v V AtCMMttyM fie Restored mnliil to plan NEWMARKET Many long home site with many of New Zephyr Centennial Sports Day time residents of raarkelV best known lawn which win be held in the end will watch the bowlers dropping in for a Community Park on Saturday work now fa progress on the game of to the June Special events will Senior apartments of Sir Francis Drake be held this year no- with a great deal of interest The Dutchmans Bay area is present being dredged Many will ask the question Will Dutchmans Bay be Lake beauty spot in those early days and Mrs EI wood Walker and it Is pleasant to note that the Mrs Clarence Pickering at lake is once again attracting tended the April meeting of visitors Goodwood Womens Institute on Tuesday evening held at stored to its old lime glory Mchnuns Bay part of Goodwood United Church A TL of the lafW members was very Inter esting Mrs Walker district president conducted the election of officers the property in the late and 30s was once one of the most noted beauty spots in the community In those days the bay was kept clear of weeds and deb ris and set on an island In Damages Trees KING CITY The King Mr and Mrs Harold the centre was an ironwork City waterworks storage tank of Port SandfleM and grape arbor Toe island was located dose to connected with the nrmriv Toronto were week- the east by a wooden end guests of Mr and Mrs bridge were to lhe owners clarence seats and the arbor was when it overflows which has with vines It was a cool been three times to the past Mrs Leslie Makray enter- and muchfrequented spot lwo M spacious and well treed overflew caused damage by que lawns and the f w- u it mk free to trees on the prop- could anyone reading this before them were the high- light of the slimmer season owners their charity garden parties There was a spot for sport and relaxation on the property There were social column give any information Police Chief Byron or Newmarket sits in the chair presented to him at the party held to honor him on his retirement the North York tHmFfAi has submitted regarding a Taffy Pull to Mr Police Association At left la Alex MacDonald of King Police mmmtfaie Wilfred Smith Zephyr association president who made the presentation and at right Is an old friend or ine property open- a claim to in k Mmni IP t home od tor to King City tnfttau Reports Given Officers Elected Ai hart coin been in jo held have bronchi is Toronto Apn and other cc as part of the WiwU annual fundraising drive of which are often confusing Sii the Kinsmen SBSt market It has been will by W a junior learn in IN President of the club era and rivals Can- me as a cawe of death up provMing their propel new Weve placed our ago erehi It completed In time tors Mr said Now we hope that will be kind enough to fill each one of them so that the fight against cystic fibrosis can move ahead One baby In approximate ly every thousand born with cystic fibrosis The baste chemical defect in this disease Is not yet under stood but the result is thai the body produces abnormal ly salty sweat and a thick gluey mucus The abnormal mucus Interferes with dlges- clogs all passages and lodges in the lungs In tin- treated patients frequent respiratory infections often lead to lung collapse mm PROFICIENT with experience I I All Electric Equipment in Spacious New Off Ice AND HELWIG LTD Insurance Adjusters i 25BA Main St Newmarket Ontario for appointment Please telephone Mr Newton by a Richmond Hill firm of have a loan of this for their tree surgeons and included July edition several fawn bowling greens to replace a stand of day School room on Thurs day May at Aurora Annual Meeting AURORA The annual Evans Mrs H Squibb Economics and Health Mrs House hostess Mrs Oscar meeting of Aurora Womens Dove Mrs Ward R Keffer Current Events poll call name Institute was held at the Standing Committees Agri- Mrs P Dove Public moderator of the United home of Mrs J Thurs- culture and Canadian Indus- lions Mrs G H Purchase Church Program Christian day April with mem- tries Mrs I Morrison Citi- Resolutions Mrs Evans Education Mrs Cecil Ha r- present President Mrs and Education Mrs The May meeting will be rtsoh Mrs Ray Mrs S Stevenson presided A Moakman Historical Re- held at the home of Mrs Oldham Hostesses Mrs a letter was read by the Charles Home Dove St Ken Pickering Mrs Horner secretary regarding leaders Walker Mrs Ray Thompson training courses available this year A motion was pass ed for their choke of course baking with yeast dressmak ing with a difference or pa- plermache It was decided to postpone the trip to Niagara Falls un til Tuesday Sept 12 Mrs J Smith Mrs Stevenson and Mrs George Ward were ap- I as r ROUGE La Seven Southern Unlvcrsl students manning a the second day campus jrotests suffered minor wounds yesterday from bullet fragments and Hying asphalt We interrupt this newspaper lor a Mrs Carl Meyers Meat and Abattoir ft announcement i Two Acci Some of the old pioneers would not mind being captured if this group was representative of the Indian maidens They are part of the program SUTTON North Gwulim- calM out to two ccidenta on lhe April SSJS held at York Pines Church Brown ftU was i Tuesday May on the SideroBd and ran into the rear of V truck which was entering the V at Mitchells gar- P House Wednesday May sge The Hillia vehicle 0 500 damage No char- was answered by pay ges were laid e M Pur- chase presided for receiving In the second accident of annual reports and election Specializing in all types custom killing butchering custom wrapping for the freezer Open Monday to Thursday am to pm FOR INFORMATION PHONE 8952431 Or -rev- PoUock of Kes- of wick ran off the Don Mills Mrs J read the mile west of Sutton of the last annual meet- Toronto 3643524 WASHING Senate the outer measure Pre Johnson has ginning to new and harmony bet landWcsl Only last month the ufar treaty the between the two nail the days the a a for the annual Betty Gordon Dancing Club and clipped a telephone pole and gave the treasurers recital to be held in the Legion Hall on May His car suffered dam- report Reports of standing and Staff age Charges are committees conveners were given Mrs G Ward gave the report of the nominating com mittee officers for are Past president Mrs G Ward president Mrs Stevenson first vicepresident Mrs A Wood second vicepresident Mrs Smith secretary treasurer Mrs J Closs dis trict director Mrs J Smith alternate Mrs G Ward di rectors Mrs Squibb Mrs Smith Mrs Evans Sick and visiting Mrs Fos ter Mrs J Roberts Mrs auditors Miss B Charles and Mrs A Monk- man Group captains are Mrs BOY SCOUT BOTTLE COAT HANGER DRIVE 1ST EAST SCOUT TROOP will be bottles and coat hangers north of Davis Drive SATURDAY MAY 6 i YOUR SUPPORT WOULD BE APPRECIATED Reminiscent of many years ago these young men are the perfect gentle men as they get ready to partner three little beauties in a very sedate They are part of the Betty Gordon Dancing Club recital scheduled Tor the legion Hall on May 12 and 13 J T MAIN NEWMARKET ONTARIO w fc A PRESENTS ITS v f new from the geal anyone bo bis money raadUy a out wotting Its cskutatd on your No p to you in a weak Now your I ccMd and amwhrttHtaworfofTOuJtirW4ijnos BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT ft Mr Johnson has wo treaties along with a4e with Iron are the West forts The outer si for passage was but several they put no faith Unions measure Typical of tl ment Senaloi SC more pertotneCommi The treaty mil on celestial vides for onsite ins It also says that can sovereignly space to the or W celestial bodies and activities and their to be reported for the be of an Z The measure bans the ting of a nuclear weapons tern in an orbiting vehicle rovides for no onsite feorry no The green men are our competitors and at PLANET dont blame them for being green with envy Look at the prices bclov and youll know immediately that the New Market in Newmarket the place to do ALL your meat buying testified during hearings ho tassf SATURDAY MAY 1967 on the Royal HURON HEIGHTS SECONDARY SCHOOL ADMISSION ADULTS CHILDREN UNDER I Eves Sportswear GRADE A CHICKEN EVISCERATED lb CHICKEN LEGS BREASTS CHICKEN WINGS for or 29c lb 1 Military ever they would prefer to on their own wins The County Association from Mef to plr sculpture in Avenue Funds for the raised by dona among legal and members of lhe The committee a that taxpayers not be used to buy the lure Controller Margaret bell said the work the law interfere additional played Square SLICED NO SIDE BACON lb SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 35c lb Look a buy t Plana BraisinS Bibs 3lbsl Sliced Bologna 3 Sausage OxTais41bsl SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE BOLLS lb Sunny Bread oaf DINNER Cryovac ready to eat V ft JT i at We fight limil no phone fills pie we only LA la v aaaaaaaaaaaa V V in r r MEAT MARKET