I l y VOL No 5 fc v r I r Grin I Canadas Minister of Finance rates top marks in this Centennial year for a macabre sense of humor If you havent yet seen the broadsheet and mass of literature to be filled but before you can pay a major portion of your salary into income tax to keep the government rolling you have a shock coming To top off the morass of instructions and pointed arrows and just before you get the shock of the final figures the Department has capped it all with a picture of the most happy looking young people we have seen for a long time you can still maintain a grin like that couple after wading through the clauses telling you just what you cannot deduct then you are either dead broke and have no tax to pay or have just won the Irish Sweep and couldnt care less For a chartered accountant the 1967 income tax form is pos sibly a breeze for the older person with limited understanding of the complexity of government rulings over the past few years it could be the last straw to drive them into a padded cell It will be amazing if one in every 100 returns is filled in correctly when it gets back to the Income Tax Section If this years form is a simplified version heaven help the indi vidual who has varied sources of income and has to complete a more detailed accounting perhaps the government printers have eliminated the couple with the happy grin on the return for the highpriced help We think the Minister could have made things a lot more simple with the suggested form of a few years ago How much did you earn last year How much did you spend SEND US WHATS LEFT Lets Know In regard to Municipal Organization in Canadas Second Century Mr Robert Nixon Ontario Liberal Leader states I am thinking really of regional government a concept about which there is a lot of con- and confusion Much of the confusion results from the fact that the Tory govern- cent has never made it clear what it means when it talks about regional government It has said in effect to many of our municipalities You must form regional associations and if you dont we will move in and push you around They dont know what kind of regional association the province has in mind This leaves our municipalities in a highly awkward position Its high time the government should make up its mind and state DEFINITELY a policy for the future of municipal government Somebody Las to assume the responsibility of making a decision The history of Metro has demonstrated that there will be as many diver gent views on municipal changes as there are municipal councils school boards and planning boards We can see as feasible metrotype regional governments with out right amalgamation of smaller municipalities but perhaps the Provincial Government has other ideas Its time it should make up its mind find let the public know Better Animal Control The situation in Newmarket East Gwiliimbury and Aurora regard ing dogs running at large calls for immediate action by the councils of these municipalities In view of this it is interesting to note that the Ontario Humane Society has approached Aurora council with a view of establishing an animal shelter in the area to serve York County Presumably this vould also include some form of animal control also i- Should this be the case it is to be hoped that the other councils will link themselves with Aurora to expedite any arrangement which would give the area such a service The dog catcher plan as tried by most of the municipalities in this part of York has not proved very Satisfactory With the county MOH councils and citizens generally concerned about the near epidemic of rabies and the need for closer supervision of the farm animal population and household pets any action which would reduce the incidence of rabies would be most welcome fc The Editor No Ice No Carnival This was the notice the Queens ville Park Board had to post last week When will the taxpayer of East Gwiliimbury wake up and smell the coffee The Township Council through its Recreation Commission are spending to every year to buy ice time at the Brad ford Arena for Minor Hockey yet refuse to spend a dime to make ice in their own Arena The Town- nothing It is plain foolishness As a matter of plain dollars and cents projecting the cost of rent ing ice time to just ten years is Dont tell me that sum of money wouldnt put arlifical ice in the Townships Arena Carry the projection through twenty years and we have spent this money in Bradford How unrealistic can you get I would suggest that Council UL a breath and plunge Into Arena at Queens- the icy waters of inertia jUe It was turned over to the with a project in this ffl a Township for the sum of Year and thus give more o a wh l young people are getting our Signed tax dollar spent on them The rest old to who to hockey are getting A FishEye View This picture was photographed with a fisheye lens by a roving photographer strolling along a Canadian high- way The fisheye shot gives an allencompassing of any scene the photographer desires making it a totally different type of picture SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Just A Starter In recent years there has been a great deal of criticism of edu cation in this country from both outside and inside the system It doesnt take a Ph D to realize that a whale of a lot of it is justi fied And I speak as a parent tax payer and teacher Only by frantic efforts and vast infusions of money have we man aged to keep our system a mere couple of decades behind the times I know its easy to indulge in hindsight But holy old Jupiter surely there could have been a little foresight somewhere along the line Look what have shortage of buildings shortage of teachers shortage of just about everything except pupils And vast surplus of them This didnt happen overnight They werent all born last summer It was all there years ago perfectly obvious to anyone who could add and multi ply The only people doing any multiplying were the parents And the crazy part of it is that we keep urging the kids to stay in schools which havent enough room for the new crop arriving Drop out has become almost synonymous with delinquent It doesnt matter whether theyre doing any work or learning any thing or are just being bored silly Theyre told to stay in school until through sheer old age and the tidal wave pushing from be hind they get a magic piece of paper that will open a golden door to success Chiefly to blame are parents They have my sympathy Many of limn remember the great depres sion Many others honestly believe material security means happiness Hut far far too many of them delude themselves They Insist that Jack who wants nothing more than to get out of school and be come useful and happy as a sales man or a policeman has the mak ings of a great surgeon because he has always got more than marks in science Or that Jill a born wife and mother who wants nothing more than to get married should struggle through a course psychology because shes always been a firstclass babysitter Almost equally to blame are the big industries and institutions from oil companies to banks They are too lazy or too cheap or both lo interview young people and hire them on what they are Its much easier and a lot cheaper just to say Wc dont want anybody un less he has at least a Grade certificate even if all they want him to do is stick square pegs in round holes Another thing vastly wrong with education is the way it is financed Lets take a couple of examples Heres an elderly couple on a small fixed income After years of struggling they own their Own house They pay a year in municipal taxes About half of that is for education even though theyve paid taxes for years to educate their own children or if childless somebody elses This system makes a mockery of the concept that every child has the same educational opportu nities Dont try to tell me that the kid in a poor bush town in the north has the same facilities options and quality of teaching as the kid in a rich suburb He simply does not Money makes the dif ference And speaking of inequalities isnt there something quite ridi culous In a country of million having separate and distinct educational systems Much larger countries have one system and yet have far more diversity and opportunity within that one than we have with our rigid and separate ones It is provincialism literally and figuratively Rigidity is another thing that slicks in my craw We have rigid currlculums rigid timetables rigid divisions of the school year and anything else rigid that avoids difficulty and keeps the vast Vic torian vehicle shambling along somehow You know what Im getting little worked up about this Rut you cant keep a good belch down and Ive been developing indiges tion over the whole business for some time So rather than galloping off in all directions lets say litis is the first of a series of on edu cation by plain ordinary layman Ill bet you can hardly wait for next weeks thrilling instalment Takes A Gamble i A Conservative party leadership prominent ConservaHvurtiiWii convention John whoTtfc last week should be held as soon as Mr raSei this possible Any further delay would and decides spread confusion the he may and harm the Interests of the nation If nothing else the Chiefs pro- nouncement caught Diefen baker Tories so off guard they could do little but mutter agree ment while pleading for time Mr surprising readiness to accept the dictate of the partys Ottawa meeting that leadership be reviewed at an early date did not however indicate any readiness by him to call it quits At Mr appears determined to win another Tory leadership convention and lead the party into yet another general elec tion He is apparently taking this course knowing full well the risk he runs in being rejected the con sequence of which would be to destroy all influence he has in the party Yet rather than groom a suc cessor Mr appears prepared to take this absolute risk which can lead only to either abso- vindication or absolute rejec tion The executive of the Conserva tive national committee will meet in Toronto this weekend to reach a decision on when and where to the leadership convention Camp who obviously would like to take a crack at the PC leadership himself needs more time to his forces to com plete his chiefs political destruc tion It is for this reason that Mr moved so quickly in calling for an early convention Every Mr Diefenbakers support slips away a little bit As the Conservative leadership situation now stands Mr Diefen can probably go into the leadership convention assured of coming out in first place on the first ballot But unless he wins a clear major ity this will do him little good The bottomranking candidate will be dropped another vote will be held and so the procedure will go until someone emerges with more than half the votes of the conven tion The question which will seal Mr fate and perhaps that of the Conservative party for another decade to come is whether dis sidents will be able to rally around a single candidate Within hours of Mr en- bakers challenge former justice minister Davie Fulton had publicly declared his candidacy by remind ing Canadians that he had always said he would be available for the next Conservative leadership con vention While the Kamloops BC law yer thus got a leg up on his rivals he is still far from the role of crown prince or leading contender His diffident personality for one thing makes it difficult for all but his closest friends to work up much enthusiasm for him That role would probably go to Ontario Premier John ex cept for one thing The Ontario Tories are pretty well committed to a provincial election this Spring and it was for this reason that Mr had to declare him self out of the race Had it been possible to delay the Tory leadership convention until next fall it would have been safe guess that Mr could have swept the convention on the first ballot assuming of course that he was still premier of Ontario Federal MPs such as Fulton who will he in the race do not have the support of the Tory federal caucus which is still firmly under Mr control Mr Robarts remains the only Conservatives to the 6p less leadership which dominated the party between and Crier By Elizabeth I fc The Optimists are optimistically planning a Youth Centre for New market and be all heir endeavours to this end crowned with success At present there is really no place that the young population can call their own and use for their vjtie The TeenTown program which Is very excellently run takes place in the Town Hall once a week It is far from adequate accommoda tion for this purpose In fad another chapter shall be devoted to Ibis edifice in future columns A number of sports and gym activities for boys and girls are scattered all over town in schools and churches and in rented private facilities While the Recreation Committee and the League try to advertise their programs and churches generally welcome everybody to attend and join their youth activities the fact remains that only a fraction of the teen age population knows exactly what is going on and where Not every body Is inclined to go to a great length of inquiries especially those who need these opportunities the most and would participate if they were brought their way At present the alternative lies In the pool hall restaurant some times more on the sidewalk in front of them than in in the spectator section of the arena in Winter time or plainly just out the street or where there is seldom anything constructive or useful to be done Except perhaps the movies If that particular show did not receive an from the underworld A Youth Centre could be the meeting place for Sports and Arts and Entertainment and certainly for both the girls and the boys The programs and activities their time and proper place could be set out quite clearly for everyone to see as soon as he or she stepped in the door and possibly should he coordinated so that one could take in two or three activities if interested At all times though a place Is needed where youngsters could just slay and be there and do something of their own It is a fact that some homes are just not the homes to spend a quiet evening with the family or friends admittedly this Is the very root of problems So why not try to solve them In the modern manner which will cost money but according to psychology and other ologies brings more results than ancient stricter me thods to provide the children with a concept of the use of leisure time If a national organization can be interested to take part in such a project the has been approached before and was sym pathetic it would even pick up a portion of the tab Roys Clubs of Canada or any other Godspeed ahead to our Optimists I THE z No Serving ml Snce DAVID RHASKELV Editor and Publisher GIL SHEPHERD News Editor Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario- by the Newmarket Era Express Limited Subscription for wo years for one yew In ad vance Single copies are cent Member of Canadian Weekly papers Association and Audit Bureau of AuthorfaefMH- Second Class Mail Office Anient Ottawa-