THE ERA WED DECEMBER VOL NO Editorials Restrict not ban Theres increasing pressure on municipal councils to place more and more restrictions on the use of snowmobiles even to outright ban ning within municipal limits As the pressure increases to ban snowmobiles ardent snowmobil- ers and members of snowmobile clubs lake the opposite view leave things as they are The result as in the case of Aurora an ineffectual and mean ingless bylaw which bans the use of snowmobiles on sections of some streets The Era feels that some restrictions on snowmobiles are neces sary within municipal limits but certninly NOT a total ban The restrictions are necessary because of the callous disregard for private property and the peace and quiet by some snowmobilera Town councillors in Newmarket and Aurora have had many com plaints about snowmobiles racing across lawns flattening small trees anil roaring around neighborhood parks until the small hours of the morning On the other side of the ledger see Letters to the Editor are the more sedate snowmobile operators who use their machines for family fun in a safe and sane manner The deputy minister of transport announced last week lie would introduce legislation at Queens Park early in the new year governing the use of snowmobiles This might make any municipal bylaws passed in the meantime out of date In the meanwhile there are laws already on the books that can be used to clamp down on the nuisance snowmobile operator Theres a law against trespassing this could be applied to those who cut across lawns and flatten trees Theres a law against disturbing the peace this could be applied against those who roar around hi the small hours of the morning To put some more teeth in these laws municipal councils could pass bylaws restricting the use of snowmobiles to roadways and parks They could also place a curfew say 10 pm on their use Something must be done to clamp down on the foolish yet still allow the sensible to enjoy themselves SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Looking ahead with terror Many exports a good few nonexperts like joins aie pounding out millions of words these days looking back over their should ers horror at The Sixties and looking ahead with terror at The Seventies 1 dont know what the last decade did to you but it aged me about years Or maybe it only feels Hint way because Ive spent it teaching school and surviving two teenagers In the history bonks this past decade will receive a few para graphs as one of turbulence and social Bui if youve lived through It youve been through the nary people It produced a new breed of music ami a new breed of young peo ple a breed that Questioned every thing but supplied few answers breed that turned away from the church and turned on to drugs a breed that suggested work is a dirty word and dirty feet are a sign of moral purity and filmed We experienced vast strides backwards In inflation pollution and population control We saw the in evitable rise of black red and yellow power with its inevitable violence We saw the paradox of a steadily increasing materialism bat tling it out with a steadily increas ing spiritualism in the direction of all weird exotic and farout cults We drank more and smok ed more despite the huge hikes in prices And narcotics swept the west ern world like the bubonic plague We saw the vnst and rigid edifice of education attack from within and without and able have an educational system one foot in the grave and the other be ing gnawed by militants who dont anything bill know that what they dont know is right Wo have bad race riots strikes galore confrontations peace marches in which a lot of peo ple got clobbered a steadily grow ing crime rale and the of families because of the socalled gap I could go on and on paint ing a grim black picture But its not all black The yahoos have not quite- taken over yet The Establishment another dirty word lias been to take a good straight look at itself and what it saw was not always pretty A great deal more is being done for the socially deprived Peo ple as a whole are becoming gen erally concerned with pollution at last The Christian churches have slim and baiting but definite steps toward unity The Pope is no longer infallible in some circles Individuals have taken a stand as witness Dr Alcorn on peace Stanley on Bill Smiley on snowmobiles The Ynnks took two shots at the moon and made it both times 1 heres almost a certainty of a mini mum family revenue Medicare and Similar schemes protect Ihe aged and the poor from financial catastrophe The list is long And you must remember that you cant make bread without yeast The young people the rebels have piowded the yeast But there is all that dough that must be pro duced And the rest of us make the dough and the bread in more ways I have faith in the human race though goodness knows why Im willing to it another decade if you are And if things dont im prove will resign from said hu man race at midnight December THE Readers ERA Dear Editor A line on the democratic In rtith fellow sufferers I appeared before Court of Revision on Nov 11 Re membrance Day to appeal my assessment With sweet considera tion apparently everyone had been advised to attend at 2 pm It Is calculated that people tend to avoid in the future the repeating of un pleasant uncomfortable experience We overflowed the Aurora council chamber But not with laugh ter I was lucky with one absen tee and being fourth on the posted list I allowed to come up for summary dismissal by pm May be some appellants expired by perlime Corlainlj Ihere was no hoi dog stand no first aid station The Court exchanged a few to me unintelligible mono syllables and I was gone In light I enquired about making further appeal Yes I would receive written notice my assessment had been sustained anil direction on fur ther appeal After three weeks with no word I phoned the Aurora Town Clerks office who said that the no tices were about ready to go out Three weeks after that Dec I received the notice under Mr Rod gers signature The footnote read This decision may be appealed to iinlv judge within 10 days of That is Eve Christmas Day and Box ing Day Mails are congested uncer tain and delayed People are franti cally busy tired absent visiting fri ends relatives and so on Too bad Christmas to our assessment estab lishment in nil its clear shilling justice It comes in different colors And prices Christ would lie pleas ed to see how far we have come in en hundred and greater confis Yours truly SID MUTTON Dear Editor I sec by The Era that the town is thinking about putting some restrictions on the use of I selves by roaring around late at I for one would not like to see a total ban on snowmobiles as some people are I say this because I am not one of the people who roar around late at night I have a small machine and seem to spend i bile because theres more snow here I dont own a trailer so I cant take it out into the country I hope some sensible law will be pass ed to allow me and others like me to enjoy while restrict ing those are making a nuisance of themselves FRANK Dear Editor If only the sharing and the past week or so could itself to the balance of the year have watched so many kindness ami selfless ids Hi we con try a little harder on all fronts it up past the middle of la By- BILL GAMBLE Toast s Wo are now over Ihe You might get villi a good binder will into Hie Oloroso Cherry territory Hie New Year which as is in tier teens or there i wo say in whistlewelting toasting ago rather tin I a is the anil ideal Cole one of the of ground On Now Years Eve any all Trench wines would not lie mil toaster or social ill inker ir you of place Hie loftier designation who in the is worth Ins silt ran mine with mailer of spoiling ills if you at lensl a memorable occa slick to Hie sions for toasting wliiskevanilsoila or Mil water At some New Years Eve Inriilenllv a ltd is not glasses clink to occasions ranging chiefly because there from Helen or Troys flame of St that the In fatigues would lie toasting each i I I from the Battle of Haldol was horn And Ive seen men actually propose toasts to heir wives is hardly the sort of thing youd ex pect a chap to do say around July Yea New Years is the night for toasting alright However sorry as I am to have say few nf us these clays are properly acquainted the rules eti quette as applied to this fine To begin wilh it seems quite unnecessary to mention that all ousts should be proposed and drunk from the standing position not the silling or reclining pose As I recall the chap who was toasting Nero was under the table unable to lift himself up and was incoherent ly muttering something like is to a man with real guts This is a good example of shoddy toasting Next we come to the choice of spirit It is decidedly to toast a beautiful woman with a glass beer especially if the froth is dripping down the side of glass all over your the la or tint and beside damned uncomfortable should you chance to raise arm and let the cold beer flow down your sleeve Beauty deserves most delicate and finest of wines a Cot- cans Du Loir fresh from the vine yards of the or a Chateau- du iape from the Avignon come up with as soon as the last drop has vanished Such a ploy could be advantageous to you For example suppose you have been successful in finding a beautiful lady lo toast the first thing to do is choose absinthe real absinthe of course is exceedingly potent and is in fact illegal But there is a legal substitute called Anisette which is quite good When il hits the spot five will gel von ten shell demand know what you gave her if she ever regains her Then you tell her it absinthe quickly adding witticism should nut he itre links enough Sophia be he Tower of llaa or something be sure to choose Maraschino or Strega arc both very good Italian liqueurs For toasts such as the one Im proposing all Around the county By After spending half an hour liting for a late and wayward bus and federal miss- mi tin on how and with their lie on opinion r resulted in ill reel to ml for or less lis Five and their a mini ill within days of crowd In lb am Christmas i made Ihe l nil ml lie forum pri In mal have bail his oar inning throng most ni IMI Ill the remarks of in the term hil male a 1 were alii indication Their beef was mainly Willi the fuel thai If he tried to live on the present pension the poor I 1 would find fluids short for all thai in the south Park guys could give them few thousand dollars rnis clip why that a lot of and flared into a Hie need fur heat trip In Florida for her under When the door opened itim in a solid at the bottom in the lull the two old were speechless The wearer had evidently been trailing through several thaweil snowbanks will the effect of leaving the bottom of the like a solidly starched crinoline had to slam like a slenderized bell thawed out even in alt the chaos liiiimeriiig of Yule spirit bottle Even while the two old chaps were the youth of today and foreensti IK Hie horrible end two hardly in their teens that t lutein 1 all gone down they got up and gave their seal to an elderly woman The two elderly gentlemen face at this me that when Hie tardy hi mi illi mined thev led back to ami went out through the door while still in a daze self if nl slob THE ERA Incorporating THE POST Cue THE HERALD DAVID HASKELL Publisher WILLIAM J Associate Publisher TERRY CARTER Managing Editor GEORGE Editor Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario li Inland Publishing Co Limited Subscriptions 900 for two years for one year Single copies each or by carrier 60c per month Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Sec ond Class Mail registration number Phone Newmarket 30 Charles St Phono Aurora Phone Keswick I Keswick