WED APRIL 17 Til Editorials Welcome Mary Town Council should prove refreshing and invigorating for the balance of the year Mrs is far from being inexperienced in municipal matters and is the third woman to serve on coincil in the past five We sure the new women councillor will rot experience the same frustrations as the last female councillor Mrs Laura Catherwood who was elected in the 1964 elections and resigned about the middle of June charging that personalities and constant bickering had made the situa tion intolerable As a former chairman and member of the Newmarket Public School Board Mrs sitings experience in this area should prove valuable to council when estimates appear out of reason Her time and energy spent with the former Industrial Commission of Newmarket should also be an asset to council at a time when the drive for industrial expansion is of paramount importance to the town Mrs is i business woman with some very firm beliefs snd a wide of such diversified subjects as finance industry and modern teaching methods The present council has been conducting business in a very satis factory manner since its election over a year ago and the addition of Mrs to the ranks could bring new thoughts and ideas which will be very advantageous to Newmarket The wrong impression A fivecar accident occurred early Sunday morning on a drag strip stretch of pavement north of Island Lake in Whitchurch Town ship Property damage was heavy but fortunately no one was killed or Due to the positions of the cars at the scene it was difficult to learn immediately how the crash had occurred It was obvious however that several drivers had come to the area for the purpose of racing None of the bystanders seemed certain of whether a race had started or was just about to begin Drag racing on a public highway such as this is not permitted While these lads are obviously breaking the law we would not be too quick to jump to the wrong conclusions These boys are not teenage punks as so often termed The majority in fact are pretty good kids Rather than roam around in gangs on motorcycles their interest lies in automobiles They know more about the intricate parts of a car than some Class A mechanics To prove this skill and knowledge they use this section of roadway as a test track Residents in the area know it The police know it Officers patrol it But they cant control it While any suggestion of a legalized in cither or Whitchurch would stir up a storm of protest it seems regrettable that an organized program of this kind cannot be established Drag racing under strict rules and regulations is not a dangerous sport The same thing performed on an open road is dangerous The drivers know it but wont stop it The police know it but cant atop it The solution allow a drag strip to be built and operated properly Tribune SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Oh to fly once more We used to have a superstition in my air force days about things happenim in threes Everything would go along well for a week i bailout a crash landing a It happened often enough ho that you began lo believe in It In warlime superstition tend to become principles It happened lo One day 1 was hit by useless Next day one of my IwmljH d at loped a hang up mid hail to land with thing detonated and ready to blow dandling under my left wing- This didnt Improve my morale much either People started avoiding me The third day I was shot down and token Paddy liviiiu com that extra little stir that makes it so delicious when the doorbell rang neighbor The here the bank last year It about ISO degrees outside and his internal Icrnpe rat ore around Me wanted to use the phone He was about lo kill the phoned Mom asking her to come and slop him Its rather difficult to avoid hearing this sort of thing when you are five feel away Hiking the and flipping the fish Anyway two hours and a couple of beers later I hadnt had my dinner but my had and Dublin one of Dm few survivors of my a sub way station after the war and he told me the a on when Id get It Hut that was in the old days when nun were men mid boy were Unified wan ever the war wan peaceful torn lo present days Now dixit com in ihnes but in six and sevens Same pattern Things go along for a while and 1 nods clobber yon with everything ihey The other night for example Kim and I were preparing fur one of our exotic It was peaceful scene She tin- piano J wan lit on top of the I hi rain bow trout were nicely baked win and I was just the canned cooled out enough to go two by fours I pushed back tho knocked mo senseless Dripping of those hint of and died a thousand death creeping through wind and snow and drifts a four nndn half trip which she won My wife is having an operation My piles are lug I lie backyard I we didnt gel the leaven raked last meeting about nothing We J cellars hem I nearly cut my upper lip off when I slipped SMOKE GETS THE YOUR EYES Readers ERA On behalf of the Grade 13 stu dents of Newmarket District High School I would like to thank yon era may have gained from the re port contained in last weeks Era entitled Quebec teenagers isolated from French The statement made by one of the visiting Quebec students that if wo minute with French- Canadians we just get into fights was made more in jest than perhaps would have appear ed After spending more than three days of discussions with the stu dents we gained the impression that although relations between the French and English are at limes strained they arc not as poor as the above quote would Of the five students visiting us three were bilingual and two were able to get by in French and on the whole most can and do mix with the French speaking majority Naturally there are frictions as there are in any city where there arc sharply defined language lish group in the city are in the minority they usually get more consideration from the city gov ernment for such services as schools than one would expect As one Quebec student told me we usually get what we ask for which is more than we can say for the French Canadian minority living in the northern part of our Michael Grade 13C So Mrs Chambers wants New market to annex East Gwillim- so that it will be cheaper to join the library Does she not realize that in order to save a Library Fee she is liable to pay up to per year in increas ed taxes East Gwillimbury has a comparatively small debenture debt whereas Newmarket is so bogged down they arc looking to skim the cream from their neigh bors to the north If she understood the tax ad vantages of living in East Gwil limbury Township she would sure ly add her voice to mine cry ing East Town ship residents fight annexation Yours truly THIS WEEK By Ray A just society has been with I know the UK for all its of who afraid to fate the challenge sharing lluir tumioil with Hull fellow who lived in dis comfort This bigotry home Infected Aim man pi I icy It drag ged the US into a war in Asia which will record si If ilifialiiij adventures ever In the white man in the Orient line the President final ly realized his policies were sink ing the inaui ifil too late Great Society is dead The widow of Martin Luther I his is a domestic lrnnullit al Hie s linn is it I Hit bull It of Viet nam have financ ed both wars hit its bail la Ink- id the skill to rally its In causes And when President Johnson sued peace in Viol fuel the win against III I 1 llll- I 1 ill I M Is a die ladli lakulalul lo inspire fiiilh in a new whirl he lias not yet earned Ah Pierre said in It has Hie liaditioii which s auH than full jmlke home Its division ii I ting goodwill and It mil i ship on both sides Any Canadian over or 10 us of realizes that Ire- nit nd us changes have Ibis count dining our lifetime Change has been especially great in tho past The Canada from which most of have sprung was a Canada than I he Canada we know today It was poor in finan cial resources poor in artistic talent in technical skill iior in social it was pom in but natural resource We are today rich hi thoso natural resources but rich also in everything which makes a great nation except perhaps sheer With Hits measure of richness Hindu tan imbed urate a lust we call it that ii not ami regardless of who sits in tin Prime Minister Meanwhile Pierre the man has liipthntul the nation with tin- like of has not hem sun I in ana life His background Is in a wuillln I iimli Scull Mondial Ianiih has bun ill the finest in Mm Hi America and Europe has of his last spin lu ll Is Hint fne both By GORDON Last weeks Era editorial jests that Aurora Council should handle Its affairs in a more busi nesslike manner in order to step up the tempo of development In Aurora Now I must admit that I am not familiar with Auroras dure insofar as the handling of general business concerned but I must say that I was pleased to see that the Council Is not about to rezone a parcel of land at the drop of some developers This particular apartment pro ject was the highest residential density ever proposed in Aurora and If the time Involved In the necessary considerations outlasted the time in the developers option so what I am willing to give odds al though I have seen he plans that he proposal would have cost The Aurora Planning Board the rezoning provided that a thorough feasibility study was first conducted and the Countys that careful consideration be given to the project With these recommendations in mind how could a hasty decision on this important development project be made What would the impact of the proposal have on Auroras existing On local school faci lities On local roads On sewage and storm sewers On water sup ply On facilities And Inst but not least on he assess ment balance This Information Is not readily available to Auroras Council or to any Council and the town admin istrators would be very foolish In deed If they made a decision with out having obtained reports from he School Board the Works or Engineering Department the Re creation and Parks Committees the Planning Hoard the Fire De partment and whatever commit tee conducts the economic studies The argument presented by developers that more lax dollars are collected per square foot of high rise land than from land zoned for single family dwellings Is not a reasonable argument What must he considered is the amount of axes collected com pared to the costs of servicing the project A relatively high number of three and fourbedroom apart ments could cost a municipality more dollars in providing school facilities than will lie collected In of land because the tax loss can be offset with the gravy from industrial assessment Aurora and Newmarket cant THE ERA Serving York County Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD DAVID HASKELL Publisher MnnngtnH Editor News Editor DOUGLAS I- KKtiAN Advertising Business Manager Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario the Newmarket Km St Express limited Subscript Ions 700 for two years for one year copies 10c each Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized an Sec ond Mail by the Post Office Ottawa for the payment of posture in cash Phono Newmarket Charles St Phone Aurora 21 SI Phone Keswick Keswick