Rays tops EG atoms Rays J leg ion 2 Joey scored all four goals for daddy Rays Gutters Legion sharpshooters were Craig Black and Brian Ian Johnston Gary Bobby Kon- Bill Young got singles to give the Warriors their victory over Hoys sing le tor Knights Mike Ronnie with two goals and Jim Collier with single led tlu scored for Knights Mo n arch s bridge trick topped the scoring singles by Roy itili lr Hill od twice for the Irish and and Garry scored for Canada KESWICK The Beavers drop- game Jeff and BeaVerS end WiCfc previous game Wayne were the their regular schedule with the same team at goalgetters Jr action Falls the day be- the 13th by ticing fore Doth Beavers Falls here the were scored Rob ri off didnt bump Heavers in this game published soon a league of- out of the cellar In Friday ficial said schedule in cellar Now is the time to SAVE MONEY on those little things during WRIGHT HARDWARE SPORTS Hollingshead Huron Heights barefoot bomber goes up to score two of the points he netted in Huron Heights toss to King City last week Jerry of King tries in vain to stop the shoeloss Midgets top Thornhill will meet NEWMARKET The Newmarket midgets advanced in OMHA playoffs Sunday tripping Don Holledges goal ia ova test Saturday after winning by the same score in over time Friday Newmarket now will play Team officials arc trying to set The first games in the runaways winning the first and Newmarket re bounding a victory Jimmy Ferguson and Don scored in the Legions first over time victory last Friday lion was the lone Legion scorer in Saturdays HH girls in title series last week to clinch the regular season title in the final league game Coach Ron Georgian Bay tournam and Liz Seel had points to lead Hup Heights In 11am REWARD J 1 4 ail S0 Eglian ioOtfi n Your Family Allowance Goes So Much Further Every Month At Walkers Extra Special Values Thursday Friday Saturday a ft a A a ft FOR BOYS I FOR BIG AND FOR INFANTS LITTLE GIRLS A TODDLERS is a a a- a truprest noiron shirts CORDUROY HALFBOXERS I CRAWLERS 297 I CORDUROY JEANS corduoywiihshouiiestap5 mi w TilcIUBplav ZIPFRONT v SSSffite JUMPSUITS NOIRON lKC A SPORT SHIRTS A f ta OWLS WOOL SUMS cr- direciion Set 88c for 88c ELECTRIC Can Opener Special Dont forget to Visit our LOWER FLOOR BIKE SHOP SPORTS CENTRE 13 1 ll makes reut Early Bird SPECIAL CCM ALL HOCKEY STICKS 33o OFF All HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Steles helmets O A 1LS PET CENTRE WRIGHT HARDWARE SPORTS Plaza 89S9S71