v t school the counted points I fit terry Clifford Aurora lead Saint William Blue Devils The point Blue Devils York Basketball circles Cliffords have flat r hell A And Jotiii Bailey Rick Bill Vellrh Skating Huron John Hutching were Picker- is King City Isarieri College and St Andrew Col- After a win over lege as they fashioned an un- rnn Heights Graham defeated league campaign DonhTeBlucs are still In the pacer Blue vita after NHS a taste of their scor ing prowess slammed I King City Trojans and Huron Heights Coach Clifford was happy when Blue Devils added wins over SAC Pickering At Bradford Scott And Wilson Rinks Share Luck Trophy Lead Strikis Spares Laurie Morrison was top Metro Ladles league bowler Bill wsa an It point A ffi skating party pother best triples Myrtle lowed by a immunity sing Dunn and Dora Moored recorded lead singles and coffee will be held at the Bradford and District Kitty Ruddock Memorial Community Centre Gertrude Clark- Thorns Shirley Sponsored by the Bray Floss Campbell Ml NKWMABKKT Skip the years Doug Wilson with Tommy Scoll performing Bill Andrews and Percy Hut- activities planned for Brad- and sat were Iwinkler against for Itii Jack Memorial Hugo Copland defeated Horace 1512 and The puck seems to he balanced on Simile Jim in to pick up the rebound and Mock he Milton MWM slick after he slops a hot shot by the player ShepherdStaff 15 Brian Mean was Huron Milton left winger Aurora Tiger moves Chapman was a point It and wins over Ted Andrews and Norm Fry against Kel Scott and Company have Frank Brammar piled up a record hi with skip for STRIKES AND SPARES Horace Climber Frank defeated Bob vin added Cum- mar and Harry to earn a share of third place mtngs and Campbell each The count Is considered with Harry Larry YORK CURLING CLUB DRAW ii Bob Armstrong and Jim highest score at Miami over Roll working with Fred God Woods Vokes KB Murine fi2a and Kitty Ruddock league Audrey Clark 70S Dyson fi20 and Grace Osmond showed over fiOO class fi02 were sharpest Tuesday Other leaders were Shirley Ladies League bowlers Win Archer Ms McPhcrson Donna Patrick Wright Norma MO Mac Bray Betty thy Rolling Claire Pol- HO Ethel Matthew WW Yvonne lock Mi Judy Vander- fi77 Betty Moore and Gloria Phillips Fewer fif1 and followed the leaders Winter hit for a nifty Wright W scries to cop Wednesday Naught 719 Bertha Burling Ladies high scoring honors 724 Marlon Luff 7IB and Wright Chapman were sharp- est Friday Major League Moms makers Sprar Moody Bennett j a Mitchell 611 Jean Ida Mi Nina Bertha Burling ncy Norma Banning hit fnr Gertrude Clark Shirley other heat triples Joan Noble Marie Mc- Knappetl p Carolyn Fletcher 580 Mary Marshall Ann Helen Tom- I I 10 4 a a 6 4 Mixed Curlers Enjoy Good Year Friday and Jack mixed curling Is having Its Lueshy Timothy Si neigh- and Charlie Near hit the win column with a win over Bob Miami bowlers welcomed Percy Hutchinson back last week Hutchinson Is fillIn a Vb lead for Bill McCaffrey Club The more ardent sweeping helpers share the and stone enthusiasts curl every other week lead In one cry Friday limit their division leaders each of switch and stone pitching exploits to have three points The George invisible reliable electric en- Moody Bill orgy performs a multitude of Morgan and Smith direct- Mackay Frances and Joan WestlaVe fired Newton Irene Kay other best triples Marg Motes Davy Ruth Marg Betty Moore 606 and Vernon and every other week In the every week competi tion Curtis rink defeated units follow leaders Jack King to move Into first Rill Simmons defeated Con- place with nine points Mo Filman lb shoot Into a s Hall muffed a golden oppor- first place tie with Peter lll1 unit In the other sec- losing to Bill Alkman Hall The leaders sport laborsaving chores efficient ly and economically r Well how did you do on thou skates was top single 450 Harry 711 and were the triples mens division class in the league Karen Kil- sever points Jones four point marks Ivor Ken Fletcher Owen won over Harry Carter to tie edged Jack James to for third place with move Into second place a point in 22 five points Gerry Armstrong off the pace James and Clara Dusty hit for over were 4 and Jack King have four 11 Kephyr bowlers Belly Salisbury two points Thursday Ladies League Willowdale I points each Harry Carter each followed Connie Fit- pin hoppers Aur March II 7 and Art one man and Ken fi2 Gertie Nina Lunncy June Joan counted best Monday Ma- Davenport and Cathy Card for league marks Helen were best ladies ham 717 Lorraine Humphrey Mary Clark fiftl larkes superb Bade Liz Bell Belly series was a Monday Ladies Vanant and Ida feature Mclnnls were other lop bowlers Moore Gertrude Clark Thorns 629 Nina Lunncy pnslcd an Bin Marilyn Secretary series to head the Friday Ma- THIS HUSSKI Snowmobile CAN BE YOURS ABSOLUTELY FREE if m l 1 OLD AGE SECURITY PENSIONERS DO YOU QUALIFY FOR THE GUARANTEED INCOME su I I LEMENT of whisky some like IF YOU BUY THAT NEW 67 MODEL OR A 66 DEMONSTRATOR FROM In do 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