buying or selling a home Multiple Listing Service gets houses bought and sold fast YM I DISTRICT REAL ESTATE Perhaps the most efficient tool of the realtor Through this Service groups of Realtors are insure a wider range of customers when youre of properties when youre buying one It saves lime money and headaches And you help of your Realtor every step of the way If youre buying or selling a house do it the logical way see a Realtor a professional in real estate who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics as a member of the local board and of the Can Association of Real Estate Boards multiple Listing le to pool their i a house a wider modern split level brick for small factory ample wafer woodlands border- prop landscaped Bald- A Good location road lot on main highway with parking for cars very close to lake as marina repair Selling due to illness Tor- Excellent clay rolling suit able to beef dairy horses loam slightly rolling to dairy h extraordinary of which cost never drying 2 homes all conveniences 3 road front- aces Lovely location on south end of thriving town miles from Metro Con- fact Kes- Z bedroom home aluminum siding large living dining room rood good kitchen hedged lot trees close to lake Toronto 39 miles Water All aluminum storms and screens aerial Quiet good location Beach down Toronto 39 miles cottage well pc bath town water fireplace large garage lot exclusive quiet Contact Spacious furnished large garage lot from Scarborough Keswick KESWICK LOTS beach privileges beach privileges water Channel front lots good boating 50 lake- front lot town water sea wall good location wooded quiet location H KEITH LTD REALTOR 181 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto 12 WATERFRONT HOME fieldstonefireplace good furnishings fireplacf ceiling treed quiet good location dose to shopping Excel- good seawall swim ming Toronto miles Contact Lloyd Gerry Kes- tiled bath paved drive garage large lot x 170 swimming boating privileges Toronto 39 miles KESWICK WINTERIZED Clean comfortable 2 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow living room 11 15 kitchen x 12 heats Lot iii nice area with beach privileges bedrooms situated large water serviced lot privileges fully insulated and heated could be used permanently good Toronto mites Contact to Metro bedrooms pc bath full basement with 2 finished rooms modern kitchen oil furnace attached garage storms and screens close to GROVE bedroom fully furnished permanent home 3 pc bath HD wiring car garage good well on beau tiful landscaped lot 39 miles from Metro on Metro Road must be seen to be appreciated Asking ESTATE MORTGAGES UBBENS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE A LLOYD PO BOX NEWMARKET Phone 8952232 Merry Christmas Own your own home semi For ph THINKING OF SELLING Tnouandi of satisfied en sty nil Norm Black top dollar We will you fast results often for top dollar We will give you fast results obtaining all cash for r t For a free esti mate of value without George Jackson at 727- Norm Black Really Ltd Member Toronto ana York County Real Estate I all cash and large down payment for homes in 1 market ana For free eval- Call Interested in getting into the travel business Start in your spare time Affilia tion available Write Club International Suite 3t Church St Toronto Ont c6w DETACHED Long low rancher on home site Now on sale for only Merry and the very best in the coming year EARL V STEWART Real Broker Phone Aurora from the Management and Staff of ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR heres no season quite like Christmas no custom quite so happy as the old tradition of exchanging greetings With real appreciation for our cordial relations we thank you and wish you a most joyful holiday To you and yours From The Newmarket Office of Gibson Housea for Rent FARM house bedrooms reasonable with long drive available Jan newly decorated Newmarket BRANDON HOPKINS Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year suite free parking Dales Building Mam St Phone New market Holland Street suitable for any business Phone Bradford MOTEL mil i of Bradford Winter Rates Bradford Houses for Rent On lease only 2 bedroom for Rent KING GEORGE HOTEL Under New Management Rooms by day or week Very large furnished 3rd floor room kitchen privil eges Suit 2 nurses beside hospital Phone 8959884 1969 comfortable apart ments in modern home on able Immediately Phone 3 unfurnished im mediate possession Phone Advertise Weekly for Best Results How a the time to count all blessings Warmest appreciation for your loyal kindness I IVAN EVES AND STAFF Room and board for elder ly lady best of care and Newmarket Phone tation available Bachelor apartment fur nished or unfurnished im mediate possession Phone Newmarket land Marsh Living room kitchen and bath Phone service included In Phone Newmarket lf44 Wanted to Rent rent or will house and Newmarket Je ft Phone take farmhouse and barn etc in Newmarket area responsible adult family n cr4w49 DEPENDABLE party needs accommodation for four reasonable rent 15 Coming Events Every Thursday fl Bingo In Newmarket Towr Hall sponsored by Newmar ket Optimist club 11 Monday January 1969 Bingo at Our Lady of Grace hall 16 Catherine Avenue Aurora There will be no bingo on December 23 or 30 Compliments of the Carl and Joyce for Clay and Kev- Wayne and Jacque- William and Karol proudly announce the arrival of Michelle Lee Dec 9 lbs 18 Marriagei the marriage of their dau ghter Linda Louise to Mr of the late Mr G Deaths Annie Suddenly at her home on Sunday Dec 22 1968 Annie beloved wife of the late Wm dear mother of Herbert Bill Raymond Ha Mrs Freeman Margery Mrs Bradley Ruth Mrs J Prior and Evelyn Mrs also sur vived by 26 grandchildren and greatgrandchildren Resting at the Strutter Chapel of the Taylor Fun eral Homes termer Ceme- May sudden ly Dec at her home Church St Georgetown Edith- May Johnston dearly beloved wife of Waller sister of the late Mary Mrs Geo Greenwood tella Mrs T Miller Florence Mrs D Shep- pard and the Rev J Johnston Resting at the Funeral Home Georgetown Service was held Friday Dec 20 Inter ment 20 In Memoriam Carda of Thanks old Gordon who passed away Dec 1967 We will always remember The little things you said and did Uncle Mike Arc with us all the while Never to be forgotten by liece Violet Ollle and Da- neighbours and friends who were so thoughtful to re member me with the many lovely cards flowers and cere thanks to my friends neighbours and relatives for their visits gifts flow ers and cards also baking for the family while in York County Hospital Special thanks to Dr McCllnlock Dr Cooper Dr and nurses and staff of the fourth floor Rev March for his visits Dorothy 20 In Memoriam Cards of Thanks I wish to thank the mem bers and staff of York Coun ty Hospital especially the Fifth Floor for their kindness and con sideration during my stav in the hospital Alexander B Sangster I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for lovely cards and gifts I received during my stay a Also Dr Vail ATTENTION Products E E Kirby USED APPtMttCIS NICKS APPLIANCE SERVICE 21 for Sale concrete Diamond Steps Railings Septic Tanks TIDMANS APPLIANCES Dr On Sharon GENERAL Monday Friday Track platform long In loving Ross suddenly December of Irwin Ross who Fletcher Oliver and Ei leen proudly announce the arrival of Timothy Patrick band and father and who enriched our lives with his wonderful unselfish love His sincere affection and re spect for all mankind and his example of and kindness has left us beau tiful memories which we Unto thy faithful O Lord Lire Is changed not taken Always in our hearts Betty Sandra and Stephen Eves In memory of a dear wife and wonderful mother who passed away December 18 1966 The tenths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps a Deaceful sleep Her we shall always keep- Kindly remembered by Ross Jim Mike CHEST FREEZERS At Wholesale Price 15 ft holds lb crated cu ft lb crated holds lb Full factory warranty by lb crated ry warranty by General Freezer the com- f who leads the field BUY AT BARGAIN BARN It will pay you WE BUY SELL OR TRADE ALL KINDS OF NEW AND USED FVRNI- it fcaii accftflfiee used months Phone Newmarket between Repossessed Singer Auto matic ZigZaa console Machine Makes button- darns embroiders i mono grams makes hundreds of fancy stitches and Mind needed Start new payments per month for months or cash- Dealer Write Box The Era Haas all makes tad mod els good cash CaLv Richmond Hill t surgical supports elastic hosiery for loose who varicose veins ankle sod knee trouble Arch smarts belts Store Phone Be- market at