Administrative need With school costs taking the biggest bite out of the tux dollar many school boards are finding thou- problems are mounting every year Such is the case in Whitchurch Township where discussion on the matter at a recent meeting showed that the township doing business in the million classification plus a payroll in excess of and doing this with a parttime secretary and minimum office facilities On top of this the board i meeting either at the home of the secretary or one of the members or has to conduct its meetings in a of School with members into desks designed for children weighing about 100 pounds less Future plans of the Department of Education have made it quite clear that school boards as they now exist will cease to function after Jan 1969 but in the meantime many township boards are finding themselves in the same position as Whitchurch minimum facilities for conducting business and meeting conditions in vogue years It is impossible for a parttime secretary to he expected to admin ister a business of this magnitude and give either the board or the rate payers the service needed for conducting business The changeover will cost money but it would be money well spent in assuring smoother mid centralized method of tackling problems when and where they occur You just cant win For weeks now the federal government has been urging the populace and the provinces to cut their spending proposals for In turn the Ottawa government has been told over and over that it is the biggest spender of them all and an example should be set here to start with Recently a number of programs anil planned additional expenditure have been lopped off the federal spending program and what happened There are cries of anguish from many quarters Some arc going to lose their jobs services are going to be cut n terrible thing to do So the government like those even on the municipal level often finds itself damned if it does and damned if it doesnt Personally we dont think the cuts were nearly great enough We pay for more government for twentv million people lh in in where else We cant see either where Mr Sharps increase in income lax combat Inflation On the contrary it will accentuate it The government has a host of opportunities to cut back the million in additional civil servants aided each year the millions spent on tin much of it wasted the millions on government literature floods our desks most of it of no interest The government has made a token en this should only be a start commendable but Tribnn THE Readers era RR Newmarket Dear Editor The is eagerly read prompt ly by three adults in this house to do so Personally I feel its especially good I do not lake much notice of Spoils Advertisements I am thankful not to have to read about squab bles in Councils I like the edi torials ami news and do commend from our many worthy Ministers of the and letters from Headers and various articles Mentioning Ads if detected any for Alcoholic Beverages Id protest them and do say emphati cally I appreciate your not accept ing them which I do realize is a III My thought to write was incited by Elizabeth Retlerj harangue re liquor and kefs facilities therefore I a big collection of protest lug this during the past but I do not want to stir that mat THE ERA Sarvtng York County Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD DAVID It and Publisher WILLIAM J- Company Limited iptions and the Audit Jure Ottawa Ioi tin of postage in cash Phone Newmarket III Charles St Ann a ill St Phone Keswick It It Keswick I would like to commend you and your newspaper for the excel lent article about me and my trip to Istanbul And 1 would be remiss if I did not thank you for your editorial advocating other individuals firms anil service clubs to adopt poor children throughout the world through the Canadian Save the Children Fund would be happy to discuss the situation with any individual firm or club at any would like to point out one misunderstanding in your article My wife is quoted as saying that if little is adopted by us she will have to accept our way of life and become a Catholic We of course are Catholics and id be Dear Editor It Is fitting that at this I should express thanks for the factual reporting of what might be termed News over the past year Wo are now completing the first twelve month period in which all news media throughout the prov ince have been receiving regular advices from our Force through our Public Information Program It is gratifying to see the spirit of mi ion that has develop ed as the result of this compara tively lust as It is essential that news he made available through all media by the police flO it Is Im portant to the administration of justice that the public lie kept informed of the services and ic- of tint police I look to the continued gooil under standing that presently maintains Brio Silk Commits loner mSjJ SIMPLICITY So often the As winter tightens its outdoors and digest the simplicity of nature and man blend ir grip around us man and his best trie of loveliness which surrounds them to a beautiful mix- id prepare to travel SUGAR SPICE By BUI Smiley We get letters Teachers get some pretty funny notes from parents explaining the absence of a pupil Usually its be cause the harassed mother or fa ther stubs down anything at the last minute as the kid heading for the door and already late screams in dismay Oh I gotta Thus you get such things as Please excuse lanes grandmother for being absent due to her ill ness The baffled teacher finally figures out that granny had the flu and Jane had to stay home and look after her because Mom cant miss a day the shoe fac tory because thats the only way she can muster enough money to by Jane some decent clothes so she can go to school so she can be a real win and help out Granny Sometimes the note- are not so funny Please excuse Jim for be ing late as he bad appear in court this morning for drunk and disorderly but il wis ihc oilier guys fault Well the only ones who receive sad and funny- letters The rest of the column will be made up of sentences taken from actual letters received the Toronto Welfare Department from applicants for aid and assist- They may explain why English teachers look so tunned so much of the time The sentences will be in marks The comments will be comes to mind Iteally what could be J Unless I get my good luck to you Missus There be a lot more of that type of positive thinking in the world Mrs Jones has not had any clothes for a year and has been visited regularly by the Clergy No comment This is my eighth child what are you going to do about it What indeed Its certainly time somebody did something Or stop ped doing something I am glad to report that my husband who was reported miss ing is dead Now there is a sen tence of which Hemingway would be proud Not a syllable too much or loo little The notion is re trained Note that she said glad not delighted And heres one with the same theme but a different twist Pie find for certain if my poor devil starving to death unable to smoke his teeth or pull bellybutton Heres another that shows a nice espeel for bureaucracy In accord ance with your instructions I have The Pill was a big deal Can you tell me why Theres a beautiful logic then if von could just put your on it havent any children yet In stiiul but teachers actually get THIS WEEK By Ray Year of the swinger to choose Canada next Punic Mm ister many hopefuls will talk opti mistically of a draft the hold innovator of tew social policies reflected in the changes in laws covering cabinet ranks ing Liberal figure who could re spond to a draft movement be cause all the others will be out there actively campaigning for the the relative strength frontrunners including Mitchell Sharp Paul Martin Paul and Robert Winters could go into the convention with strength If one cancels out the other and a compromise new look Liberal leader One of the factors that may leu to i stalemate among the front runners is that the top four are all from Ontario By splitting the Ontario delegation four ways none of them will have the edge by which an Ontario sou candidate could There will be other candid it e- such as John Turner of Montreal Jean of Quebec and them they all have working again- them in addition to the split in the Ontario vote Minister Sharp faces Canada s hist three finance min isters Liberal Walter Cordon Donald and Liberal this job is not exactly the stepping stone to the PMs office Paul Martin has his age going against him too old just as John is I i In- I by Robert Winters probably one of the most capable administra tors in our political history has a right wing image and his elec tion as leader would lend to serve the traditional roles of the Liberal and Conservative parties in their relation to big business Quebec and Transport Minister Paul while widely known from his rsial davs as Defence Minister when he forced nidation links a based national following All this seems hi lead Inevitably lo Piern I limit liudtan Hit 17vearoItl graduate of Harvard and the London School of Econom ics the swinging bachelor of only experience in Pnrlta- lacks sport jacket and Trudeau has made no move to contest the leadership and prob ably wont except to respond to a draft Rut everything about him to the twonations theory and fact his very Canadian background could make the most colorful and dynair When the Humane Society ex presses concern about childrens cruelty to animals and claims thai the most horrid methods of tortur ing the helpless creature are con ceived by watching television programs they ouch on he saddest of all effects on our youngsters and our own personali ties and lives that are brought about by broadcast garbage spill ing into the living rooms There are more areas where daily life is showing a reproduc tion of examples seen in the mod ern universal instant entertain ment machine The vandalism go ing on in parks and public build ings is certainly not inspired by heritage Youngsters have been observed each spring and summer breaking young plants and trees the situation reached its climax when last year the Horticultural Society flatly refused to do more planting of trees in public places unless there was Hie YOU KNOW A SIMILARITY BETWEEN YOU AND LIZ TAVLOR Council and Commit lees are fight ing constantly against repair costs of senseless damage done to public premises and Installations aware that services could be Improved with just these moneys However Western Heroes do nut estimate he benefits of doors and glass and modern plumbing Another lamentable consequence is he deterioration of good lan guage and good manners that mo ther tries o tench The speech of slum police precincts is filling the homes In hours of leisure viewing absorbed by youngsters who right- ly hat entertainment should he education We have no place here where the mis and old and modern tussles could lie enjoyed regulnrlj however there are some groups trying fill the with laymens concerts stage produc tions and folk art and hey deserve a young audience Interested and taken by heir parents The Drama Club has their own section for children ami one group sponsored by Ihem and by Recrea tion the Childrens Theatre puts on their own mill Is led entirely by lecniige girls who welcome any child join In art and fun Our Library has recently expanded their childrens section with treasures of knowledge ami entertainment walling be had there Just for he asking If some one would care to heir off spring to settle with a book by radio music There Is a lot Unit anybody could rather do Hum waste their time and eyesight mi trash dished out by admen trying sell their products In some way Is a relief know our town will never have St Lawrence Centre or an a place reminding us dimly of the type of culture he fathers brought with them hund red years llgo ll place where people to throw heir gar- huge on I lie floors or move In sloppy clothes or noisy manners and somehow are becoming part or higher things In life How shat tering if only one man would my who needs It and who can afford It and would go buy a television