The Era Newmarket in review and forecast TOM Mayor of Newmarket Continued from page 1 Approval in principle for another Senior Citizens Apartment giv en and it is expected that the building will bo up within the year Several minor hut road pro grams have been completed and it is our intention to continue with the five year program we have established The county has adopted the new assessment rale this has caused consid erable misunderstanding but believe the new system will be more equitable and not cause any increase in actual dollars raised by taxation The county school board system has been in operation for the first year their budget for 1970 should Indicate the success of this new approach to the high cost of education in this province As your mayor have enjoyed serving this year it has been very lime consuming and at times frustrating I have had two councillors resign for different reasons and the necessary replacements appointed Four members of council have had to be during the year which has added to the work load but now wo are all back on our feet and ready to go in 1970 to The Chinese call each year by name we in America have called each decade by name the Roaring the Hun gry Thirties the Fighting Forties The Soaring Sixties That is when man land ed on the moon now What do we do for an encore May suggest the Peaceful Seventies The war in Vietnam will come to an end with neither side being the victor and the younger generation will the futility of war the heroes and hU- i their ivlUes field The young will take a greater interest in government and social ser vices their suggestions may Ik startling but 1 believe successful Government will be be will be the future GLADYS ROLLING Reeve of East Continued from Page bo shed on our future municipal govern- During the fabulous GOS our popu lation in practically velop rapidly possibly somewhat slow er In the early than in and duo to the recession we are undergoing which has slowed down land speculation and the demand for housing in our area The fact that many of our ten acre par cels and the vacant on existing regist ered plans of subdivision have been built upon and new plans of any sine without 1 services are not being en couraged by the Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs will also slow the build ing process Planning for the future is im portant for every municipality and for the region it Is a necessity Only in this way can orderly productive and attractive de velopment lake place Our East zoning by law the product of five years of hard work is now before the Ontario Municipal Hoard and hearings on it will likely take place early in 1970 Our official plan must be rewritten and updated and this up dating is high on the agenda for the new Through the cooperation of the York County Planning Office in general and Mr in particular this zoning bylaw and official plan should fit in with an overall regional plan with min or amendments The ratepayers of Has limbury have told their council they wish it to proceed with an arena and the ap pointment of an Arena Hoard has already been discussed and will become a reality the inaugural meeting on January The money bylaw will also be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board The coming of the snowmobile is making our township more and more of a recreational area The sound of the axe which has been missing from our bush area since oil and electric heating replaced the old wood stove is now heard a sound as eager sportsmen clear trails for these motorized toboggans Provincial parks and cottage areas in the area once deserted during Lake area once deserted during winter months are now a hive of activity for our fishing and genera tion and as our population grows the de mand for summer and winter recreation will force the wider use of conservation reforestation and park areas should lie taking long look at the Georgian Is land area Its potential as a recreational ar ea is tremendous I would also like to see our schools put to greater use after teaching hours and on weekends and holi days am sure our York County Board of Education is thinking along these lines and the will see a real change in ex tra activities The 70s present a real challenge to ill who are interested in municipal go vernment elected or elector When I look back to December when I was first elected to council anil see the changes the last to years have brought about I can only say I look to the 70s with some mis givings but mostly with hope and with Hope optimism Rumble We in York County arc entering a New Year and a New Decade I do not believe it is wise to look far ahead but feel that the chain of destiny can be hand led best by considering the link at band and doing the best we possibly can with the present Certainly we will have changes and expansion during the next years We In York the banner county of On tario have been in the forefront of ex pansion since our earliest days It is a way of life this area fortunate to have sight and municipal and county governments We also are fortunate to have presentday citizens equally well quali fied to meet todays challenges We will meet Intelligently changes in municipal government the gradual change from rural to urban life and any other changes that Father may have In store for our lovely county Our lands our factories our DICK Mayor of Continued vide more equal representation and to take over those services and functions which can he more efficiently andor ec onomically carried out than by several smaller units In theory larger units of when there Is without proper or communication with the must be for Iho county as a whole If for any reason Province should allow Metro Toronto to take over any part of Markham or Townships or as Daddy Gardiner has suggested to height of laud just south of Aurora then remainder of York County could not survive 11 may bo that after all things Onli including hi- of this area it could be I lliil a- I l in tIiI ill liiiidford and an and if County to become part York This should only bo after full and impartial disclosure of all facts to people concerned The same holds true for interior boundaries I am not convinced that it is necessary to consolidate to extent des cribed by the Minister of Municipal Af fairs Why is it necessary to have just elected and appointed officials in Toronto draw lines on a map and de cide how the people of York should bo divided up without any consideration as to economical geographical sociological historical or community Interests If they could show reasoning as to why such major changed are necessary I might feel differently But until they do cannot support their concept of Regional Government I am not prepared nor would I ask the people- of Aurora to buy a pig in a poke We need Regional Government and we need it immediately so that tho Region can take over planning If have proper planning we can control tho growth rate we can ensure that sewer water schools hospitals and highways keep up with the pace of growth and de velop as a coordinated unit I dont think that any resident of York County wants to the county develop in the same man ner as some areas bordering Toronto with every single acre of land covered with planning and the necessary political the most efficient for agriculture dential single ill allow for luiii industry resl- family large Jill I limit for parks and and inflation lav iliim more equitable basis and eliminate tho necessity of municipalities within the region competing for industrial develop- Because a township or a town is so near to its families and its citizens daily lives we are all more directly by what takes place in the com munity or the spirit of the Frustration from feeling that man cant reach and shape on in his local area can more than in any other area of go vernment When alienation comes so does irresponsibility and decay The spirit of involvement is particularly needed in the Town and its people As the tiling lots become smaller and harder to get a the apart traffic ics more Intense become understanding of he people in the becomes more important Our strength Is our people and their spirit nil they should be give SAVINGS OF 20 TO Sale Starts Friday January 2 Mens Wear SPORT SHIRTS Ladies Wear DRESSES SALE PRICE DRESSING GOWNS SALE PRICE 799 Bo Wear OUTERWEAR ui1 lyls wn limit Ml SAUC PRICE 3 16 JUMP SUITS SesivIi vS PRICE J7 tLE PRICE 7 99 922 DUSTERS SALE PRICE 299 FUN FUR COATS 99 NYLON SKI JACKETS ENTIRE MILLINERY STOCK REDUCED Hats 12 Price and Less 99 1200 Fur Fabric Hats and Hoods 20 Off Res to Genuine Fur Hats and Hoods Including ininU some stores 20 IO 33 Off 1099 2990499 16 s long Knits Hats Hoods and Sets including many with ft long mulching scarves to 33 Off Reg to 1300 99 GLOVE HAT SETS SALE PRICE 299 PRINTED SCARVES SALE V PRICE Girls Wear Infants and Childrens LEOTARDS SALE PRICE WINTER COATS SALE PRICE SALE PRICE I 7 7 1 SALE PRICE 399699