A Word The Week REV G KEMP Free Methodlrt Keith Miller a prominent American layman has recently pointed the way to a more meaningful way of life for Christian people His recipe which has worked a miracle In his own life as well as in the lives of many others who have followed it is simply that we be ruthlessly honest with ourselves with others and with God as we take a long look at our Inner lives with our aspirations and responses Then we ask ourselves this question WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD TO ME He suggests that the answer to this question reveals the object of our worship And if the object of our worship is not Jesus Christ we shall then know the reason why we have not discovered the re lease and vibrancy of true spiritual life as It is promised in the Word of God Having made this disturbing dis covery we then simply tell God that we do not love Him most we confess the rival affection or ambition we ask him to take us where we are to come Into our lives at a deeper level and show us day by day how to make Him our primary love We live in an era of many appliances conven iences commodities gadgets and luxuries in business pleasure sports recreation travel or whatever this the age of more and more THINGS Jesus Christ asks you and me this very serious question that he asked the big fisherman over 1900 years ago THOU MS MORE THAN THESE It takes both a RESOLUTION and a REVOLU TION In our lives before we can say YES LORD to this Jersey pioneer Evans Res NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett Mr Mrs ford Allen of Falls Newfoundland holiday guests of their inlaw and daughter and Mrs Bruce Wow and family Also visiting for the guests were Mr and the season were Mrs Stiver Mr Mr and Mrs Irvin Harvey and Mrs Alex of and baby Michelle of Lex- Bond Lake Mrs Jean Ington Park Maryland and Mr James Mrs Harvey and Mrs Woodman arc sisters and with their parents held family reunion The ore to Iceland for the her husband corn- next few years where Mr pose Harvey has been posted brohcr Davis In Rome Italy was hostess tor a Christmas Wu residence Among wjth tending the funeral former Newmarket Cynthia and WHY PAY MORE RENT A SAFETY DEPOSIT SOX the Quensville district Sil by Evans died recently in a Newmarket nursing home years in Brampton He hockey baseball and bowl- Mr Evans also served as school trustee and won several awards in different branches of fuming He was the first man in York County to own an accredited herd of Jersey cattle and was also president of the York Coun ty Jersey Club Surviving Is his wife and two sons George Ev ans of and Har vey of Scarborough There are five grandchildren 1970s NUMBER ONE SON York County Hospitals first New Years baby didnt arrive until 1970 was almost half a day old Justin shown above with his mother Mrs Patricia was born at 1112 am on Jan Justin Is the Hilliers fourth child and second son White Photo Roy Wilson of Glailman Avenue celebrated her birthday with a par ty for some of her girl friends Among the guests were Margaret Carol Nancy Fish Judy Green Karen and her sister Suzanne Hammond of Windsor is the guest of Mr and Mrs George of Suther land Drive The First New market Land Hangers went carolling during the Chrlst- season to many senior MOTOR OIL Here il is the new spa successor to COOP Su blended with ingrcdier demands of todays en Detergents Heavy Duly Custom lubic well as the and denning Keep your engine you need or lop cool and protect your COOP For API Service MS Moots specifications Fo M2C101B G011M NEWMARKET SUTTON 8952349 Si Ontario St 939220 Moin AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics Of The Town by Emma Purchase Let The People Praise Thee God held by Canada Dry Ltd for their executives in the library of the Royal York the Wilson home and Mrs John Render- J a and family and Mr and I Lnmt J Henderson AURORA Mr and Mrs Jim Cook and family enjoyed with Mrs Cooks Rev Bruce Underbill family at Kitchener of Gait visited Mrs Ken nedys parents Mr and Mrs Harry Squibb Met calfe St on Friday Aurora Bill Dunn cum Moroau market Clara Mrs Ed ft jf he Thorold and Clarke guest of Dr Pee- Sam Mrs Ieever and Miss Organist Mr J Morrison First Sunday After In in am Holy Com munion Senior School Junior inle Mr and Mm Chart Watt and daughters and Lisa of Pitts- burg Pa enjoyed Christ- and with Mrs Watts par- Mr and Mrs Harold Joyed the holidays with her daughter and family at Clarkson Mr and Mrs If Williams Harrison St were with relatives in Owen Sound for Christmas Mr and Mrs Ho ward Stone of London enjoyed Christmas with re- Mr Drew Rllch- of University of Waterloo enjoyed the holidays with Scott Wellington St E Donald and Mr Gerald Sudulks flew to Vancou ver BC to spend Christ mas with Heathers par ents Mr and Mn Mc Donald In Lausanne land where their daughter Linda is attending school this year They will also visit relatives in Scotland before returning home The sudden death of Mrs Bertha Dunn at the home of her daughter Mrs Ed Thorold on Dec ember came as a shock to her many friends in Au rora She leaves to mourn Helen Mrs Harold Clark BEAUTY BOUTIQUEl 439 Davis Drive Newmarket 8957333 PERM SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON U ALL PERMS This Special Expires January 31 We lleatt In ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Someone Cares Nursery am RHEUMATIC PAIN PTs SEDORES CHICKEN WINGS I VEA1 CHOPS 79 SPARE RIBS 49 Bonanza Brand SAUSAGE lb 45 FREEZER SPECIALS BEEF FRONTS SIDES HINDS 45 55 65 LOINS OF BEEF CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Rev Minister Emeritus Organist Mr Profit SiiiKhv S Fills St Classes for Morning Evangelistic pm Study Meeting VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship Corner of Arthur and Newton Streets ROWAN OUR CHURCH Monday and i Friday lc We CALVARY UNITED CHURCH Heights v Alex Coles am Morning Worship our community Church THE SALVATION ARMY Sunday Services Bible Study a p Make the Sail at on An Your Church Home Christian Science Christian Science Service ami School am each Sunday at S a r Community Hall which is the first building north the Sharon Temple GOSPEL HALL All For SI Per Item Youll Save MoreWhen You Shop SEDORE MAIN ST 8959056 NEWMAR CHRISTIAN REFORMED Newmarket Pastor Rev James Tel Worship Services Sunday School Sunflower girls and Clubs for boys HI I I I y evenings rcpccUvely at Broadcast Cod Hour CFGM UB Tin- In to ail BAPTIST CHURCH C JACKSON School iui ship Evening Ser- Fit FE School I ages Morning 1 Welcome MEMORIAL Ontario Rev am Bible School 11 am Morning Worship FRIENDS MEETING am Meeting for monthly meeting TRINITY UNITED CHURCH MAIN ST and PARK AVE NEWMARKET Rev Norman Pick Organist Mr Leon B Nash Services Church School Grade Deaconess am Church School ages years and lfWajn Common Wor-