THE ERA WED NOVEMBER 1968 VOL 117 NO Editorials Ominous warning York Norths MP John Roberts ominous warning that there may not be money around forever should spur Newmarket Council to take immediate action on the towns proposed Urban Renewal Scheme Mr Roberts points out that the Federal Government is slowly pulling out of providing aid to municipalities and turning the role over to provincial governments As a for instance Mr Roberts cites the fact that there is no more Federal Winter Works Program Mr Roberts has also taken a stand on Newmarkets Urban Renewal Scheme which some may brand as wrong foolhardy and The youthful MP feels that Urban Renewal for Newmarkets downtown core is a necessity and says that it is simply ludicrous that there would be any opposition The Era of course agrees with Mr Roberts and commends him for his stand The Urban Renewal Scheme has been in the works for about two years Suddenly there is opposition backed by cries that it is going to cost the average taxpayer an additional a year to pay for the scheme But at no stage have the opponents been able to justify this 200 figure Town council has studied the Scheme restudied it amended it revised and held public meetings to explain it The Era has published the reports as they have been made public and published full reports of any meetings or deliberations that have been connected with the Scheme The Era does not dispute the right of those to oppose Scheme but The Era objects to some people using the Scheme political football a springboard to attain office the They should approve the Scheme because its a necessity the continued orderly growth of the town They should approve it before the Federal Government decides to pull out its 50 per cent support this is the end for them If the Scheme is Federal and Provincial Governi that will be the of that opposed to the Scheme need SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley I shall never forget Dimmer and dimmer grow the pictures of men young men full of blood and juice and de sire to live staggering under great coats and full packs into the tear ing and terrible hot hail Fainter and fainter come the sounds of choking and cough ing and retching as their lungs are seared and their guts are splat tered and they go down in a pig- squeal of agony a howl for mother or a scream for God to do some thing follower and become the annual reminders thai we do remember them that they died for us that they gave their lives for freedom Remembrance Day is be coming as important ex cept for a dedicated few 21th of May the Queens birth day Ridge and are in the history hooks now And if theres one sure way to take the life out of something its to put it the sombre November Behind him with their blue berets and balding heads and bulges in the wrong places are the young fellows of World War II And despite the generation be tween their thoughts are much the same Girls and guns hitter ale and bitter cold and the faces that will never grow old The faces that will never light to the joy of children The hearts that will never wrench with the sorrow of children The mouths that will grin forever but will never smile again or whisper a prayer or kiss a woman or gulp Rut then Reveille sounds and the heads lift and the little scattered knot of onlookers d i perses and the parade moves off back to the warmth of the Legion Hall and beer and comradeship and a turkey dinner and funny stories that have been polished and embellished and garnished by the this land thai sent thousands and thousands of its young men off to fight the Kaiser or Hitler miles away What do the youngsters think of it Almost nothing A few whose fathers were killed be fore they knew them wonder bit feel a strange yearning Most are indifferent They know they should look solemn and they do Hut theres no understanding Some arc even hostile li the whole idea Antiwar on gen eral principles they have the mis taken idea that Remembrance Day is somehow a glorification of war Its just the opposite Those in their twenties and thirties arc even less interest ed if possible The whole thing is a drag a sentimental journey for old and middleaged squares And what about the old and middleaged must face It Only a minority of them feel some emotion And most of these are people who were directly touched by the loss of a brother husband touched at home by two great world wars And Re membrance Day as old soldiers are supposed to do wont die It wilt just fade away Perhaps its just as well Roth wars were bloody shambles best forgotten But I hope theres a special place for old soldiers when they finally fade away A place where all the young faces arc and theres lots of beer they can exchange lies with Roman legion naires panzer troops and con federate fighters and veterans of Waterloo Readers Dear Editor Re Urban Renewal Mr J W Spooner form er Minister of Municipal Affairs said Good public relations should bo constantly kept in mind i action arising from the implemen tation of the scheme Urban Re newal Here are a few example of the Urban Renewal Committees bad public relations A young lady worl inestimably for Urban Rem went to Doris Ladies Wear asked to see the owner of building Mrs Doris Blair am the owner Then the lady Do you intend to fix your Mol ing in 10 20 years to which Mrs Blair said Well Then the lady said OK you dont intend to fix you build ing and left The young did not introduce herself not let Mrs Doris Blair ask Ques tions or explain How could she find out Blair Intended to put a front onl her building she not give Mrs Blair a chance say more thin one word Is thagood public relations The plai includes tearing dow the Anne formerly the parsomk which the Chrtian nice Hall says that he found out hat the Annex would be torn down only when the map was published m the paper this month and the Mayor is a member of his church Is that good public relations The Hon W of Department of Municipal Affairs said Nor can I stress too rough- the importance of citizen participa tion during the planning and im plementation phase of urban re newal How many citizens of New market have participated in the planning of Urban Renewal Some members of Town Council and the Planning Board who else I personallv own five stores on the Main Street of New market and no member of the Urban Renewal Committee or of Mr firm has ever ap proached me Is that good relations member of the Urban Renewal Committee or Mr firm ever approach ed the following persons to discuss Urban Renewal Mr Chester Rest of Rest Drug Store Mr C of Grendys Mi Alex Eves of Eves Ladies Wear Mr Ron Eves of Eves Sportswear Mr William of Pharmacy Is that good public rein- THIi K By lay The hilntirjj widows Rav Argvlcs is not available this week I its place Count Marco comments the la test round of the of By COUNT Now that the join of hunter sounds from hill If of women are getting lit at hot while the man tracks lis squats in his duckblhjl And oh widows wail about being youre even the golf widows Just that you females have way from the once thoroughly enjoyed will the caveman who we into the bills with his club lure a bride not a deer the days when tin wouldbe groom beat the bushes lift flushed a mini Under he amid of the bride was Ittfie- a veil until he very At the end of a longed ceremony I he hunter permitted a peewits- what he really had fed Another for the shaving or titles head This showed huility and Im sou It also had a on auv olinnvfomeIwho taking one look at old flee in terror The l ml In Egypt to the win bringing down True loflbenu ty her husband and frhfldn bear to prune her hi so they compromised Iff them into an upsweep to ancient I lderat her husband proved her by having right off Brides knew what a was They ban lied lift were hauled and clubbed and push ed and pulled You didnt hear them caterwauling when their beasts went off to find the dinosaur steak or venison haunch for dinner they cleaned up the home and made sure the fire was ready to put on the dinner when their men return ed Swiss females that women could never be equal until men learn how to be equal to women A loader of this move ment said disdainfully Like little hoys men imagine that they can take can of themselves but you noticed that they always come running women when are in Irouble Somehow or other per haps because of language diffi culties they confessed emancipa tion with emasculation A wom an whose husband had suffered a nervous breakdown and learned to knit as part of his therapy said If knitting Is good for male health so is the rest the housework No doubt shes driving him another Another of Ibis misled group thought this an exceptional- ly bright Idea So that men can reduce their working hours and get more practice in household be havior women will to take jobs away from them IMeu A concluding made by the leader should make every American male roll on the flooi with hysterical laughter Liv ing at home she said will that they no need Amei that drives most men to alcohol tobacco and striptensers Is it any wonder such a movement failed You can drag a man into marriage but you cant mnke him do housework Arent you glad such a silly movement By BILL GAMBLE This is the first of three Urban Renewal would like to emphasize hat opinion contained within the por tals of this column are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the policy or viewpoint of this With a municipal election looming or it that municipal elections do there seems doubt now that Urban Re newal will be a big factor in deter mining who will administer the affairs of Newmarket for the next t ace of the renewal scheme has declared that he would not want the issue to he put to a public vote that he would try for a majority vote in council The resolution for the adoption of the renewal plan will be put forward in council on Nov ember and since the op ponents of Urban Renewal on are councillors Cook and Eves it would appear that the scheme will go through It is significant how ever thai no other supporters of Urban Renewal except those council have come forward to identify themselves Opponents to he scheme on the other hand have filled Town Hall on two occasions and the Christian Baptist Church on Friday November have advertised in the local press have virtually yelled their protests from the rooftops They have the taxpayers with their reasons for opposing Urban Re newal by placing pamphlets in every mailbox in town In short they have made their presence felt J resource no these opponents have hinted that they will put up candidates to run for council hut so far they have failed name one i indid And if they do it will he loo late Their candidates if elected will then he stuck with a renewal plan which they did not want in the first On the surface then it Id seem hat the resource Stop Renewal it tempt force a Prior to a public meet ing held on October Council is quoted as saying lhal the pro posal is still In Ihe stage and further comments and suggestions would be considered before the scheme is finallv ap proved v The question now is from whom did further comments and suggestions come Surety not from public since the public support to dale has been in favor of the opponents Who then prof fered such comment and ihh nil to decide Urban Renewal be tabled ill the first week in January THE ERA York County Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD I RERAN Advertising and Business Manager Published every Wednesday at 30 Charles St Newmarket Ontario by the Newmarket Era Express for two years for one year copies each Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Sec ond Class Mail by the Post Office Ottawa for the payment of postage in cash Phone Newmarket 8952331 Charles St