York curlers lead Industrial spiel Newmarket minor playoffs underway rophy and Argus Can March at the riling Club Johnson and his rink of II loads From ATLAS captured the Helen Watt Joan and Buck Mary Jones and Betsie Hodges won the second event on Memorial Trophy Ernie Ina and Sharon So bers of led Mrs Jerry Pollock Dorothy Pol- Blue goals Sam two Scott Mortimer one to Horizons Don Wright WE RENT COMPRESSORS AIR TOOLS WELDERS VIBRATORS BREAKERS GENERATORS POMPS TAMPERS BOBEN EQUIPMENT LIMITED 8897717 J7 MAPLE AVENUE THORNHtLl ONT Bob Agnoluzzi shot ach as Mustangs fad- i the playoff picture triggered I and Shirley Bennett the Office Specially run Joan and Doris I hour i half to land goals Rick Many Dave Brown scored Bears ousted Bisons were twogoal Hornet Rockets Black leaders Rod also edged Blue Bashers for Hornets Brad Hog- Glandfield scored tor I Bears bombed Bisons in once tor the Rockets Grant Hub Novice League playoffs Doug Moses and J Stevs scored two goats scored Knights goals and Bill Scott Charles Grant Bill Davis pumped in both anil John Kiuzcnski fired Basher goals Newmarket Aurora teams vie for hockey honors HOTEL OPEN DAILY J LOUNGE FOR on Halls Lake in out ween out or the area championship feel if line before Photo Tony Drew 11 Clous Newmarket skating champs AURORA COMMUNITY CENTRE SPRING HOLIDAY SKATING PROGRAM MARCH IS- TUES MARCH 19- MARCH MARCH 2 330 pn 330