Wed February Taylor scores hat trick AURORA Ken Taylor one lime big scor er with Aurora junior hoc key clubs notched three goals to top Aurora Town Hockey League marksmen last week Taylors gaudy Bradford wins Third trophy BRADFORD Are the Bradford atoms mak ing it an annual pickup It would seem so Three times in the past four years theyve brought home the championship trophy From mare night as Essos punish ed Canadian Tire and Erics knocked Leslie out of first place with a spark- Roger making tracks to the goal creased potted a pair to spark Bin- tons Dave Erlam BUI Rose Dan Skeleher and Frank Jones hit for the other goals Brian Knowiea were two goal pacesetters while Ron Cain Don Anderson and scoring leader Peter shot singles Bruce Daly Don Hendricks Barry Smith Dave Thompson and Don Dynamite Bond shared the Tire goals Jerry Ingham scor ed two goals to lead the Eric victory charge Rick and the Port Credit Women curlers reach halfway point The Bradford club directed by coach Keith Collings and manager Bob Lynn opened a win over Long Branch Bill Bell scored the goal Jim Coll gained the shutout Bradford made it with an impressive win over Port Credit In the final Bells a Har rison Rick Phillips and Alan Lee pegged singles to lead winners Bradford team members were Jim Coll ings Alan Leo Bill Bell Rick Philips Mark Low- son Bob Bell Jim Lane Ted Richards Jim Lynn Paul Harrison Maurice Barry and Ron Bradford Bailey Rivers beat Jets 50 and in North York games last week Adralq VanderHulst scored five goals Tim Armstrong Rick Wray and Mark Hodgson two each to lead Bradford in the series Larry scored the other Bai ley goal defeat ed Bradford In the bantam game as Dave Walker scored the only Bradford goal Brad ford novices play Maple bantams Bolton in the playoffs Bradford will compete In the Little NHL C series on Feb at East Gwillilmbury Oak Ridges and Sutton are also enter ed Marion Smith and Joan Ross defeated Norma Cooks contingent to shoot into a first place Monday draw lead with the Stella Curtis foursome Mrs Cur- lost to Dorthy King Kay with Mary Jones Em ma Flip- pen and Doris Fair direc ted rinks sharing second Sokol Mae Glass Stella Curtis and Marie Jones share the Wed nesday draw top spot Mrs Curtis lost to Liza Hodg son muffing a chance to lake over the lead Mrs place Jones and Dor- Mary Jones and Judy Newmarket OMHAS start playoffs Friday scored two goals Govis one for Newmarket In the game at the Hill defence- men John Wall Doug Coun- Launch indoor soccer plan clubs are given a good chance to survive the first round and will meet Thorn- hill In the A series group Arrow bantam In their Friday night Ken scored both Newmarket novice goals Dan Palmer Rick and Tom Currie performing in fine fashion goalie John and Dave Stairs Bill Davis and Robbie Smith starred in the Trail Blazers loss Cal and Mur ray Blight scared Arrow goals with Ken play- it the Prince the bantam and players will be given opportunity to participate In the indoor soccer effort On Wednesday nights the junior A and players ore asked to report to Pickering College gym The mosquito and atom players will have their opportunity to partici pate and are asked to regarding the NEWMARKET A tie Dunn shared star ring roles and leadership spots in the Tuesday Major Marion Luff Pat 632 Lorraine Ruth Shaw McNaught 620 Bet ty VanZant Jeanne Gatti Helen Graham and Joyce Karges was not able to make it Sunday for an exhibition game against Newmarket Legion midgets The game expected to be played at Arrows break losing streak NEWMARKET Arrow Autos hope theres no truth in the old saying about it being bad luck to be in hole The Arrows went big in the their 13th win in the New market Midget Hockey Lea gue BrandonHopkins ne eded a scoring transfusion losing to as Don Harrison recorded the shutout Arrows had four tried and true shooters on target as Steve Smith Ter ry Dowker Gary Hooper and Brian Ross pecked away for a goal each Jeff Roberts Alan and Bill Spiers scored for Armstrong A pair of Bill Paws on and Paul Rcvill were two goal Granada sharp shooters Bruce Smith and Bryan Pick shared the other TOWN LEAGUE W into the charmed 600 circle in the Tuesday Ladies group Fran DLugos Carolyn Fletcher J Fletcher 525 Minnie Hare and Linda Randell were other ace pin spillers THUNAS HERBAL REMEDIES Sunrise Foods For Health MOR POWER DUALDUTY month Guarantee GUARANTEE KEYSTONE Guarantee 7 11 WINTER WISE DRIVING BUYS HEATFLO Popular 1plece PROTECTIVE Car Cushion Car Mat Windshield Cover OUT Canadian Tire has got what it takes to get you going COMPARE THE FOR YOUR CAR Bo is Ch- cc 1645 IS 3615 34 1995 on l 1 1 68 1 13 95 63 Co ton 1949 5420 33 lit I8 60 mo 1995 Vo o mo 7J extra Cash Carry BONUS COUPONS Custom Bonded Brake Linings are nsured miles or 36 months ALL WHEELS its most popular Chel Canadian Matte Canadian Tile your one stop shop for a complete range of Brake Lines and Cables Stoplight Switches Lens Lamps anything and everything PLYMOUTH and DODGE 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