MERRY CHRISTMAS THEERA 2i pages Since Newmarket 8952331 VOL N6 Aurora 15 CENTS NEWMARKETAURORAKESWICK ONTARIO TUESDAY DECEMBER 1969 Keswick 1761882 FROM THE ERA STAFF Dear Santa Clnus and I am and my name Is Joey and I do not want very Chris I hope you have a good Chris and I Billy Blastoff Dear Santa Clans My name is Monica 1 am I am going to give you a kiss I want a taking boy doll his name is Ken Last Crismis my father was Santa Clnus Did you come to our house when we our bathe Wo live in venshoe I am good I make the beds 350 Cotter St Newmarket Dear Santa Hows it at the Pole or have you been there Was there any trouble for Christmas Do you enjoy being with us children hope you do Well I guess its lime to close up Youll be wanting read other interesting letters besides mine Well so long Major Sutton West Hello Santa How is up in the north I hear that is coming I would like a hot wheel set please I am years old live from Goodbye 133 Harrison Dr Newmarket Dear Sanla I hope you can bring me Dare devil trick track I looked in the catalogue and it only 395c My mother it isnt too much to buy so could you please give me it for Christmas Thank you for the bow narrow last year I liked it much but my bow broak Love from Knows Cr Aurora Dear Sanda Clans Claus how are you I trying to be goad If house than t will give you a Claus please can 1 have a new born Thubelina please can I have game and it is call Sanda Clus please can I have a Ke Nash Dear Santa I have been a good girl Please bring me a puppy dog and turtles and Carole Salmon Woodland Court Newmarket Dear Santa want an electric train a game called kertplunk How is Rudolphs red nose He had better not get a brown nose like the other reindeer How are your helpers today I hope you come to my house on Christmas night have your help ers made enough toys Your friend Hill Vail Santa Clans 1ast year I liked my teddy bear Is all ripped up and now I want a now one Thank you Harrison Dr New mrakot Dear l hope you are not tired on Christmas because have worked hard I wit a new born thobleo you are Santa Clans You are to kids 189 Ave Newmarket Ont Dear Santa Here is my list for the year I would like you to bring a super charger hockey stick skates pool table horn and light tor my bike table and bridge for my road race set and my two of beer on the kitchen table I know you get hungry on your long rip Thanks you and Merry Christmas McDonald Three Seasons Drive Dear Santa Clnus I like to have a airplane and I like to have a Billy Blastoff and I like to and a bear and lave a alushrec plane and a a man comes purshoting is Paul and I am a good boy sus and 1 like in Acres St Newmarket Onl Dear Santa hope you are well Here machine a book on Snoo py a game called a tele phone exchange coloured I have some slippers but they are old so I would like some now ones I hope you have a good trip Stephanie Box 182 Sutton West would like a Ottawa hat and shirt and pants with football and Holland Landing My mame is Jody I have tried s a good boy Santa 1 love you very Would you please bring me a mobile suit and something to play Jody Maries Dear Santa Please will you bring me guns and gun name is Steven Bell 1 am some bullets please and some Big Big Big tonka toys and a doll carriage My mommy wants a silver charm bracelet Dear Santa My name is Roger 1 want Spi rograph and some racing cars and I think will get some more things I have been pretty good all summer and will try to be good till Christmas and I will leave you a bag of chips By Sherri Lee Dear Santa Claus My name is Sherri Lee I am in grade 3 and am I am going to put a Christmas tree out will put some food out too There will be food for the raindeers on the porch I would like a purse a tip ritter a new hat a titomatic a Susy home talking go for the long trip How is your wife 1 have been trying to be a good girl I would like to have some silly putty Mary Dear Santa 1 hope you like your job Christ mas is my best day the year like it for Christmas 1 am years old now A birthday was September the firs I two dollars on my birthday 1 hope do net get stuck on Christmas night Septonne Ave Elizabeth w skirt boots hat and I would like a ballerina doll a baton a thats nil so please send some food to the a go with the starving children in wish for a super charger you made many toys How- are your helpers Are you coming to my house Are you coming I have been a good boy How are your reindeer How is Rudolph How do you get down the chimney Does Rudolph still have a red Letters to Santa Dear boys and girls and mommies and daddies The tetters you see on this page were delivered to us by Santa Clans just before he headed buck to the North Pole to net his sleigh anil reindeer ready for his busy night Christmas Eve Those letters were written to Santa in care of the Newmarket and are among nearly that you wrote to him We asked him if lie hud written back to and he said Yes We also naked him if he had made notes of what each of you wanted and he said Yes indeed His last words to us were a hearty Merry Christmas And from all of us at The Era we also say Merry Christmas See- you lave Santa Sartta I hope everyone is fine at your way up north We have a new to the family down here We called you think I would like will do fine If thats OK With you My big is about the same as me I think Well bye Rogers Road Newmarket Dear Santa I have been very good to people I have been helping at home with my Dear Santa I read your letters in the ERA every week and I am glad you are bet ter now For Christmas 1 want a a matchbox roadway set and a big truck for my car to be carried I whtsh I get what I want to know what I want it is a hoi wheels track and a walketolk set Have you got a lot a toys Are yeu feeling good We have bean watching your parade each year My name is Karen and my brothers name is Shawn Wev lived in Newmarket for 7 years My brother would wan you to get him some hot wheels I would like you to get me a and play My brother is he will be in December Im 9 and I will be 10 in April My mother is in the hospital and she will be out November If she doesnt have to stay in the hospital All my love I a Newmarket I wrote you a letter and my her sent it to you hope you got it what I want hut I told you in my I wrote you I have been very Dj you still have Rudolph How cur wife How are you I hope you Dog Sling Yes or No Doug Hickman Big Diesel Yes speed way Yes or No Superfast Motor ized roadway Yes Action Highway Yes Dog sling Yes or No Blvd Newmarket Dear How are you Are you Im not sick I nine now 1 have tried to be good Every day I make my bed My mother is very sick I help licr Please come to my 175 Ave Keswick Dear Clause My name is Jeffrey McKay am old therefore my momn is writing this for I have a brother named Ronald McKay Jr and he is four months old says that if Santa hears me or sees me being bad that you wont visit mo so I will try my hardest to be good although at times it is pretty For Christmas would like a bicycle tractor with a back attachment for baby to have a ride in too My brother would like a walker so he can gel all about and into mischief Mommie and says not to ask for to much and to bo with what I go because of all the other child ren who arent quite as fortunate as we Jeffrey McKay There will be cookies and lelt out for you and a big carrot for you Lonllii Rye 1 Murray Dr Aurora Dear Santa How are you I am trying to bo good If you come to my house will leave you some candies and beer you can come to my house And you are I would like a watch for Christ mas I wish 1 can have it If I cant have a watch I would like Tipit for Christmas Uremia Barrett Longford Dr Dear Santa Claus I hope you bring me a lot of toys Are your reindeer okay I love you Claus One of my loys I hope I get Is a race track I hope I gel a Etch a Sketch to I like a game to I will be a good boy and listen to my mom and dad I hop gel those things Thank you Dear Santa My name Is Wanda I a want whatever you want to give Dear Sanla May 1 have some skis May my dad have tools May I have Johnny eagle gun May I have batteries May I have please From Lewis Dr Oh how And your wife From your friend Shirley years old that I skippy cold Just toll him had to stay in the the chicken mix but 1 had Just Christmas as everybody I send my love and best to now Just in case t get a barbie I want a magninfeing birthday yesterday I am five years old now How old are you now I have been good for a long lime I would like this I have wanted Thankyou Dear I would like you to bring me a Tiibey doll a doll house some dishes table and chairs a pair of cow girl shoes and boots and a doll that talks and a case for my doll cloths a comb and brush a dress a skirt and sweater Will you bring my mother pr of ear ring Will you bring my dad a Suit I saw you at the parade in New market some of the clowns gave me some candies I will leave you some pop and Debbie Itlddell Eagle St Santa I have chicken pox and I guess you will have now you have got this let- hope you will be OK by Chstmus Please bring me a talking doll Dear Santa C Santa we are having a fight My cousin says you are hairless and my sis ter and I say you have hair on your head To end a fight would and Yours truly I Dear Santa Claus How are you I hope you arent sick because in four weeks it is Christ mas time I am trying to do my best But please send me a letter back Santa I watch you on TV if you are on TV My name is Debbie and I have another sister named and I have another brother named Danny and I have another brother named David and I have another named and have a dad dy named Mike Were trying to our best I watch you on Santa time I like that when I watch you this morning I saw some toys and you were playing with building blocks I am In May I will be I am in Mrs Price Mrs Price teaches grade 2 And last year I had another teacher named Mrs Neugebaur Dear Santa I have been a good girl all year Would you piece give me gad about doll four Christmas If I did not want gadabout I wood get anozer doll I will leave some cookies for you Good bey Santa Wendy 1014 Wild wood Dr Dear Santa Please bring me a match box and hot wheels please bring me a punching bag and And my sister would like play doh and giggles And my other brother wood like a raddle and a pair of pj Dear Santa Claus I would like a telephone switch board for Christmas I hope you have lots of happy letters from other boys and girls I have a baby brother now a smile on his face but it is only gas I wish you could bring something for his gas but maybe he would like a musical