THE WEI AUGUST HIM VOL US NO Editorials Fulltime job Ann County Welfare lineal of its operation The issue arose when some members council all Oak family was in need of rmt1 In fuel the family of four children ranging lo 1ai1 lhu for two days When councillors attempted lo locale welfare official- nobody was available then tinned to the Aurora Lions Club for assistance which was provided practically mined in Fortunately for Hie family such fine organizations exist Hie point is the family was a welfare ilcpnilinenl rospou- and nobody from that organization was available because it was on a Saturday Welfare is per day seven days per week necessity just the same as police and fire protection The welfare deparlment owes the it serves some explanation why nobody was available jusl because it was Saturday Changing haircut habits In what many like lo call the good old days a customer thought nothing of waiting hour or two lo gel into the chair In this gogo age people dont have time to wait or dont think they have It was a time to catch up on the news A haircut cost a shave 15c Would you believe it a shop in New York now charges lo for mens hair styling and a trim Work is done in private or semiprivate booths where there are mirrors with gilded frames In our town shops most customers think nothing of spending or The styling involves a trim shampoo cut fluffing and drying with ail electric hand blower shop shaving is becoming a thing of the past and most artists will tell you that customers wanting shaves are few and far between An affluent society lias turned more lo the specialties the massage the shampoo the lint and a variety of fancy head rubs We have read of another New York shop thai trims and lints mustaches for eyebrows or sideburns for tin- same price facials and coloring and up An interesting sidelight on harboring trends in Canadian cities is that only ten per cent of SPICE By Bill Smiley The kids are pathetic Its been mcr for a lot of people including yours truly Theres nothing like gi It mi Ifiim trip and finding a that your wife has Inst the house key and you have to break in through a cellar window and b that an oak limb- feel long and ten inches thick has fallen across your hydro lines during a storm However these arc minor tilings I got into the house Taped knee a good the limb in two allowing half it crash down on my fence this is a mere baga telle compared to what others what shes been doing The lady is a good mother in every way Has two daughters one a fine steadygirl the other a young rip Why And everywhere see them on the highways dirty bearded longhaired Hitchhiking through supposed to recha fit and bursting with ideal ism Well he lucky to open this fall the way our staff is fold ing up A hernia and a heart at tack a total collapse from exhaus tion various slipped discs and other ailments have decimated the ranks All I have is a touch of heartburn and attribute thai to a of days of Bloody Marys for breakfast served by friends liting that theyd flunked their first year College Their parents werent quite so nonchalant Apop lectic is the word Same day I met an old friend who was at his cottage Theyd left one sou at home work ing The night before my friend received a call from the police in his home town They had raided a big teenage party At his place A friend of my daugh ter a pretty blonde 17yearold had a stroke and her right side Is paralyzed No need to ask how her family feels A distraught mother told me three weeks ago that her 14yearold daughter had disap peared run off with another kid She phoned collect this week from Vancouver Alive but who knows commune is usually a fallingdown house in a slum area It has a kit chen of sorts a toilet that works occasionally and the rest of the floor space is covered by mnttrcs- psychological atmosphe They claim theyre opt ing out of a sick society Work is a dirty word They are meditating seeking a higher spiritual life Theres a of talk about vibra tions and and pure love for everyone All this in a pigpen The young people are rather pathetic but I grieve more for their parents who simply dont know how to cope with a way of thinking and living so alien to heir own They arc loving frust rated and helpless And I save a little pity for myself Got a letter from my daughter from Montreal telling me cheerfully that she had one cent Wired her some money yes terday Got a collect call this mor ning saying she couldnt cash It because she had no proof of iden tity Phoned the Montreal tele graph office told them it was OK lo cash it No can do Confirma tion had to come from our local wire office Called them got off a wire and presumably she cashed in as she hasnt called back yet So the original bite plus two wires plus two long-dis- calls Montreal Should all kids at birth be placed out on a lonely hillside for the shepherds to adopt Wo might be flooded with shepherds pie but it would certainly make life a lot simpler Readers ERA Dear Editor The father of universal medicare undoubtedly hoped thai the federal payment to he pro vinces of 50 per cent of the peoples Federal medicare agree ments with some western provinces leave much to be desired but the agreement with Ontario loaves much more Ontario has been al lowed to enter medicare on its own terms or so it scorns which is practically the status quo This de fection by Ottawa has put the Lib erals of tin Ontario Legislature in position it look Nova Hcotia responded nobly It has one insurer or agency as against I he retention of about II ha financed entirely by the federal contribution plus an increase in the provincial sales lax from five to seven per cent John Gilbert the wind out of their sails And bow come medical exemptions for income lax purposes have been cancelled when the federal kickback from Ihe two per cent welfare lax has been appropriated by the government for purposes which presumably have more poli tical value hut are not a direct ben efit to the with medical ex pense Dear Editor The ways of planning hoards and councils are indeed a wonder lo behold They appear ever ready to jump from behind a Iree if 1 should dare grow one blade of grass too close to a sidewalk and then al low a monstrosity of bricks and mor tar to be smack in front of one of the largest high schools in this By Allan Ward and Mark Craig Saturday August there was a peace rallv at Nathan Phil lips Square in Toronto The authors of this column were in attendance Looking mound at all smiling sing ing kids we couldnt help thinking Hint besides protesting the war in Vietnam we were all having a good time And isnt that what peace is all about The entertainment was supplied by Sherman and with talks by disc jockeys and en tertainers like Skip That kind of gettogether relatively cost free since all you it We are sure that Newmarket or even Hie whole of York County has never seen a youth rally And years of York County with the best in dan bands and entertainment Aurora Holiday I I Tin last dance on August was Hie best dance ever held in the Arena At least for the kids who showed up 1500 people were needed lo meet the high cost of LIGHT HOUSE a really excellent band which should not have been misled by anybody Not even of the figure was met Anybody w reads this column should have been in attendance The cost was nomi nal only a head And getting Aurora should have been no liul the damage has been Su little thought could have been given to the location and composition of the mini- plnza in front of Huron Heights Sec ondary School It looks as though it is not only going to be a commercial eyesore but an added traffic hazard al this point How about a highrise on the hospital lawn With starlings its no contest tell i to gel rid of a quarter of a million starlings Now before you go charging off lo your typewriters or I want il under stood that shooting poisoning and drowning out Im sorry thats he way I am a pacifist heart In fact even vetoed my wifes suggestion thai I hang little Its not only that they have laken over Ihe garage leaving no room al all for my car hut hat very recently I Ihn I have employed the Now Ive never been one off to a psychiatrist goes Itut rather lhan have the whole feathered kingdom laughing in my face I enlisted he services of his chap in New York who has a after his name The hook came a couple of weeks ago The firs piece of expert advice was Try sprinkling a few breadcrumbs on the floor of your neighbours garage On my second visit to he garage next door amply bur dened with a bucketful of grated Mothers overheard one starling remark the other i hell of a good place to of strange visit hut I wouldnt objects propped up on he lawn such as an old jacket on a broom handle was he closest alterna tive In the breadcrumb hit It wen on to say This worries the birds no end and before they get couldnt put out he old jacket because I was wearing il and as my wife pointed out If he birds can sland he sight of I bat coat hanging you theyre not likely lo take to he hills the sight of on a broom handle An item of antique fur niture older he such as an Irish country dresser is 111 Mill 1 I si Ion- I 111 out of Hie province he chap advised Irish country dres sers however being a bit hard o come by in Newmarket I had to substitute with my old Itabylouian spinning wheel Hushing eagerly lo Hie rapidly reaching he point of ex piration About a hundred birds I 1 I ii on he spokes the thing fighting over one of my red wigs Another one which had ob viously earlier was leisurely stropping its beak on he hell As a deterrent the Hah- spinning wheel had had it Sighing for hopes cast down I brought Ihe thing in again and stood il in the corner of chesterfield and an icient clothes horse met with although he magnet crows and things Its nil very well for a in New York to throw off a few halfbaked lips including old jackets broom handles and anti que furniture but shorl of packing up and moving out I cant see solution the problem Trouble Is though he starlings are be coming rather at Inched lo our fur niture They may decide to pack up done There ill be no limiH for quite a vhile And il doesnt look like an will be willing lo slick the necks for i for a have to blame but irselves Friday August Ml Hie Pi is shutting lo the puhlii A 20000 t is he re ison The go rnnieiil liatl mid should pay back taxes while the Hock Pile is a dance hall ami should lie left aloiio The author of this column side with the man agement of Tile Hock Pile an we have there every lime we have attended It would seem Hint would lie in order appears as though the Rock Pile is Koine to under to the gov ernment THE TEN HEAVY April DEEP PURPLE Wooden ships STILLS NASH Chest Fever THE HAND Season of VANILLA FUDGE llonkv Tonk Women ROLLING STONES Im a man CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY Miles LIGHTHOUSE Siiziiune JUDY COLLINS You Have to Cry STILLS A NASH Can You Dance lo II CAT MO THER AND THE ALL NIGHT NEWSROYS Simple Minded HARVEY GLUTS THE ERA Serving York County Since Incorporating THE POST Cue ttfryrcssa THE HERALD DAVID Publisher WILLIAM J Associate Publisher TERRY CARTER Managing Editor News Editor 900 for two years for one year Single copies 16c each or by carrier per month Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Class Mail isliati umber