Finest Meat Anywhere at Low Low Prices FRESH CHICKEN LEGS WHOLE or CHICKEN BREASTS SPLIT S SPARE RIBS SPECIAL BURNS WIENERS SPECIAL FRESH SOLE FILLETS SPECIAL TOASTMASTER SPECIAL HEINZ SAUSAGE BURNS VA Salami SAUSAGE ass9 COOKED HAM 69 Corned Beef 499o WHS BRAND SIDE BACON vara SPECIAL Beef Steakettes Loin Lamb Chops BURNS BEER SAUSAGE BRAND one I Lot PIZZAplES GenoaSALAMI- BONELESS TURKEY roasts t POTATO SALAD 69 55 KETCHUP SPECIAL VIVA lOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED CUP COFFEE FL OZ BOTTLES LB BAG 1 LB BAG SPECIAL CHOICE FROZEN 1WB LB POLY BAG CAIIFORHIAS SUGAR SALMON HO I GRADE 69 FROM CA1U0RHIA1 RED FRESH PLUm SPECIAL SCOTTOWELS ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS FANCY WHOLE KERNEL CORN BUTTERNUT COLOURED umum IS SPECIAL UHSWLETLNEO RIC0NSII1UII0 SPECIAL LOBLAWS RED LABEL BLACK I SPECIAL CRESCENT PROCESS PLAIN SINGLES 9 OHIARIO GROWN HO I GRADE FIRM CREEK HEADS FRESH GROWN NO I GRADE GREEN FRESH CUCUMBERS I received a phone call yesterday that really touched me and Id like to share it with you One of our senior lady customers lost her purse at not once but twice in recent weeks and also left her walking stick he- hind just once so far Each time the store manager located her lost items and returned them to her safely including the contents of the purse She has renewed faith in the honesty and integrity of people and is going to try to take better care of her belongings in future This might be a good opportunity to remind everyone that although people are basically honest it is not a good idea to leave purses and other valuable articles unat tended in shopping carts even for a moment We all cant be as lucky as the lady who called me this week