARKET High principal Fred Bradley drew loud laughs and guffaws from students attending a drug forum here Wednesday night when he told the meeting only one per cent of the nearly students at Newmarket District High took drugs and when he claimed there arc no drug pusher- among the high schools student population Elusive minister At least that was tho story given the warden when he and his commissioners met with Health Min ister Thomas Wells to discuss On tario Countys request to join the District Health Unit Municipal Affairs Minister was to attend too He didnt chimed In Deputy Hccvc Ruther ford of Vaughan Township We had a meeting with him in another part of the building In that meeting incidentally Mr discussed with lead ers the Southern Six municipalities the possibility of that area becoming single municipality under regional sting the secondary school teachers in the county are a long way apart in sal ary negotiations Three proposals have been made by each group to try and reach an agree ment with the secondary school tea chers in the county Alt are in District of the On tario Secondary School Teachers Feder ation and the Salary Committee in re jecting the last offer of the Board stated they could not accept the offer of Feb because it is far below anything Indi- as being acceptable to the mem bership at large and docs not compare With the average per capita increase of income over the past ten years The refusal went on to stale that the offer continues to erode most dras tically the financial status of the teaching profession The latest offer of the Board was to be presented at a mass meeting of the Federation teachers on Monday night for their information and consideration The minimum figures proposed with last years figures in brackets are Category l Category Category 3 8400 0000 Category 8600 The maximum figures offered by the board in the same categories are 11200 12500 12000 14400 In general the offer of the Board gives the smaller increases to teachers their first four or five years and the Mr Bradley who was of a three man panel ing the use and effect of drugs at Maple Leaf Public School later re vised his estimate on usage in the school He said about one per cent have serious addiction problems but admitted a much larger per centage have tried it and perhaps some have been on it for some time When asked by a high school student how he could accurately estimate the number of his students using drugs when so much of the drug culture ii derground the principal replied psychologist and then trists at York County Hospital but that the psychologist cannot make direct re ferrals to tho psychiatrists through the stu dents family doctor that sometimes cant get a referral though ibis is the step See DRUG PANEL page 2 think far underground teachers but the 13340 and 15640 These figures would also be sup plemented by an automatic increase of for every year of teaching for teachers until after March He said over the past years or students with serious drug problems have come to him to talk about it He said these students have told him there is no pusher in the school but Mr Bradley also told the meet ing which was organized by the Maple Leaf Home and School group and by Era publisher David Haskell that the schools are without proper treatment facilities when they do discover a student with a drug problem He said the school board has a County mill rate climbs a fraction NEWMARKET York County Council juggled its budget figures last week and after about two hours of delib eration resolution and counter resolution came up with a mill rate very slightly above that of a surplus of which they hadnt bargained for when they started and a prophesy of repercus sions from at least two York County groups The mill rate will be 12273 against last year Home Society who operate a senior citizens home with allocated to them in the bud- Set ended up being lopped off before the session was over Blue Hills Academy a group Interested In the treatment of disturbed children also found itself with out financial help from the county when ted surplus to avoid t budget There will be only a very slight increase in the general mill rate and with reductions in the road mill rate and road debentures the comparable figures for and are 1969 mills and for 1970 mills The total amount to be levied against local municipalities for will be 3018221 Last year the figure was those not under county jurisdiction Reeve Donald of Rich mond Hill thought council should consider leaving the in the budget He questioned the cost of the ad dition for the York County Home for the the but feel for the money spent we would get more value for our money said Mr Warden Gordon Cook told coun cil that a study had been made and he could not find where the county had the right to make either of the grants He said he felt there was a grey area in the distinction as to where the county should draw the line between county operated projects and private organizations Reeve Evelyn Buck of Aurora thought council was departing from the usual procedure in the case of and Blue Hills and Sutton Reeve Sam assured council no grants be handed out unless council was acting within its jurisdiction Reeve is chairman of the Finance Committee Blue Hills Academy found a little more support from members when it was discussed but still failed to keep its place in the budget estimates See YORK BUDGET page council salaries too Council took the two 10000 and them to the Aged and thought I ty pot for advantageous appointments may have been relegated to past history with the passage last week of a bylaw authorizing a 1 annual salary for county councillors In past years there has been an annual rush on those county committees which hold the most meetings Council lors were paid for each meeting at tended and a York politician could boost his pay substantially by judicious pay in to a salary actually constitutes a healthy pay increase It is based on an expected meetings per member and a little more than per see SALARIES page 17 Paces at the drug panel Over 150 people turn out last Wednesday at Maple Leaf public school to a Home and panel discussion on drugs in the community Top left of the Addiction Research Foundation fop right 1st miii Below Mr is student Steve Brown to his right pis who asked if you find a pusher what do do Bottom left corner Mrs Muriel Lewis president of the Home and School group to her right Scout master Mrs Shirley Garland White photos