Aurora Council approves townwide zoning bylaw AURORA After several years of bickering the Town of Aurora seem almost certain to get a comprehensive zoning bylaw which wit enforce the towns official plan Aurora Council Monday gave two readings to a bylaw which would establish different Council agreed to meet again Thursday- night to go over the bylaw in detail preparation for its third and final read- bow York County planner attended Mondays council meet ing to explain the bylaw he authorized The 28page bylaw he said was an at tempt to come up with a simple zoning system that would reconcile established procedures with the towns future growth The bylaw was designed to im plement Auroras official plan Mr Dow son said Dick compli mented the excellent job done by the planning board and said the new bylaw will put teeth Into the official plan The four goals of the bylaw out lined by Mr are To protect established resi dential areas that is protect the VOL 117 NO THEERA NEWMARKET AURORA KESWICK ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 1968 Newmarket Aurora Keswick Sent to Queens Park Ottawa after 53 vote APPROVE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN adjustment that is good To establish reasonable stan dards in the core area in order to en courage redevelopment For example the lot line it would be an unnecessary burden to insist on set backs such as are recommended in the rest of the town To establish development con trol over raw lands To set up a major road set back program that is to establish minimum standards where passible on building set backs so that roads can be widened in the future To achieve these goals may mean individual affected perhaps adversely Mr Don son admitted But there are methods of pro tection for residents The bylaw will be circulated to every resident and homeowners with ob jections are able to appeal to the plan ning board this does not settle the dispute the resident can obtain an On tario Municipal Board hearing The bylaw will not affect estab lished crating in a district zoned as residential the shop can continue to operate as a legal conforming use The committee of can apply administrative disi enforcing the bylaw For example foot set hack probably would not be en forced on a 100foot lot But if the home owner is not satisfied with the committees decision he can appeal to the Although some councillors argued the bylaw should have been given three readings Monday night Mr sup ported members who wanted more lime Counc Evelyn Buck complained that giving three readings in one night would turn council a rubber stamp ing bureau But Illlngworth argued that unless the bylaw was passed before nomination night next Monday it would be April or May of next year before it could he implemented The new development zone was alto questioned by council The land recently annexed from Whitchurch Town ship is zoned for development Buck argued that unless it was zoned industrial prospective de velopers would have no guarantee would be industrial Buck warned that pros pective buyers wouldnt wait for council to pass an amendment to the bylaw to again dis agreed with her Aurora annexed the land became hoped it would he industrial but it only sensible to zone it in a hold ing category untd council knows exactly what can be done with it he said Mr agreed that zoning land as development might delay develop NEWMARKET Newmarkets controversial plan for urban renewal was adopted by Town Council Monday night after a recorded vote which showed five council members in the affirmative and three against Councillor Gary has not been able to attend council meetings due to illness The resolution implement the scheme and apply to the Ontario Municipal Hoard and the senior governments for approval was moved by Reeve Richardson and seconded Councillor Cordon Voting for the adoption were Mayor Drew Reeve will be George Richardson DeputyReeve Clare Salisbury and Councillors Gordon and Mrs Comissiong Negative voles were recorded Councillors Eves Tom and Seneca Cook Alex Eves who had represented a group of antiurban renewal ratepayers at a previous meeting was a delegate at Monday nights meeting Mr Eves asked council to con sider a report of a telephone survey made between Nov under the direction of Mr A J Hodges of Mr Hodges is vicepresident of Marketing services Sterling Products Division of Sterling Drug Ltd The survey said Mr Eves had a twofold purpose One to determine the importance of Newmarkets Main St as a shopping centre and the second to de termine whether the ratepayers of New market are in favor of Urban Renewal if they have full knowledge of it and if they are prepared to pay for it Award tender for Davis Dr about TORONTO The Provincial tent has awarded a contract for the widening and paving of Davis Dr The awarded of Kitchener includes a at Highway The contract covers from the intersection of Highways Davis Dr and 27 to Highway Work is sche duled to start May 1 A contract was also awarded to Johnston Drilling Co of Ottawa develop additional water sup plies for the community of Oak nidges every fifth person In the directory with the object of obtaining answers to three questions from Newmarket taxpayers Asked if they did most of their shopping on Main St said they did per cent 314 said no per cent Arc you in favor of the urban renewal scheme 160 said yes per cent said no per cent not interested per Dont know it per cent Are you willing to pay or more in taxes over the next or 20 years to modernize the Main St area said yes per cent said no 69 per cent CONCLUSIONS A sample of Is more than ample to project the results across a town of people Consequently It can be assumed that of of Newmarket do not wish any in crease in lanes to pay for the Urban i Scheme The who willing to pay for scheme can be closely related the who are in favour of the Ur- Scheme Similarly the opposed to additional taxes lated to the who are either not favor of Urban Renewal or who do have sufficient knowledge of it to vol The contract will deve Sailor Whitchurch land couldnt I January he pointed FROM SANTAS WORKSHOP November Pear Girts and Roys Well gracious me its only two weeks until 1 see yon in my parade I can hardly wait My elves a week everyone is sewing the clothes for the dolts that Im bringing to all of you good girls Oh me they do look pretty all sitting there watching me write you sleigh this letter I SANTA Some mommies have been send reports that you are doing told I hope your mommy me any talcs about you mommy and daddy say Love again Mayor Drew with other representatives of Newmarket laid a wreath on the memorial in Newmarket Cemetery on Monday Older wreaths were placed by Jack Fisher of the Canadian Legion Branch and Alfred of the Newmarket Veterans Assoc hit ion MP makes maiden speech OTTAWA YorkSi mcoes fled gling member of parliament soared Into the problems of the Just Society hi his maiden speech In the House of Commons Friday In his initial flight John Roberts new Liberal MP for the newlycreated riding of York introduced him self and his constituency to the Com mons nnd said he was attracted to poll- ties by a vision of a government of In volvement Welfare policies rural develop ment programs and economic planning were some of the topics covered in Mr Roberts speech He criticized past welfare pro grams for treating the symptoms rather than the disease of poverty The key to combatting poverty is to channel more funds to realizing the untapped potential of under deve loped regions of our country he said The need is not for a permanent crutch for lagging sectors but for tem porary infusions of capital which will bring these regions to a level at which they can sustain their own growth and contribute to the national prosperity He warned the government not limit the proposed of Mayor Doak wont seek reelection NEWMARKET Mayor Drew will not seek reelection He made the announcement at a packed council meeting attended sane 320 Newmarket residents who came to hear councils deliberations on the Ur ban Renewal Scheme The Scheme was approved by a vote and will now be sent to the Fede ral and Provincial governments Mr vacated the mayor chair to speak in support of the Scheme But before doing so he announ ced that he would not be a candidate for office in the Dec elections He said his Job in Toronto pre vented him from devoting the time ne cessary to do a worthwhile job as mayor My family and my Job must come first he said Mr retirement means a wideopen council election Councillor Tom Surgeoner told The Era he will be a candidate for mayor Three other members of this years council announced they would not seek reelection while two others said they would like to climb up the council ladder Reeve George Richardson Coun cillors Clelland and Mary Commis sions all said they are retiring from muni- DeputyReeve Clare Salisbury is seeking the reeveship and Councillor Bruce Eves will seek Mr Salisburys for Councillor Gary Broadbent an nounced earlier he is retiring because health reasons Councillor Seneca Cook said he would likely seek reelection Resides Mr possible candidates for the mayors chair include former mayor Bert Kent and school tea Peter Vale A committee headed by Donald Robinson and John Georgaa has been farmed to help Mr Vale attain office Two drown in marsh canal NEWMARKET Two young rodents of St plunged the Holland Marsh drainage during Friday night James Stewart and his wife Theresa were taken from the vehicle at about am Saturday morn- The car was observed by a pass ing motorist in the north a little over a mile west of He informed the Ontario Provincial Police detachment at Bradford The Stewart car had evidently been travelling when It left the road and It could have been in the water for several hours before being noticed Saturday morning Mr Stewart was the son of Mr and Mrs J Stewart of Cres and he was employed at York County Hospital Mrs Stewart was the former Theresa Kluczynski a daughter of Mr and Mrs Antonio Kluczynski of St Newmarket Recommend York police force NEWMARKET Two official advisors from the Ontario Police Com mission last week urged York County Council lo make serious study of imple menting municipal police forces Into one York County group only feasible I that tin had been made had been in the three northern munici palities the second in the area of the southern six and the last in the central five municipalities Based on the 196a figures Mr Taylor said that an Integrated force would require about 160 men to police the county Added to this would be 13 clerks 11 dispatchers and one parttime told and certainly didnt pass These two hunters hy the look of these two Bruce and Ernie Integrated scheme wai bagged them last week while hunting at Island near each made their quota within one hour the doe weigh- Stressing the need for Staff Hon Mr said the present system fragmen ts has been proving more inefficient in these modern days we are hav ing combat a different type crime and In York County the infiltration from Metro can become serious Some of Ihe points of advantage listed Mr Taylor Included one cent ral administration point elimination of duplication a pool of resources includ ing traffic control data and photo lab oratory and central records You would be able to provide additional police on very short notice and delay would bo cut to a minimum Questioned regarding allocation of costs Mr Taylor recommended a bas is of equalized assessment and popula tion figure be used This would appear in tie the most fair and equitable he said organize the same way in tat trend You need any police force today and centralized organization Suggestions have regarding the location of a headquart ers and the most natural spots would be Richmond Hill or AuroraNewmarket with subdivisions operating in Aurora or King and Keswick Sutton or Reeve Stewart Rumble of Mark- ham Township told the two Commission members Yesterday was at the meeting with you and representatives of the six and I heard your recom mendations for amalgamation of these areas today I hear you suggesting that the whole of York County join in this plan 1 would suggest you give us a firm recommendation based on your findings Mr Taylor said There Is noth ing to stop the southern sis forming one police unit or the northern section form- leg their own but the final decision would be up to the municipalities and we do feel complete unification York County would be the most efficient and econom ical way to proceed Mr Taylor assured mem bers that the Police Commission would assist In any way possible once he proposition had been placed before each municipality amalgamation could take place