Jackson Singers tremendous success in Newmarket again RICK LEACH The joy of music is usual ly most successfully created by those who are willing and capable of dedicating the hours and the energy to its purpose Norma Jackson once again demonstrated that this form ula of hard work has produc ed a program which al though entirely composed of made any professional green with envy From the outset the pro gram on Monday night the choir showed great dexterity in handling music as varied as Mozarts famous maj or Gloria to the title song that one could any lack of rehearsal what with rag ged entries and lapses in casional letdown was prob ably due to the fact that Mrs Jackson spent a good deal of the early stages of rehearsal effective rendition of the well- Badminton club ends season King City Badminton Club will close out playing season with a party in Veterans Hall corner of Millard Ave and Niagara St Newmar ket at The charge not strong was quality and flawlessly curate The same may be said of Mrs Irene St John whose offering of Schumanns was full of the neces sary flamboyance But surely George was one of the evenings high lights Accompanied most capably by Mary he showed a unique ability and comprehension in his treat ment of such varied compos ers as and Ralph Vaughan Williams He ex celled in his treatment of Vaughan Williams Two Songs of Travel which he sang with a delightful result in phrasing and style It is a sad Such was the lot of Mary Lou Stanton in Mondays con ductor whose interpretations common breach of con- But even this could not etiquette walking in or dampen the memorable per- ful energy and vitality Of would nave broken down under tha heavy load of ac companying and solo work Not only did she survive but she did it in style Her work throughout the evening was nothing less than THE NORMA JACKSON SINGERS had a very Jul yea social night A cordial invitation is extended to rust members of successful year and hoped as many members possible will attend the i Prescriptions J Picked Up and I Promptly Delivered J LADIES GENTLEMEN FOR EXPERT ALTERATIONS AND REMODELING OF ft DRESSES call 8952667 Custom Toilors- Dress Makers- GAS GAS BAR Steve Bell Certified Lie Median Opetl 10 a Week Queensville Phone EXPLORER TRAILERS old elections held presidents Bob Little and man purchaser and equip ment Jack Hamilton Any person wishing to Join EVANS FUELS OFFERS VOU WARM WORRY FREE WINTERS WITH SAILCLOTH CAFE SETS SAVE ON HOME AND COTTAGE NEEDS Money- Saving Low Prices On Many Of Summers Most Wanted Items Charge It 505 QUEEN 257 HOMESPUN BEDSPREADS 100 I Ml Special loom air blanket and piling I in Spec i 597 Savins ASSORTED PLASTICS 24 BRAZIER ON WHEELS 797 QT FOAM CHEST 267 Save On Our Own Brand POLARIS VISCOSE RUGS KITCHEN IF IF while with rich ilir Mi I C6E BEST BUY BULBS Hog hit Package of light IS GO or 1111 wmt wound Hie liniicl NO IPS ANDS BUTS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED