THE ERA WED MARCH 1969 VOL NO 12 Editorials Theyre all champs Those responsible for last weeks hockey tournaments in New market and Aurora should be proud of themselves for a job well done They made these two towns the hockey capital of Canada for a few days and made the residents proud that they live there For Newmarket it was the third year in a row that Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has sponsored the tournament in past years the tournament from start to finish was a professional job For Aurora it was the first year that town has played host to a Little NHL and tournament There too everything went off without a hitch Art Ferguson In Newmarket Jack in Aurora AND their committees deserve a big pat on the back And last but not least congratulations are to be extended to the Newmarket Legion midget hockey team These lads were pitted against some of the strongest midget teams in North America in the Richmond Hill Midget Hockey Tournament Underdogs all the way the Newmarket team was defeated in the final game of the championship round but bounced back like j to win the consolation championship Good police work Northern York County police forces and in particular the Newmarket officers led by Chief William Hill are to bo commended for their action over the weekend But for their quick and forthright action Newmarket might have been the site of a wild melee between motorcycle gangs and police By nipping any trouble in the bud a countywide police force raid of party attended by some 150 members of four motorcycle gangs on Newmarkets outskirts averted what could have been a repetition of last years in Township SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Spring is pure female A couple of weeks ago I sang a song of hate In this space Since Spring theoretically is just around that corner which recedes steadily as you approach it the least I can do is sing a song of love and ask you to join me Every body loves something even if its only his car Looking into the back yard its pretty hard to get all goofy about Spring The pile of snow pushed up beside the garage is now down to six feet My cedar chairs look tike a couple of natrons buried to the waist in mange their arms extended pleadingly The picnic table still looks like a freshlyrisen loaf of Hut the sun shines day after day anil eventually tliose articles must reveal themselves in all heir scabby shabby ugliness Hiding in Canad is pure female unpredictable perverse passionate hot or cold And completely independable as far as mood goes In this climate I have lain on fresh grss in March and in love and in sun that sug gested the following month would be July And I have gone fishing on the first of May and had my line freeze to the rod There Having expressed my mistrust of Canadas Spring I shall return to our theme love This is a favorite topic for poets who cant think of any thing else lo write about Not being a pool will avoid trying lo be poetic and thereby save of us lot of embarrassment Some people think that love is a potion especially in the Far East You know rhinoceros horn ground up in a mixture of oysters and celery Actually I wouldnt mind taking a swig at it Sounds jolly invigorating or something It is an by the way Mecca ointment is good for practically anything Unpaid com mercial And it is a Mecca to ward which you travel and from which you return wither wonder ing whether the whole trip of exhausted hot tired and dis gruntled pilgrims like yourself Thats love However one mustnt wax philosophical about love even on a highly elevated plane like this Not in this country in this climate Lets get down lo specifics What do via love love my country Not the government or the people particularly The physical Canada A black spring the ants that crawl alxiut their knees he sculptured blue white seascapes of January I love peace and lone liness and theyre dam hard to come by Its beauti ful to be alone sometimes with out the yelp and clamor the slink and garbage of everyday living About the only place you can find it is in an with a fishing rod The oullionrd motor and the have seen lo that And I love all growing things grass flowers leaves Ex cept when they have to be mowed or cultivated or raked And nearly all children Except when Ihoy grow up And I low a kju game when the irda in coming right And a good argil especially when Im right which seems lo be nearly every but Oil YOU KIDS And I love lo do a good job whether its writing a column or teaching a dumbbell something or finding a now gimmick in my tax return It seldom happens but it makes me happy Sometimes I can even love my neighbor as myself Its a lot easier these days He hasnt net in- a See Ive just begun I havent even mentioned hot lion- fires or cold beer or a thousand other things Put down a list for yourself and youll decide youre not such an old miserable after all Readers ERA Maurice Court Newmarket Out March 10GD about how school has changed in this weeks held so many items of mirth Firstly acknow ledging the fact Hint teachers are human beings How on earth can these privileged members of society do a good Job when they are up against the abolition of Kral punishment inl some of the imbeciles that call themselves pa- only will society need more mental institutions for teach ers who crack under the strain but they will also need them for those of us who stay home and give their children the important things of life love supervision guidance instead of the socalled necessities televisions big cars and all the rest of the unnecessary junk We are burdened down by the misdemeanors of other peoples hooligans while they are away Mr Smile is quite light when he says that many parents have abdicated from their respon sibilities Wo who slay home know what its like to have these un supervised children tearing over our a breaking down our fences screaming their heads off and behaving generally like sav ages Last week in the school holi days I heard a foul mouthed boy using filthy language on my drive way My own children had to bo brought In the house Of course his mother was at work Everybody has the privi lege of raising their children as they wish If they want them to end up in jail thats their busi ness Hut why do they inflict these on oilier people There are of course mo thers who have to work widows etc but these are the people who usually cure enough to make de cent arrangements for their chil dren to be cared for The others dont care as long as father gets I In back corporal punishment to save these small human beings before their parent Ihem completely Lots of for a child lo show llir THIS WEEK AND NEXT by Walt E A study of pot There are growing indi cations in Canada that smoking marijuana could well become as socially acceptable ami legal in the future as sipping rye and ginger Hut dont start inviting your guests a pot party yet anil above all dont start slocking up on narcotic refreshments Justice Minister John Turner lias em phasized hat the Government is not yet to legalize the 1 III ml li in I depraved that it will permanently muddle the brain and wither the body as opium docs All this of course is nonsense and the young shrug it off with disgust They see it as jus of big lies as a copcreated bogey man and an insult to their intel ligence and hum a do fa treatment of first of- long last however the Government and others are recognizing ho need for a thorough research in marijuana Even a school hoard Ontarios North York has endorsed such a study A study of marijuana is realistic vital and The estimate that one relic has no more effect than an average think of whisky If this is hue and no one has proved Hint it isnt then how ludicrous is our law which permits a sentence of seven years in prison for smok ing the hemp weed and life to the pot peddler Fort una in practice in most provinces but not all first offenders have more ami more been let off With suspended sentences the sitaitlie only arty among the adult pro class is well f mari is then in the national to pre ruin addicts have taken Since lnK increase than gathering da law cement people I for expel it Hi criminal thi Why Hum ImviiwiWi an of sumo relatively iiffccia to- loaa limn Tin All ilinlisiii anil Hum cai Iliiiinlnliiin Hint ally itiiiiiliiiiiniliilliiliil in mil Unit mo in mil I In lis n In- in lliwfillly Hi mi In our minium wo IMvinu in- Hit In tin unit out of Crier By BILL GAMBLE The headline in The Era Town taxes may hold line In and n whopping big headline il wan loo Illustrates In a ing way the extent to which our anticipation of incessant change op ilnly statu Now that only the non- negative and the absent we shall have to put full of head lines like No Inn Nuclear- Vet Schools Unheard Of In case some of us thought that nuns were totally ignorant of the seamier side of life a report in last weeks Era did something dispel the Slsi I Tremblav speaking at meeting of Ihe York County Chil drens Aid Society defended her expertise on sex wiving I was not born complete replete with a religious habit and as one of a family of II was not with- knowledge of what was going on in the world Im not sure what the implication here is Surely not that being one of a family of is im moral and therefore a sin If so what then is to be said of The Pill Hut the thing that made irk I Slsl a she alive reformed in oooooOooooo Whats be done about hooligans who loiter in store door ways on the Main Street then use language when asked to tea- taut step WW a store which shoppers were be ing impeded by a group of adoles cent delinquents ritualistically tie- rating heir for adult authority the lo appear In court and give evidence Had she not done this he police would luive been powerless act since he law says Unit they actually have In see tie offence being com mitted thai Police Chief Hill Hill says to they the police can then clean the streets of youths engaging in pursuits Chief Hill also says hat a policeman on con- slant duty on Main Street would be a big factor in this endeavor In view of his scrimps a reinh eduction of a resolution lust year in council then Bruce Eves hat he job of bylaws officer he discontinued and hat a patrolling police officer check Ihe parking meters would was a THE ERA County Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD Published every Wednesday at 30 Company Limited Subscriptions for two years for one year Single copies each or by carrier per month Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Sec ond Class Mail by the Post Ottawa for the payment of postage in cash Phono Newmarket 8952331 Charles St 1 Keswick