market Keswick Tucs December Continue indirect elections council NEWMARKET A planning com mittee recommendation far indirect elec tion of councillors under regional govern ment was approved by York County a lengthy debate last week But the arguments presented re flected considerable confusion and differ ence of opinion among councillors con cerning the countys future under region al government Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy regional government is just year away That at least has been th countys public on the matter The planning if Implemented by Municipal Affairs would provide for continuation of the present method of choosing repre sentatives to the top level of countyre gional government by indirect Reclmen win two Tigers In one Mi played Dec at DORIS LADIES WEAR HEMPEN JEWELLERS DRAPERIES NEWMARKET HARDWARE Seasons Greetings to All from Newmarkets Main Street Merchants PUBLIC NOTICE NO GARBAGE PICKUP ON CHRISTMAS HAY BOXING DAY DEC YEARS DAY JAN I JO PICKUP WILL BE MADE ON THE NEXT REGULAR PICKUP DAY