Mount Albert CGIT hold Dec vesper service MOUNT ALBERT Shirley was in charge of the Annual Can adian Girls In Training Vesper Service in the United Church Sunday evening Dec The theme of the service was Peace and the sung by all members of the Department as a choir depicted this theme as did tho car ols and the dialogue In this conversation with Sharon as the Believer Harrison as the Questioner and Lillian as the unseen voice the Christian meaning of Christmas Carol Meek Janice Steele was the read er for the ceremony with Marilyn Broun Uremia Green Anne Dick Janice and Debbie sang 0 Holy Night Nancy read a responsive reading with Shirley participating The sanctuary of the church was filled for service which had as its finale the singing of Silent Night with the members carrying lighted candles form ing a cross up the central aisle and across the front of church The church or ganist and choir leader John direc ted the choir anthems and appreciation to him for his patience practices was expressed by the department president Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs Wheeler and Jo all of London England are spending holi day period with their son and brother Members of the local Snowmo bile Club have volunteered to take local children for snowmobile rides on Satur day afternoons Children who underway to hold Nest Sunday January will be holy Communion Sunday In the United Church at 11 am Persons wishing to be come members or have membership transferred are asked to contact ganizntions within the church are asked to have their books balanced and audi ted and reports prepared as soon as pos- prepared and he family Captain and Jin son Gory and Lynn of Ottawa spent a day period during the jnletidu season vis iting their mother and grandmother Mrs Guy Williamson Mrs Williamson joined Ihe Davidson family to spend Christmas Day with Mr Davidsons brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Frank Gore in and The January meeting of the will bo held in the United Church on Jan The meeting will begin Jug at pm This will be a King and all ladies are March will be the speaker The Leaf and Texan groups sans cards to the sick and shutin in Mount Albert Dee The Soger Beaver and Senior Sailor presen ted a program and Christmas goodies lo the residents at Coopers Nursing Home Dec 23 plorer group also visited the residents The Kxcclsior Club held a in In lvpim 11 on itng the members present ilmncr In id ifti TV TRAY SETS I BR0ADL00M RUGS IVINYL HEADBOARDS CLEARANCE STACKING STOOLS I Heavy duty bronze frame for 995 DYERS FOAM PILLOWS LIUITED QUANTITY each FU 30 32 Main St Newmarket 8956281 Easy Terms Plenty of Free Parking Layaway Free Delivery