PHONE Newmarket J 7274024 Aurora 4764882 Keswick You Can Rely On Thousands of Readers In Northern York County PHONE 8952331 Newmarket 7274024 Aurora 4764882 Keswick IVAN EVES REAL ESTATE BROKER KM JUST REDUCED tafte west of on Annua von iAtttfictivfl bedroom imi basement dryer pond brick inl drive 1st at li Oscar Steiner 8897771 or Wanted for Waiting Customers acre building lot ifcJb with modern home itlO acres with or without daily requests for homes in this region are considering moving now or the nioicrn future please call All minimi healed con rhe and walk or GARDEN CENTER Excellent location in the area Valuable jjtfpflrty situated on a hijihua Sale- on ice and three connected greenhouse ample and stoiajre aiei I modem kitchen and separate dining room forces sale of this lucrative business for ther information please call Harvey White J771 or i bungalow detached room with walkout to patio W garage paved drive this year old home Is in immaculate condition located in Aurora close to schools shopping etc Call Alex Alder Located in NEWMARKET 2 storey I htiek home 5 bedrooms 2 bathrooms separate living room study many other features i NEWMARKET HOMES built executive style tidesplit featuring all the amenities of modern living including living room and bedrooms large modern finished re room with bar fiieplace and to patio More than i of land MARKET PRODUCE CENTRE f Located on Street 10 miles north of Metro 150 ft- frontage with ft store large houses cold storage and store Ample parking space fully equipped for the sale of groceries fruit and gmlen supplies No competition nearby Owner i- vein situated on large corner lot with and hedged Solid brick house features huge living loom kitchen with built atpye and grill full divided basement Many including bio idloom watersoftener fitted cupboards etc AREA Stove this prospering business Qri two acres of land fronting on paved trav- veiled road just out of Sharon Ideal income J for pair of good workers available factory or Retail Grocery cleaners and pressor hardware doughnut shop the building is clean modem in Sharon terms Don Mills Rd two coiner properties both small Acreage corner of Herald Road lias small cement block building the corner of Mount Alb I I I- 1 l in ii I l development Details acres Road just off Don Mills rolling farmland of new stalls Asking with down 100 acres scenic pasture land near Zephyr stream per acre 665 acres parkland with 2000 ft of flowing riVer near Vdoia ideal Im imp grounds etc Asking with terms above choice of several working farms and or two nice properties are coming in the market soon all information from Iboin 8837771 or 7279119 or lies 1781357 A- SMALL ACREAGE KING TOWNSHIP acres several high building sites acres on quiet country road lots excellent view some bush FOR RENT bedroom bungalow with double with cameling lar- n li-tjc- round I list price mil- fi inn large rout kitchen Imiii room dining room ligation 1 bedrooms fid on a I Ill I with lit mortgages from rjpiwrtnn- on Don Mills of road frontage Lb olinlete with brick Mine 1 ant 13 bed- ronn incliidinc lot Priced at mills iHi few in a Could be divided i of high producing tli three ponds 1 ell This niece of property iiinnth In cludes hydro IVAN EVES or Ham Co age self contained apart ment piiriibli duck mil Invil Inqc liedgod stores apartment owner operating other store and presently rented and re corner ing peat loam artesian wells small river crosses room house 3 bath propane heated space for broiler in r For the above contact NORMAN basement louse t boat steps to all Inge hnilliniisi lakes 21 I I line 1 fdnnlilign Invi treed lot good area nee bath St 3 2 bedroom home high dry lot stuns shop ping transportation in ing room garace balance I ulb l Keswick KESWICK bungalow ill m-rii- in block barn Implement shed tested land has creek idc for business the above Contact 1 OR Inline ifiiod m icludb ii I ike l re i 10 mil Innis it l la lUVI ttv 2 room solid brick rented room rem all I and equipped open motile I In ai1 In with terms of lifetime miles Metro bedroom brick bath full kitchen A ear Storms and screens m BO landscaped lot buys this prestige I bedroom ininn liatio modern to lake r through out patio modem kitchen carports glassed eh access to laki to every inn be seen lobe appreciated 7225147 I A OPPORTUNITY now brick bungalow single at tached garage full dry I- nun irate dining 101111 luge beautiful treed lot Toronto 39 miles KESWICK BUNGALOW bed dining ANDERSON KFS- KEITH LTD REALTOR Avenue East 1iliii iiii linn iiiMillni iiiy duty vi ing I 47 17o 34211 SMITH 5 SMITH BRANDON HOPKINS REALTORS RKSIDENTIAL unci clear springs and is fenced house and other iiijs on good road la mills mile from lake with down tin bungalow liv- and kitchen bed- full PI ft ft This house has 1570 s ft of floor space a underfill view rolling lounlrjsiile Price Good Terms retirement spec ial neat low floor furnace family kitchen bath lovely lot Full price Zephyr 10 acres on which is an 8 a old beat bush Traitor Wagon double plow discs or and extras in price Excellent terms Paradise Near I II loilluc miles from air field excel lent or bulling 1110 Terms Mono Mills area acre lots ponds hardwood very scenic from Terms The iiirtto in this four bed room dote brick home make idea for the familv New hot v itei hi laiK trees am Must be sold as owner ha purchased another home wick J treed KID ft from highway priced to sell at 15000 off road o and i We have several A acre par cels sale at SI J with Tor these and i Office tier man Keswick Advertise weekly for best results boll is for the fnniilv with mil New will French vanity Now in living latllie anil hedges plus extra Oil W CASE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS St S Aurora TORONTO AURORA GRANDVIEW ESTATES By Brenbor Construction ltd Just Off Alexander South of Davis Or 5 MODELS FOR YOUR SELECTION BACK SPLIT 2 STORY BUNGALOWS SIDE SPLIT FEATURING Electric Heatlns 3 A Bedrooms Family Room- Fireplace a Half Crafted Kitchen Cupboards Fully Decorated Priced from 29400 TORONTO 3643506 NEWMARKET THE PEOPLE TO SEE RURAL OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY N SHEA LTD MARKHAMSTOUFFVILLEUXBRIDGE ALBERT AREA House Everyones Bonn Wailing For Lots of privacy on lovely wooded lot Ult Acres- 20000 Bofdwfri wooded level lot with several cell- sues Horn The only 10 acre lot we have at tlian See it llis weekend CALL ROSS DRAPER CALL ANDREW HUTCHINSON MOUNT ALBERT AREA Ml 5 room house small barn Acre h Camestoasio CALL DON HARRISON orH Beautiful bedroom brick bungalow laif of Toronto Down Buidors Own CALL ETHEL PHOENIX KeswrckBuilding Lois Morion Side lots I fronting on paved Mthm mile Don Mills parti covered with mat cedars and silver terrific build sites each CALL KEITH ROSE THOS N SHEA LTD REALTOR MT ALBERT KESWICK SUTTON 4765124