NewmarketAurora Keswick Oil Wed July Tight finish for tennis stars It was 11 tight finish but Chuck of was the winner of the finals the closed singles tennis tournament held in Newmarket The winner will play in the closed singles to lie played at Kew Gardens starting 1 John Davis is closest to the TEAMS IN will have four Town Softball League Teams competing will be The league ledgers start tonight on the schedule diamond at the fair- schedule will be July tests Whack hits all over Town League dele gates Terry Gorman Dod gers Inn Robertson Larry Blight Mer chants and Kerry Suit van Charles Clutlerbuck Win- slons set a record for or ganizing a league It took under 30 minutes to estab lish rules of competition arrange umpires and set up schedule George Has NEWMARKET Newmarket c h r would be breaking Bankers beat Christian Re formed Newmarket Soccer upset East Tigers and Church of the made it three In a row best ing trinity Watt Helen but Lou did lead ing Soccer to a win over Tigers Smith and Ur sula also burned up the runways with three hits Jim Boden two doubles Dune Stephens Bond and Mel each had two hits for winners Jerry showed his Tiger pals how done hilling homer and single Jock Smith had four hits Dave and Don two each All the Church of the require is pitcher Fred and a Smith for his third win den socked a home run double and a single Colin Wood had three hits Bill Proud a home run Esther a double and Sharon Proud two hits Pat Smith and Bruce Killer shared the Trinity hit halo with three each Peter and Anna contributed two hits chalrmar League is the seventh In a scries of town soft ball lea gues over he past several decades The lost league which included Triple Sev en Hoffman Specialty and disappeared several years ago This was followed by a league that included East Heights and Bob McCrae Jack Held and John VanBeck stroked extra base hits It was Bert Van- night to hit the home run going for a pair Brian who skidded about the outfield and bases and Paul hit other Wilson returns to job in Aurora Fred Wilson has been a leader In the diamond sport His first love was baseball But as the big diamond sport faded from prominence Wilson took a hand in guiding and manag ing various Aurora After an absence of a couple of seasons he is back on the job Wilson is now manager of the Au rora Merchants team in the Lake Simcoe Softball Lea gue Wilson will work The Merchants favored by many diamond Side experts as potential Stan Cook Trophy winners Ron grabbed from Vandorf has been going great guns on the Merchant mound Larry Keffer is the Merchants livewire catch er The Infield stations are well protected by Charlie Leaning Bill Wilson Par ryl and Doug Da kin Coach White hasnt a worry with Brian Knowles Frank Keith Mike Abe Hamilton Ken Taylor and Ogle Thompson In the out- field The Difference on Savings Accounts Why settle for less SPECIAL OFFER Full months interest on deposits made up to July 15 individuals only Nonchequing Premium Savings Account It pays to bank at Toronto Dominion the bank where people make the difference HW Manager Main Street Newmarket Ontario GOING OUT OF BUSINESS OUR LEASE IS UP WE MUST VACATE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS BRAND NAME MENS CLOTHING FURNISHINGS MUST BE CLEARED TO THE BARE WALLS Hand more MENS PANT EXECUTIVE SUITS KORATRON PANTS SPORT JACKETS TIES BELTS PRICE SPORT SHIRTS 3 00 FOR OR LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS 2if FOR OR vp 50 mow NEWMARKET PLAZA