COUNTY LEADERS DEBATE The school money probl On this communicating bit the School Board seems to have con fro of the communal wine but the municipal councils are supplying the bread Strong winds piled up the snow outside District High School last Wednesday evening while inside the building gusty between members of the York County Board of Education and rep resentatives of 11 of the York County municipalities The meeting was arranged by the Board to discuss prob of were not resolved it did set off some fiery climb between the groups During the final stages of the meeting Trustee Si indicated that although she had grown to dislike the Beef Sale Mayor Dick tiling- worth of Aurora set the pace of the he told chairman John Mac- Kay that in no way shape Itoard of Education t ascertain Ihnt by bel ter distribution education a I continue or even in crease its share the fin ancial ami manpower urg ed the municipal it to rea lize the rising of pulilir services have increased the competition different public years school levy en milts It would mills this year I any changes In the with you all the lime but it might ignlfied Iheir objection to clarify matters he said May Ihc that there pulling the wool over our eyes But Mr MacKay quipped agreed with Mayor llllng- that spread over a number of years those who had paid the luxes would that take part in it form would I officials that i- in It- res lo the school board what Ihcy had overpaid The final present was given by Trustee Councillor ill Mrs Simpson and Steele of concerned the necessity and questioned Ihc plans of ihc board regarding participa tion in recreation activities lie mentioned that his in Hit process of openly and ptay public Interests and public bodies against another appearing to lie giving to public when legislation demands It but taking it back many limes just to gel a completely w Alter Deputy Reeve Tony Roman of Township had questioned the feasibility of leasing a school building erected by the developer Mayor Tom and gain of In four quarterly March 31 June Sept and Dec Although there were difficulties involved in change the School Board urged that an attempt bo ugh channels made to arrange a meet- The brief urged between the Board and municipal officials to the councils to plan an alt- cuss the imHrlant issues arrangement of the capital needs for The report construction and the that interest alone paid following meet for York Centre was the lone provincial or fed eral representative present due mostly to weather con ditions Asked for his opin ion Mr Deacon said The Hoard has made a difficult thai I am against the sys- of of the board In lures across the county When Mr suggested hat the Hoard could study involved I mining pooh Boneless Round STEAK ROAST RUMP ROAST 99 Boneless Shoulder POT ROAST PLATE BRISKET 48 RIB STEAKS Thick Mealy Cross Rib ROAST LB 79 national facilities op latitig in the make of a mill on the local Mayor and municipal beautiful lifor airs beat in schools throughout Township and yet have to ask the lo provide library for the public sheer Trustee William iomimiiiitj nut fraction two per cent Bales East wilh ihc educational ser- paid before the due date gave the alt- submitted I Board and their diiili The compulsory to dedication of school sites Ices to the board by subdivid- possibly in with park dedication final Receipt by the board of a portion of would carry- lot or suite fees received I we had by the municipality from the The persuasion of subdividers to provide a site at no cost to the hoard The ability of a impose special The Hoard finally pilitics and wo would ask tion to support it said Mr speaking of a brief lung Mayor eluded that as long as the the plan of the Board would county board has the re- automatically control ihe her levying its problem as it would kill own taxes the board must all development Tho board also have the power to levy has Ihis thing Hie wrong its own duelling fees way round and what you ire proposing would bring halt to any young person old argument as to whether die school board should get more from ihc province but in the meantime Ihere is only number of dol lars to be spent and the people who use the bene fits must pay or them NEW ASSESSMENT RULES Board vicechair ed impact of county re- Have your CLEANED PRESSED SAVE 20 DRAPERY CLEANING SPECIAL Newmarket 83 Davis Dr 8955541 pickup rlVLL DELIVERY worth unless son alternative is found ai young couple would be fa fearful odds if they tempted to find and finance a home in any subdivision under these conditions In the brief to the municipal representatives Board Chairman John Kay said As elected re presentatives you are main ly concerned with economic goods ser vices and transportation road water and sewer ser vices to provide for and the dramatic shift i healthy growth tax responsibility from MEDICAL SCIENCES PHARMACY OF NEWMARKET LTD 603 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET opposite York County Hospital OPEN EVERY TIL PM 7 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 8952311 9 Varieties Monarch CAKE MIXES itokely FancyCut Green Beans Whole Kernel Corn 12 or Honey Pod ASSTD PEAS California Grown Sweet juicy ORANGES DOZEN Garden Fresh HOME NEEDS GLASS TUMBLERS 10 69 GREEN ONIONS St Williams with Pectin Macaroni ASSTD JAMS KRAFT DINNER 2 All Purpose Off Dominions Own Brond Richmello Orange MONARCH FLOURc CHIFFON CAKE Orange Flavoured a Tang Crystals 489 York Fancy Frozen Mixed fp ft VEGETABLES 55 LimVDeep Browned in Tomato Sauce BEANS Scoria Gold Choice Pure APPLE JUICE in Hill Until Sot Feb the limit odontitis OMINION the economy size supermcatmnrket I