for Sab GIBSON WILLOUQHBY LIMITED New split brick and stone borne featuring living room din ing area kitchen with an abundance of cupboards colored bath plus 2pc wash room FA oil heating Cus tom built in choice location Poll prke for a 3-bed- room brick bungalow living room dining area kitchen bath oil heating and situated on lot GO These homes are built by one of Newmarkets most reliable builders It Acres with road front- ape with fast flowing stream plenty of trees park and pond possibilities close to Don Mills Road Adjoining this lot we have three par cels all with a road front age Price to sell bland Grove A beautiful cottage partially winter ized with rights inside conveniences and fully fur nished This cottage is situ ated on Drive and with very little expense could be a permanent home Within commuting distance of Toron to Asking Rich vale Building Lot 60 close to Street Enquire at office for particu lars For Rent apart ment centrally located monthly including heat hydro and water Consult JIM SIOSS GIBSON WILL0UGHBY LIMITED REALTOR with over years service with Agents throughout On tario offering greater coverage EAGLE ST Large clapboard bungalow with 3 bedrooms den and arale dining room Garages with second garage in base ment suitable for boat stor age or workshop Beautiful treed lot 60 200 Asking price EARL V STEWART Real Estate Broker Phone Aurora House and serviced lots In East close to town Principals only Phone Newmarket Holland Landing 2- Bed room cottage all conveniences down low monthly payments Phone Newmarket c3w8 9 Farms for Sale Rent and Wanted vegetable marsh land Fourroom frame house stor age and garage wagon Phone Aurora clw8 10 Lots for Sale Wanted Wanted serviced building lot for home in or on outskirts of Newmarket minimum size Please forward de tails and price to J Cheese- man Victoria Park Ave Apt 205 Scarboro Ont clw8 Financial and Mortgages Business Opportunities MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE AT PREVAILING PRICES JOSEPH QUINN Real Estate Broker MSA Main St Newmarket Phone Franchise bread route for sate small investment re quired Phone Newmarket c2w7 It Pays to grow cucumbers under contract for Co Ltd A good guaran teed market is available to you Contracts arc being taken now for For further in formation write or phone Frank Watts St phone Accommodation Available WHITFIELD HOUSE NURSING HOME A spacious home with modern facilities for care of the aged and convalescent patient Full nursing care supervised by Mrs J Flynn RN Apply Mrs J Whitfield Davis Davis Dr Newmarket IS Hotels Motels Tourist Homes MARLYN MOTEL Modern Units Open 24 Hoar Miles North Newmarket on Phone If Houses OUR TOWN home with 2 bath rooms near Newmarket monthly immediate posses sion Phone To ronto after pm CRoom house 379 Millard Are references available March Phone Newmarket Sublet to responsible people house Inside conveni ences garage small bam on acres Phone after pm Rooms for Rent Rooms for rent furnished gentleman preferred Phone Newmarket live In a modern electrically heated motel bath Vradio carport per month double INN ON THE LAKE Kes wick miles New market Room and Board Available 2 Rooms board available If desired gentleman preferred Phone Newmarket Room and board available for gentleman Phone Newmarket 19 Apartments for Rent Modern bachelor apartment electric heating refrigerator stove and all services sup plied available immediately Newmarket Phone Aurora 17 Newmarket apartment residential area modem refrigerator stove and all services supplied Pho Aurora 17 2Room apartment in Holland Landing washroom and shower separate entrance Phone Newmarket after 5 pm Private entrance 2 rooms kitchenette bath heat and electricity included or 2 business people Phone Newmarket Upper duplex central busi ness couple preferred Phone Newmarket apartment half block from Main St rent in cludes hydro water cable V Available March Phone Newmarket after pm upper duplex ser vices supplied Phone Newmarket Furnished 2bedroom apart ment I chdd welcome Phone apartment with base ment heated o monthly Phone Newmarket after 6 pm Bedroom apartment with balcony Davis Dr New market immediate posses sion Phone Willow- dale selfcontained apart ment in Newmarket Phone alter pm crlsv8 20 Wanted to Rent House or apartment 2 or 3 bedrooms in Newmarket lease no objection Phone 2579Woodbridge Bedroom furnished apart ment or house in Aurora Newmarket area Phone evenings 3 or house Rich mond Hill Newmarket area go to 16500 monthly March 1st possession Mrs Mrs Crocker phone days or after 5 pm Richmond Hill reverse charges clw8 ARTICLES Articles for Sale MENS ROYS CLOTHING Buy On Easy PAYMENT PLAN 26 Weeks To Pay CLIFF Clothiers Main St Newmarket DIABETICS All types of insulin always refrigerated for your protec tion Complete stock of syringes needles test tapes and tables- Robins Prescrip tion Pharmacy We deliver Chest freezers chesterfields bedroom suites at lowest prices Our low overhead ex pense means better buys for you Business hours during winter months MonFri am6 pm Sat 10 am8 p Shop at Bribes Bargain Barn for real saving We buy sell and trade all Ends of used goods Ladys fur coat medium size black Alaska Seal with grey Persian lamb collar 78 length 80 Phone Newmarket Article for SJ Automatic washer suds re turn will guarantee for year Phone Ken Clark BEST BUY NOW CLEARANCE SALE to IV PIPES PLATES 28 Gauge to or more Useable for body shop or BEAMS and ANGLE IRON For construction and farm use STEEL POSTS Any made to order for Barns Houses Etc REINFORCED RODS USED TIRES Axles for Trailers from ton to on Etc Etc Etc ABC LTD NEWMARKET CONTENTS Of large luxurious home Will sell separately immedi ate possession Consisting of elegant French Provincial 9- piece dining room suite Im ported Fruitwood beautiful loose cushion chester field Italian Brocade with chair original European oil paintings crystal and marble lamps sewing machine I2 and 12 x gold rugs oriental rug wing back chairs Provincial coffee and end tables drapes 21 excellent Phone RUGS Stewart authorized dealer for Harding Carpets Wall to wall homo or com mercial Phono Newmarket Infills twin washer and dryer with suds saver in good con dition cost new will sell half price Phone 4288 Keswick PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE Davis Drive Newmarket Plaza To celebrate our Year in the Music Business we are offering at very special prices a different type of Musical Instrument every month Feb Sale on all Chord Organs March Sale on Guitars and Amps April Sale on Drums These are genuine excep tional values If you are look ing for that certain type of instrument visit us and save money Be sure to watch your local newspaper for our monthly specials c2w8 Electric appliances clothes dryer and linens much more too numerous to mention Phone Newmarket ciwa Hockey equipment and skates size Phone Mount Albert TARPS FOR RENT NEW AND USED FOR SALE Barrie Tent and Awning Co Ltd 7266437 Bayfield St- Barrie Farm Market roasts ground beef steaks wrapped and frozen Greatly reduced prices for front cuts Potatoes No and 2 Home baked pies Friday and Satur day Located on Conces sion Whitchurch Cedar Valley south of Vivian Road ciwa Snow Scoot Lycom ing motor starter etc com plete or sell motor separate Phone 2 Bridesmaids dresses It and floor length high waist shrimp matching head pieces and shoes Phone 2551 Newmarket Large garage air compressor like new For phone Newmar ket Clw8 No 2 Potatoes lb John Potatoes Ltd Newmarket Feci potatoes per ton John Potatoes Ltd Phone Newmarket crlwS Special German made tool and die makers machine comprising of pulley mounted motor to 3 flexible shafts bits comprising steel stone wire brushes etc also steel planer router drill metal cutter attachments Cost price will take nearest offer to This is a must and bargain for a tool or die maker table saw Phone 8954213 Newmarket xlw3 Scoot 225 IIP motor electric start complete with trailer Priced for quick sale Phone Keswick ii for Sale Trusses surgical supports elastic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket Large chrome table with chairs good condition Phone 4784190 Rubber Stamps any size 72- Hour service Newmarket Stamp Co phone Newmarket Articles Wanted We buy cars tires metal all old scrap Wo sell car parts tires angle Iron pipes beams body metal steel sheets posts farm trailers AUTO WRECKERS Davis Dr Newmarket Used typewriters and adders for cash Phone Newmarket- Good used furniture For prompt action and cash write 51 Roosevelt Dr phono Help Wanted Male Typewriter and adder mech anic for parttime work at your convenience Phone Newmarket Man or woman to service cus tomers with Products in the town of Newmarket Earn per week and up Full or parttime Write Parkway BIvy VUIe danjou Que Mechanic with transmission experience required immedi ately for a new depot in New market Excellent wages Ideal working conditions and bonus in a shop a part of Canadas largest national net work of transmission special ists Phone Mr Max Epstein 2558166 Toronto ATTENTION We need representatives to do interesting and rewarding con tact work in this and sur rounding counties with local civic organization Sales ex perience but not nec essary Highest commissions paid No night work no route work No investment requir ed Car necessary Train ing program given If your Itroscnt lob docs not come up your liking you owe It to yourself to investigate this op portunity today Contact K Bradford Mold Bradford 7 to pm Wednesday and Thursday No phone calls please Experienced service station attendant required Full em ployee benefits must be cap able of managing station in absence of manager Apply in person Sunoco Service Aurora clw8 GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Ren it ires experienced auto mobile salesman Excellent compensation plan demon strator supplied Apply in person to Motors Ltd SL S Aurora Farm help also horse man or caretaker 2room apart ment suitable for couple or bachelor Phone Newmarket crlwS 27 Help Wanted Female SECRETARY REQUIRED Applications will be received by the undersigned up to March for the position of Secretary for the Municipal Clerks Office Sharon Ontario Applicants must have gen eral knowledge of bookkeep ing typing and shorthand Please state qualifications and salary expected J Clerk c2w7 EXCHANGE HOURS FOR CASH Opportunity for women to make good money In a busi ness of their own Start earn ing at once representing Avon Mrs S Fitzgerald Write or call Davis Dr Phone Newmarkcl NURSES AID Must be neat clean and Apply in person to Irs Newton Martin Manor 266 Prospect St Newmarket i MAID Reouired immediately for gen eral cleaning duties in Boys Residence Building perman ent position from Sept to June of each school year Apply Miss J St An drews College Aurora phone OF Or TOE CMttHDRn Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Mile TOOL AND DIB MAKER We require a man for construction of pro gressive blanking and forming dies top rates paid Apply in writing in person or by phone to the Personnel Manager Office Specialty Ltd Timothy St Newmarket 8952321 trim 27 Help Wanted Female 32 Trucks for Sale Cleaning woman wanted Phone Mount Albert ClwS EAST TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Requires Immediately one kindergarten teacher to teach half time Minimum maximum 8600 Five levels Annual Increment allow ance for previous experience Cumulative sick leave and gratuity plan In effect Applications stating experi ence qualifications telephone number and past inspectors may be addressed to Mrs Crone Business Administrator Sharon Ontario Phone clwa 29 Sales Help Wanted Male and Female Fair education car age to Good money for honest ef fort We train Phone 895- Newmarket tf4 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If yon are looking for used trucks parts tires or acces sories see the truck wrecker first MOORE TRUCK PARTS and SALES Old No Highway Holland Landing t 34 Motorcycles for Sale Royal Enfield single 250 single cc single single Honda 77305 Phone after pm 727- 7276766 or Au rora 39 Farm Items for Sale Wanted SALES CAREER Well established District Branch office for a large in ternational firm desires to contact a local man 25 to years of age for sales execu tive position No travel Sales experience desirable but not necessary Salary and commission ar rangement offering stable career with substantial in come and opportunity for ad vancement Group benefits including hospitalization life insurance and pension All inquiries held in strict- est confidence Successful ap plicant will be given a com puterized aptitude test Reply giving qualifications to Box The Era New market WANTED Used Farm Tractors Pay cash or trade on trucks or wagons ABC LTD NEWMARKET US A TEXAS OIL CO WANTS MAN OVER FOR NEWMARKET We need a good man over who can make short auto trips for about a week at a time We are willing too pay top earnings WORTH 1200000 top man in other parts of country draw exceptional earnings up to in a year This opening in the Newmarket area Is worth just as much to the right man Air mail B Southwestern Petro leum Corp Main St Ft Worth Texas 30 Employment Wanted Man with truck wants small moving jobs Saturdays Phone Newmarket Housework days a week Phone Keswick clwa Carpentry work verandah and recreation rooms none Newmarket Will babysit one or two chil dren in my home 6 days weekly Phone New market clw8 Young man with experience In safes and construction seeks evening and weekend position in area Phone Au rora New in town reliable high school girl for occasional babysitting Must live in Newmarket Phone Newmarket clw3 Plain dressmaking lions and repairs Newmarket allera- 31 Motor Cars for Sale Falcon good shape Also 1962 van make of fer Phone Newmar ket Chevrolet good running order good tires Phone Newmarket Chevrolet V automatic excellent condition Phone Newmarket after pm Chevrolet white red Interior 6 cylind- der standard one lady owner Will sacrifice Phone after pm Newmarket clwB Ford standard shift full wheel discs shape Phone New market automatic Dynamic 4door power steering power brakes radio excellent condition Phone Schomberg clwS Rambler frcyl auto radio best offer he No Phone Newmarket 32 Trucks for Sale 1963 Fargo Jiton truck new tires and in good shape Phone Murray Crone Mount Albert For sale Bales of hay per bale Phone Bales choice hay bales mixed straw any amount Phone Sander son Mount Albert evenings clw8 Set of heavy team horse har ness Phone New- market Hay and straw for sale Phone Oak Ridges Livestock for Sale Shorthorn bull born 28 Feb weight 3 Dec 780 lbs Dams weight estimated lbs He Is white polled good bono and length rug ged condition from purebred Shorthorns but not registered 275 Phone Doug Clarke Bethcsda Purebred boars service age Phone E clw8 Poultry for Sale Wanted Wanted live poultry Best market prices Write or phone Sid Nicholson 2MI020 Mark- ham SERVICES Building Trades and Household Directory FOR RENT Floor Sanders ft Equipment FRED PENROSE Second St Newmarket NEWMARKET ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS Top Quality Custom Installations Low Prices Full Guarantee NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Newbury Dr Phone Newmarket INCOME TAX and ESTATE TAX THOUSANDS OVERPAY Legitimate Savings Ideas Bookkeeping and Payrolls Adders Typewriters Easy Terms Rentals Building Trdet and Household Directory Now Ale an Siding FAMOUS ALCAN ALUMINUM Siding Combination and doors awnings and rail ings Free estimates D and Bunn Newmarket tt furs repaired reslyled jac kets stoles made reason able Phone New market- 47 Groceries Meats Produce for Sale FLATS Now is the time to place or ders for seedling flats Contact Bradford Greenhouses Potatoes No Grade for lbs We also have a good supply of certifleld seed on hand Phone Murray Crone Mount Albert Pet Stock and Supplies Kennels POODLES Reg Adorable puppies studs The smartest poodles prefer our clipping service For appoint ment call Aurora Poodles miniature reg white cream and silver Phone Pamela Bristow 775- Bradford KONAWATIM KENNELS Reg Sa moved puppies available St 2 Newmar ket Phone 7753670 Brad ford I M female for sale Champion sired lovely temperament Phone Aurora BARTONS Complete Janitor Service Bonded COMMERCIAL J RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Light cartage moving and cleanup jobs etc Phone Mount Albert GERMAN Shepherds Kennels 4735367 Mount Albert German Shepherd puppies reg for sale black and tan sable and grey females black and tan males Very good disposition Will take For information phone Keswick evenings clwfl Kennels Reg- Poodle and Yorkshire pup pies Siamese kittens occa sionally stud service Box Wellington St Aurora Siamese Sealpoint kittens months house trained excel lent points 25 Scotch Collie pups finest champion stock in Canada registered purcbreds value Phone Newmarket Miscellaneous PIANO TUNING and REPAIRS Have your piano tuned and serviced by a factorytrained technician Call NEVILLE BRYAN Aurora If NOTICE If the party who has been re siding at Ontario St New market does not call to fay for his rent the house- old effects will be sold to pay for rent Mrs J Moore Grace St Newmarket BOOKKEEPING UNLIMITED Day camp Swimming fish- canoeing riding hiking crafts Phooe 884344 Wcff Hill for photographic brochures 50 Tax j Wanted or available from Newmarket down Woodbine to Phone Newmarket 51 Travel GOING OVERSEAS We sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat etc Oar fflsllon and service Is reliable Come In and talk oyer your proposed Irlp with Cheater Best The BEST DRUGSTORE Newmarket phone 52 Florists FRESH FLOWERS From own delivered anywhere In Metre Toronto diUy Aurora Greenhouses South Aurora Phone 53 Personals FACED WITH A PRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AlchoholJcs Anony mous Can Help Phone Newmarket Aurora Would the couple with small boys from Scarborough who phoned me about a house on Sun Jan at Newmarket please contact me as soon as possible AT HOME Mr and Mrs Ross bridge will be at home to friends and relatives on the occasion of their wedding anniversary on Sat urday March 4 from 2 to and 7 to pm 54 Legal Notices Notice To Creditors IN the Estate of Cicely Irene Lee late of the Town of New market in the County of York Widow deceased ALL persons having against Cicely Irene Lee late of the Town of Newmarket in County of York Widow deceased who died on or about the day of October are hereby notified to send to undersigned on or before the tfllh day of March full particulars of their claims After the said date the Executors will distribute the assets of the said de ceased having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of February Allan Mills Main Street Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for the Executors NOTICE The semimonthly meeting of East Gwillimbury Town ship Council will be held on Monday February at hour of 2 pm J FARR Clerk 55 Tenders VILLAGE OF SUTTON Garbage Collection Sealed clearly marked tenders will be received by undersigned for the col lection of garbage in the Vil lage of Sutton on or before pm Monday Feb In the Clerks Office Vil lage of Sutton West Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the Municipal Office at Sutton Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Mrs Joan Oke Clerk Village of Sutton c2wa Lost and Found Light beige ladys wallet Vi cinity Saturday night Large sum of money Re ward Phone New market Si n LT lead- and while Beagle answers to- W Scamp Bradford dog tag No Tattoo register number on ear will prove owner Phone or Bradford It Sales Register Auctions 1 AUCTIONEER and VALUER JIM SARGENT PO SALES CONDUCTED TOWN or COUNTRY March Com plete dispersal sate of ap proximately head of and Grade High pro ducing full line of modern farm machinery and dairy equipment hay straw grain furniture antiques the of Henry and Grace ft lot con King Town ship Farm Mid Watch for complete listing Catalogue on request Time am sharp Contact Charlie Dunn auc tioneer 2 Aurora phone 773W32 Friday Feb pm Auc tion Sale of registered and grade dairy cattle farm plemenls Ford truck trac tors hay straw grain furni ture including antique rock- big chair the properly of Stanley Calms at lot con West about 2 miles west and miles north of Bradford Wo reserve as farm Is sold Frank Webb Clerk Frank Bennett Auctioneer Saturday March IS Public auction of the furnishings of 7room house the property of Mr Leo Cull Park Ave Newmarket consisting of chesterfield suite television dining room suite pieces refrigerator stove freezer bedroom furniture vacuum cleaner kitchen furniture odd dishes pans cooker mower and articles Sale 130 p Terms cash Fred N Smith auctioneer phone 6668 Newmarket READ THE ERA FOR NEWS OF YORK COUNTY Dont wait make a date Sunoco Heating Oil A topquality cleanburning heat ing oil Automatic deliveries Free 24 hour burner service Easy yearround payment plan Get complete carefree heating service Get Sunoco Healing Oil Call today HEATING OIL Bfut Sunoco EVANS FUELS Queen St Newmarket ERA WANT AD COUPON e Ave Newmarket j Phone j For The Best In QUALITY CONCRETE Phone Open days weekly tf i You can place your want ad in The Era by mail if you wish Write your ad below and mail it today The rate is cents per word per issue minimum words DO cents with a per cent discount if you enclose cash with order A phone number or any group of figures counts as one word The Era reserves the right to print ads by suitable classification and to revise copy misleading or not in good taste Deadline Tuesday i IO i i 1 I Insert the following want ad for Issues- i For PLUMBING HEATING SHEET METAL WORK See JEFF SMITH Main St Newmarket DAYS 89S4S51 EVENINGS RELAXATEZE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY ProprietorMax Reuphotsterlag Repairs FREE ESTIMATES 2 Generations of Upholstering L of quality I PHONE a I fc y-