Era NewmarketAurora Wed December The Newmarket Childrens sored by the Newmarket Re- Drama Club members pre- creation Commission their first Christmas Mother Dad friends and Pageant at the Town Hal relatives made up a warm Sunday night They are and responsive audience who LET US DO YOUR COLD BUFFET FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR PARTY OLD HEIDELBERG CAFE AND DELICATESSEN Retail PHONE thoroughly enjoyed the child rens Christmas concert Maria Kluczyniski and Lor raine produced and directed the Pageant Their stage crew was Gail Han sen Nellie Pat Dry and Linda MacKeigan The program opened with Ricky welcoming the audience The children decorated the set and stage themselves Several production numbers included Gretels Christmas with Angela Janssen Randy Budd and Judy The Dolly Show with Paula Mc Caffrey Margaret Amund- son Judy Blight Michelle urtain Time By RUBY HASKETT McCaffrey Cathy Maureen McCaffrey Rose mary Amunsden and Jeanny Christmas Acros tic with Johnny Kluczyniski Sandra Bruce MaUiew Elliott and Cathy Elliott were well done The skit Waiting up for Santa included Pauline as Haley CHANNEL THREE CHRISTMAS HIGHLIGHTS CHRISTMAS EVE pm FESTIVAL OF LESSONS Traditional Christmas carols sung by the King College Choir Cambridge 1230 am HYMN BOOK A special halfhour of seasonal hymns played by Doug way on the organ Recitations added humor with the Christmas touch by Lorna Ziolkowska Myles Cha- Joan Elliott Heather MacDonald Miriam Ziolkowska Debbie Gillis Heather Gresham and Margaret Amunsden Religious recitations were given by Sharon Wilson and Paul Modern Children in the group recitation included Ken Gresham Mike Elliott Chris tine Tellue and Rick Grey Heather Greshem presented Maria Kluczyniski with a Christmas gift on behalf of the children of the Drama Club The Newmarket Drama Club held its meeting for Dec ember at the residence of Andy Foot The executive was very disappointed in the poor attendance as only eight members attended Rehearsals have been und erway with director Ken Sea- for the next major pro duction of Its Never Too Late Ken reports things are shaping up well The faithful Fred is executive pro ducer for this one work as stage hands for the Neptune Theatre in Halifax Their season starts in Jan uary Trainees will be paid They are offering from 70 per week and the season could be extended to year round work There is an opportunity of specializing in any aspect of theatre which appealed after the first season The theatre will also pay air fare If anyone is interested please contact Mr Michael Hartley Robinson Produc tion Manager Neptune Thea tre Argyle Street Hali fax Nova Scotia or Mr Associate Di rector Edison Circle To ronto The Aurora Drama Work shop Is casting a one act play in Workshop under the direction of Ken Seager He will hold a preliminary read ing at the Green Room on December 20 at pm This is intended as in struction course also It Is for those people who normal ly dont get on stage The ADWs crisis during the second night of Hay- fever when Ted Reeve was taken ill he gave an excel lent performance on Friday was solved by Craig Kamcke the director taking his place He did a good job and word perfect Marvello and the Magic That will be presented by am CARTOONS am CHRISTMAS MESSAGES from Her Majesty The Queen and Prime Minister Lester B Pearson am JACK FROST An hour long childrens fairy story 1 PADDLE TO THE SEA the exciting journey of a little Indian boy in a canoe carved from a cedar log 1200 pm NOON DAY REPORT news weather etc pm CARTOONS 100 pm MOVIE Adventures of Robin Hood starring Flynn Olivia land pm MOVIE Along The Great Divide starring Kirk Douglas Virginia Mayo WAYNE SPECIAL 1030 pm DOFASCO CHOIR minutes of Christmas hymns and carols 1 130 pm DRAGNET CHRISTMAS DAY Brewers Retail Keswick Will Be Open 10 am to pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Dec 18 19 and 20 AM TO PM THURSDAY AND FRIDAY DECEMBER 21ST AND 22ND AM TO 6 PM SATURDAY DECEMBER CLOSED DECEMBER 25TII AND 26 H AS WELL AS JANUARY 1ST Brewers Retail MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL CHANNEL members of the Stouffvllle One of the lead characters Players December 23 and Is favorite Wllf McWhlnnle in the Stouffvllle District Sec- Also in the cast Is Mrs Jean School Hammond OLD HEIDELBERG CAFE AN DELICATESSEN RESTAURANT SELECTED GIFTS AND CHOCOLATES ImperHd from Europe YOUR VERY SPECIAL GIFTS CAKES COOKIES AND PASTRIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE EARLY Ro Sutton mi eon NEWMARKET 8954641 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ONLY DEC at pm TAW HOW BASIC our VENGEANCE A SenttfFenocJy RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAYat 730pm SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM pm SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 pm TECHNICOLOR MINDING THE MINT ft MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY DEC SHOWTIMES EVENINGS 7 MATINEES TUES WED at 2 pm TIMBER was the cry and hilarity the result in a tall tale about some very little people DUTYS Mir L TOM MATTHEW LOWELL mm Wo Mast SS Bon tf Eagle Best Wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS from Your ODEON Management Staff lb AOtKiSfMAJ PARTY TONIGHT TAF IN Of NEW ALL FLUNKED 5NfHAOl05e that ail iMVirATJOH Mil SHE HAD TO All we row rrr Auct ion as a as A xxx I J AND IMPORTANT ITEM OF Ait WHAT nit LOOK AT WORM JUST CANT FIND WORM HOLES LIKE THAT TOPAV THOSE WERE THE FUN PAVS THIS ME AN TH AT I CAM NOW FEEL FREE TO SPEND 18150 not me