Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), February 15, 1967, p. 5

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mm mm February A Sj J be or Ihe question presented by Robert Taylor of Taylors Ambulance Sen Ice to North Township Council last week when he requested a per capita per year subsidy In order to have an ambu lance service In the township it necessary a subsidy be given to offset the high costs resulting from the proposed new regulations of the De partment Health Those municipalities not contribut ing would not have an ambu lance service said Mr Tay lor He told council calls hud been answered in of which North had tt Sutton and as per cent of all calls M At Meeting Z are accident calls The approximate cost of a new ambulance with equip ment was with a de preciation of per year North share would be and Sutton per year on a fiveyear contract Treasurer Krwin Winch stated the township had paid out last year for ambu lance services Mr Taylor pointed out the municipality Is actually paying for the availability of an ambulance service A trip In York County Hospital from costs Cemetery Board Names Officers The an- bus meeting of lot owners of Cemetery was held last week when the fallowing officers were elected for President Clarence Wright board mem- hers Angus Smith and Titus Peregrine Art Hail was named secretary and the superintendent of cemetery is Fred Dew Mrs of Hamil ton has relumed home after visitinc her cousins Mrs and Mr Fred for some time Mrs Sydney Thompson representative for Womens Institute at tended the general meeting of Newmarket and District Won ens Auxiliary to York Coun ty Hospital Feb Flection of officers was held and the guest speaker was Mrs Agar dietitian at York County Hos pital church parlor with mem bers answering roll call which was a short story of a woman of the Bible Worship service was taken by Dr Arkinstall the study book Mrs R Lewis arid Mrs Irwin gave a study on the life of take Each member of the unit was asked to make a block for the quill for the bale Lunch was served Word from Mr and Mrs Wallace Gillies say they arc enjoying warm weather and a good vacation in Florida Mr Stan Williams of Inland was a most sneaker at service at Maple Hill Church when he outlined the needs of Cana dian Indians for ambulance and at plus 40 cents per mile of Mr Taylor an nounced a possible mileage raise of 60 cents per mite Sutton has reportedly agreed to Mr Taylors proposals and have undertaken a fiveyear agreement Georgina Town ship have yet to meet with Mr Taylor and hear his pro- Reeve Joseph Pales spoke for council stating Were interested if the bene fit to the municipality is on a par with cost He also rec ommended council support Mr Taylors proposals and suggested a joint meeting of the three northern municipal- tics to discuss problems of mutual concern and formulate proposals for their solution i A Mi 1 V i us r4 S v Snow sculpture whs pari of the of the attending Sutton District High School for the Centennial celebrations weekend held in village This replica of the Centennial sign is in front of the school and each segment was colored Staff No In Church Status Helpful Hint Enrol Brownies EAST HEIGHTS Mrs Arnold Johnson at tended the Training School in Newmarket last week The project for the year is a world of food in Canada 12 years and over are Mrs Fred and Mrs eligible The 2nd East Brownie Pack held an enrolment ceremony on Tuesday Feb Brown Owl Mrs Belly Hicks enrolled Brownies Jane Arnoit Donna Joy Shelley Jollymorc Kim Judy and Special guests for the event were parents of the Brownies be ing enrolled and Guide Com missioner Mrs Hie Newmarket Junior Chamber of Commerce has announced the two most re cent winners in their month ly 5050 draw Miss Doris Thompson and Don Knappelt of Newmarket KING CITY The annual congregational meeting of King City United Church ac cepted summary reports sub mitted by loaders of the departments Involved in the operation and development of the churchs spiritual growth and material assets There will be no change In the present status of the pres ent threepoint charge com prising King City Teslon and churches over a per iod of two and a half years In July 1MB Ihe incum bent minister of the King charge Rev Martin son will retire from active ministry in United Church of Canada At thai lime planned realignment of Ihe charge as proposed planning and development committee of York Presby tery and generally acceptable in principle by the three local Ramsey assisted in the Tuck Shop at the hospital on Thursday Feb The meeting of the Alpha Unit of United Church Women was held on Feb in the The Womens Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs on Monday Feb Roll call speak er was Mrs Williams of Newmarket Six Schools Iri Compete I Contest MOUNT ALBERT Repre sentatives from the six public schools in East having won competitions in their own schools competed In a Township Oratorical Competition in Sharon Public School on Thursday evening Judges for the event were teachers Gregg Scott Rhonda June Thackcry Jim Ricks Vale and Ross Elliot one from each school the Sharon prin cipal Mr Gray as chairman Winner of the competition was Sharon Green Brown Hill a pupil from Mount Al bert school Ian Proud- foot Sharon and Mary The Ladies Auxiliary of Park Avenue second and the Cubs and Scouts held a third meeting on Tuesday Feb Sharon was presented with at the home of iho past congregations is expected to go into effect Home and School As- proposed change in the circuit is to establish King City and churches as a two point circuit and the Teslon congregation to re align wilh the Maple United Church In his pastoral report to the King City meeting Mr Jcn- kinson noted a total resident and nonresident membership of divided in the King City church at Teslon and in the Jaskay church Total number of families under pastoral oversight is with of this number of Maple Pub lie School extends an invita tion to all parents in the area to attend their meeting Wednesday Feb The guest speaker will Mrs of Richmond Hill secretary of the Ontario School for Perceptually Han dicapped Children and her address is entitled Bright Child Poor Scholar The meeting will be held in the general purpose room of Ma ple School at flis pm located in the King City church Rural has families Mr ministry in cluded marriages 21 hap- llsms and funerals in circuit Visitations to homes and several hospitals entails a large share of his pastorate ministry As a result he will he pro vided wilh a lay student min ister He rejected this pro posal earlier offered by his charge until the King City building Is sufficiently reduced to warrant cost of hiring an assistant With Mr n com mittee of four two represent ing the King City congrega tion and one each from Inn and have been appointed to prepare the ground work and submit find ings to Boards of Session with expectation of an early development of this addition to the charge Cold winter evenings a warm refresher Fond specialists at Macdonatd In stitute University of suggest Quickie Cocoa Combine cup of nonfat dry milk with cup of Instant cocoa Gradually stir in three cups of boiling water and top I with a marshmaltow MOUNT ALBERT The February meeting efMounl Albert Womens Institute was held at home of Mrs Herb on Thursday afternoon with present Among articles at least ino years old there was a most interesting display with an Canadian one dollar bill among the collection Four ladies in Centennial costume Mrs Murray Kir- Ion Mrs Jordan Mrs Frank Jordan and Mrs Harrison added inter est to this historical research meeting which was convene by Mrs Frank Jordan Mrs Jordan responded to motto Current events In were given by Mrs Jordan and Mrs gave a talk on Confederation explaining how it came about and how it was celebrated on July She also spoke about Mount Albert residents the era and the thriving busi nesses conducted in the vil lage at thai lime Mrs Harrison and Mrs Carl were in charge of the social hour CLE it 10th ANNIVERSARY r DRIVE IN HOUR SERVICE -Attache- is your PROFIT SHARING BONUS COUPON llonnrr Mr J Mi4n4 Hill r i VALUABLE COUPON w 33l ANNIVERSARY Profit Sharing Bohus A iThis Coupon worth Nfn with on any t J Ch Crry lftclteni Hill during Nome Address Phono Tin in nfl fctfdf to DovU Yonge 1 Aurora Richmond Hill N A DRESS or your choice In Fashion Fairs INSTANT No Necessary See Page of Todays Era RON ELLIOTT RAMBLER 91 South IMPALA Door Sedan 129500 Newmarket the Gladys Rolling Trophy by Mrs Rolling which she will hold for one year The Jennie Hamilton Trophy was present ed to Ross Elliot for place ment in the Mount School trophy cabinet Sharon will represent East at the York County Oratorical Competi tion in the County on Thursday March Nancy Ixslic Hirst and Adams were winners of the Holland and Maple oratorical competitions president The was called to order President Mrs Dora who pro ceeded to finalize plans for the annual Father and Son banquet to he held on Thurs day Feb 23 Mothers Cubs and Scouts will be approached to make donations and help with prep arations and serving at banquet Tickets are available from the and Scoutmaster at which includes the father and all the sons that are Cubs and Scouts in the family TOWNSHIP OF KA8T NOTICE to DOG OWNERS The Licenses arc now due and payable UNO SALTS 98c SPECIAL DISCOUNTS On All Item Times SquArc Discount Main SI If I At AMD CHIPS 1 4 am ii am to ml The provisions of Bylaw No injr doca running at in the Municipality will he strictly enforced Please govern yourselves accordingly arc a i liable at the Municipal Offices Sharon Ontario from Monday lo Friday am to pm J Clerk alignment Balancing Licensed Repairs To All Makes of Cars BORGE JIM Service Centre 1 is Main IlieKe four industrial and utility electrical from Stilton anil Richmond Hill areas were a graduates who successfully completed the different electric heating association course They arc now qualified VICTORIA and GREY 5 BUTCHER St Specializing in Personal Service Since FREE Delivery Twice Daily Am and AURORA BUY OF TUB lib Lots Water fc Sowers available in one group full price Ivan Eves nnoxxn IIOSIK week here will appear throughout the advertise ments on this feature the letters making up the name of one of participating businesses You are required to read each advertisement very carefully find these letters and Identify the featured business Kill out entry form below ami send to KXPO by in later than pm Monday IMPORTANT To he eligible for MUST AGCOMPANIKI BY A CASH SALES SLIP OR PROOF OF FROM ONE OF MB BUSINESSES entry must he submitted on the ENTRY FORM 3 ALL CONTESTANTS MUST HE IS YEARS OF AUE OR OVER The first answer drawn will be for the final draw for the Prize whlrh of Air Canada flight for two and return Reservations at La Martinique Molor Inn all expenses paid For wonderful days Passports to Expo 67 I spfortint money i for Saving Money Worry Free of HAIRY PRODUCTS AURORA RADIO HOSPITAL and Auto Stereo Sales and Electric Rogers Majestic SI CALL DAIRY Home Delivery of TOP QUALITY Dairy 409 DR NEWMARKET SW2105 LEO SERVICE CENTRE Winterizing in Snow Tires A TuneUp 167 Aurora RETIREMENT SAVINGS You may make deposits lo either or of two funds the common stock fund or the income fund consist of preferred stocks mortgages and bonds COME SEE COME DRIVE THE SENSATIONAL NEW KESWICK light footed srxMrnoWa VIC STURDY LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 1 You may transfer all or part of your share of either fund lo the other once each year giving days notice prior to a valuation dale Your deposits may vary from year lo year and may be made from lime to time during the year and up to GO days after the end of Ihe year frnm pm In am Ready To Co In KING PIZZA PARLOR FORM it ADHRPSS LAST WINNER Miss Donna Fines HI I Prosper I Ave Newmarket a AURORA AND HORRY SHOP All Accessories or Model Car Enthusiasts Lane Road Course Bar Facilities AURORA PLAZA- ff DEPOSITS MADE BY MARCH ARE TAX FREE FOR RETURNS There is no or land ter kind charged VICTORIA and GREY TRUST BEAUTY SALON An early appointment allows us to give better service Main SI Have Your Ruf Cleaned Rcnjamin I PAINT SERVICE Paint and Wallpaper Paint- Is our business not a sideline mm SI fc SHOP HERE FOR SAVINGS ON Full Line of Service With All Sales SUPER CARPET CLEANING CO Industry CRYSTAL Cake plates Salt and holders Fruit MARIGOLD GIFT SHOPPE 201 Main SI I Newmarket Watch for Sticker in the MU Fire Police YORK COUNTY Hnspilnl Doctor Draperies 1 Main SI reel JV it J GAYLES SMOKE SHOP OFF Newmarket Boxes of Chocolates ART FOSTER HEATING Forced Air Furnce BURNER SERVICE ALWUNHM MOBS and REPAIRS and Wlndowi- Rd Newnrfce4 TOIW

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