DISPUTE MAY TIE UP DEED NEWMARKET New home owners in the Towercrest subdivision who havent already acquired a clear deed to their property may be held up because of a dispute between the town and the original developer of the subdivision The delay could mean short- term mortgage and other problems for homeowners said town lawyer William Ernngton but he said it probably wont affect most directly He said this will depend on their individual solicitors It might also mean difficulties if the present owner must sell before the dispute is settled he said The dispute stems from an agree ment between the town and the develop er Towercrest Developments Ltd which according lo the town records states in part the developer agrees to establish a ceiling price of an acre to the town or any prospective purchaser ac quired by the town The agreement doesnt say The twoyear agreement runs At stake Is acres of land fronting on the Cane Parkway for which Newmarket has offered town hopes to develop the land as an industrial park and attract new firms to town by offering serviced land a reasonable prices But town council hasnt received any answer from to its offer To try and pressure the devel oper into answering the town council is tabling all requests from Dalewood In vestments who took over the residential portion of the development from and from Dalcwoods builders for release of the lots from the subdivision agreement between Towercrest and the Until the lots are released by the clear deeds t their The town is also refusing re quests from to take over the subdivisions underground services May or Tom told lawyers for Dale- wood if the delay costs the firm money they should sue A spokesman said the matter is in the hands of their law- Its just something our solici tors will have to work out said Toronto lawyer Jack Stitt a law partner of Stilt said the intention of the agreement was not for the town to be come speculators in land The intent was that if legitimate industrial users came along they would bo entitled to purchase land to build on at a fixed price He said Towercrest has adhered strictly to the agreement date The law yer said the only offer the firm has re ceived came from Ontario Hydro and Towercrest sold them 33 acres of land at the agreed an acre The agreement was never in tended lo let the Town of Newmarket buy all he land he said and went on to charge lhat the towns offer left out 10 acres of low lloodplain land which the firm doesnt wan to be stuck with Summing up he said So Tower arc not the bad guys theyve done everything they agreed to do He said the firm doesnt intend lo renege on anything Its just that nobody is interes ted in coming in there because nothing is happening theres nothing to entice them to build plants in Newmarket Theres no big boom there THE 32 PAGES VOL 118 NO CENTS NEWMARKETAURORAKESWICK ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10 1 8952331 Aurora Keswick 1761882 Drugs fact of life police NEWMARKET The drug trade Is flourishing En Newmarket and Aurora So say the police and young people who see it going on around them dally School administrators decline comment on the subject except to say they recognize drug abuse as a serious problem among the teenagers At Dr Williams Secondary School In Aurora students estimate at least and possibly more student pushers in operation They are part of a loosely organized drug network cen tered in Metro The same situation exists among students in Newmarket accord ing to police Some students have their own stable of pushers four or five illicit drug salesmen responsible to the same boss Their market place he hallways of the schools Police say parents are aware that their sons and daughters arc using drugs but wont report the prob lem to police for fear their children will be arrested Its a frustrating and everin creasing problem for the police According to the Aurora Police Departments annual report written by Chief Bill there have been RAY TW1NNEY ALEX MORNING BILL STEELE GARFIELD WRIGHT King Township Reeve Gordon Cook centre congratulates new councillor Margaret following victory in last Saturdays election for King Council At right is Lome who also won council at Only incumbent to retain his seal was Gordon who topped the polls Mr learned of his victory in York Central Hospital White Photo Wright top polls Problem here now EAST NEWMARKET Theres one kid in this town hooked on speed who has been told by doctors hes got five years to live if he quits the drug now and three If he doesnt Newmarket Police Constable Tom Young was speaking Id a group of about 20 teenagers Sunday night at St An drews Presbyterian Church When you bring out cases tike this said the constable later the kids realize Ibis drug problem isnt just talk He outlined the legal aspects the drug problem then opened the nice for questions Their questions were open I think we got home to them this is not a high school game Its a problem right here in town said countless investigations of drug abuse out in the past year A wide variety of drugs are avail able to teenagers in Ann SHARON Therell be one new face on East Gwilliuibury Township Coun cil Alex Morning And his victory came on a last deficit for the third and last council seat to defeat Randy by voles Mr victory seemed assured until the returns from the Hol land Landing area came in Mr Morning polled votes there to Mr Councillor Ray Twinney defea ted retired East Township businessman Alex Hands by votes Reeve Garfield Wright topped the council poll with while Coun cillor Bill Steele placed second with The arena plebiscite voters were asked if they were in favor of the township laying out 250000 for a com munity centre carried by a narrow margin for those in favor eligible voters east their ballots Although the arena question car ried its strongest proponent Rus sell failed in his bid for election to coun cil Mr Russell who based his entire getting a community i Heights where he polled votes to Mr Mr also received strong support from voters in Sharon Mount Al bert Holland Landing and the Hamilton Heights area Mr Hands was leading the race after the first two polling subdivisions reported He Mr Twinney in Ihe Main St North area to and to in Holt He also defeated Mr in votes to It was almost a sawoff at as Mr Hands re ceived 14 votes to Mr But elsewhere Mr rolled up huge majorities Reeve Wright in topping the polls for council won every polling sub- He placed third behind Mr and Mr Steele in the East Heights subdivision Mr Wright even received more votes than the two can didates in all but three polling subdivision Mr Twinney him by a narrow margin in Park and Hamilton Heights and by a to 227 margin in East GwilUmbury Heights The heaviest voter turnout was at Sharon with per cent with the low est at Brownhill with per cent See CHART page 20 Recount in EG KING By ALICE KING CITY King Township Councillor Gordon topped the polls in last Saturdays municipal election and he hardly had to get out of bed to do it In fact who was the only incumbent to hold his seat has been con fined to a bed in York Central Hospital since two days after nominations He garnered votes more than run nerup Lawrence B a former township reeve and York County warden Placing third in the sixway race for the three seats was Mrs Margaret Britnell the only woman candidate She with Sheardown has days after Township Clerk Harold Rose declares Mrs winner to ask for a recount Neither of the township s two top posts were being contested in the elec tion Both Reeve Gordon Cook and De puty Reeve Kenneth were returned to office by acclamation Marijuana usually the young per tre for Ihe township polled only 424 votes sons baptism into the turnedon world and wound up seventh in a nineman race is relatively scarce So many students After Mr and winding are bypassing the milder stuff and up in fifth place was Ellerby with moving on to the amphetamines speed William received 536 How many kids are on drugs Ob viously there are no accurate statistics But teachers have been known to make their own personal estimates which THE DRUG PROBLEM page 31 supporters will raise the money Realizing this can be a subject I invite comments from readers and suggest you contact Mel at or Connors at Connors said Ernest and Cyril Flinders lost out with and votes respectively a father of five who runs a lumber business in Oak Ridges attri buted his victory to the vigorous cam paign conducted by his son Ken As a councillor had been especially concerned with Kings lack of small homes suitable for young famil ies and the elderly shown special interest in King Township roads Councils only woman Mrs Mar garet is interested in Kings ru ral development With over 8500 eligible voters in King Township the turnout this crisp win ter election day was just over per cent Rezone for highrise to pay for town hall Mayor Surgeoner urges NEWMARKET Mayor Tom Surgeoner weathered a blast of criticism from one of his councillors and strong opposition from Reeve Clare Salisbury to get a new proposal for his downtown revilalization scheme before council last Earlier council had failed to ap prove a motion by Councillors Bob For- han and Aubrey Smith authorizing pur chase of Ihe old Newmarket Motors build ing for Surgeoner wants the for a new town hall which he contends will stimulate private investment in the A meeting of councillors seve ral weeks ago approved purchase of the building but the decision was upset by if council doesnt back the first de- The mayor now wants council lo rezone a parcel of publicly- owned land south of Fairy Lake and on the Cane Parkway for highrise apart ments sell it at its increased value and use the money to buy the Newmarket Motors building on St demolish it and build a new town hall The mayor has been battling to get council approval to purchase the old building since late October He envisions a new town hall on the site and a civic square on the adjoining old town hall site Mayor Surgeoner told council two large financial institutions have al ready indicated they would buy Main St properly between and Timothy and put up commercial buildings if the town puis in the civic square Reeve Clare Salisbury who has been leading the opposition to the may- down the old town hall and rebuild the old garage He asked council to re it for a suitable use and let the own er sell it wed have taxes from it My argument for building out side the downtown area is that we could house all our community facilities municipal offices fire department police community centre under one roof he said He charged that some members of the council now backing the mayor had opposed downtown urban renewal during the last election campaign You werent willing to spend said referring to the towns previous ur ban renewal scheme which would have been heavily subsidized by the provincial and federal governments Now you want to spend on the dollar He pointed out Ihe first scheme been officially turned down by Snowmobile beefs NEWMARKET Newmarket has no legislation of its own govern ing snowmobiles council was told last Councillor Herb EUnes com plained that with the seasons first snow the vehicles were being driven hazardously on town streets and were trespassing on private property The mayor said the only legis lation governing them Is provincial but admitted he had already received five telephone calls complaining about That week ago last SO WHATS Santa made it to Keswick last Saturday The old boy was lop attraction in the parade hat marched from Dawsons Marina to Keswick menu Above little Scott of Sutton West who is only- nine months old seems a Utile bored as she sits on Santas knee follow ing the parade White Photo