r THE ERA I VOL r fc By Ray Elected as he Warden of York County DeputyReeve of Richmond Hill Floyd Perkins is sworn into office by Major Kellev at the Tuesday afternoon session of York County Council Staff 1 PROGRESS moving forward or onward forward course develop ment improvement advance toward perfection or to a higher stale Websters New World Dictionary Progress is a little child learning crawl lo walk and to run Pro gress is that same child going to school for the first time high and then graduating from university Progress is a man and wife crossing the threshold of their first apartment them gazing out the window of their first home awl fulfillment of their dreams seeing their children growing up to be useful citizens Progresses the invention of the wheel the discovery of coal the Invention of the steam engine the combustion engine Progress is mans first air flight his ability to cross oceans in airplane his forays into space and the conquest of space Progress is all these and many more but to some progress means something entirely different Progress is giant machines ripping up the moving the tops off beautiful rolling hills and making flat dusty lands out of them Progress is giant machines smashing to smithereens beautiful old buildings loading ornate stonework and woodwork onto trucks and dumping them into a dump it Progress is giant machines bowling oyer 100yearold trees that provided beauty and comfort for two generations Progress is the power saw that is cutting down these beautiful old trees along the Third Concession which winds through Sharon and I and eventually up to the south shore of Lake These trees took more than years to grow Over the years they provided shade and coolness for the people living near them They I provided rest for the eyes of tens of thousands of motorists travelling I to Lake Simcoe from the hot city After all these years of beauty and service Ihey disappeared in a few short days under the whine of the power saw to make way for ia wider highway Theres nothing we can do about them now except mourn their- passing There was nothing we could have done about it before the whine J of the power saw because their death is progress Backlog Of Notes If Editor May I through the medium of your publication extend sincere thanks to all groups and interest- persons who contributed to the Christmas gift pro gramme- in making it a most successful endeavor in the New- iriiarkct area i Following are the results a fetbtal of were collected and received by cheques approved homes in the were serviced the Rich mond Hill White Cross Centre several indigent families through the direction of the OutPatient Psychiatric unit of York County ospital Newmarket and patients looked after at the Hospital Aurora As well surplus gifts were sent to the Division Canadian Mental Health Association to help Ontario Society outlined his plans for a modern wellequipped wellstaffed animal shelter for York County north of Toronto The cost of buying a site to be centrally located probably near Oak Ridges putting up the build ing buying trucks and engaging a staff will be subsidized by the Ontario Humane Society which will thus invest some of its capital funds This is contingent upon enough money being raised annually by the townships in the district to pay running expenses This is pos sible if township councils will cooperate with the Ontario mane Society by letting the Society have the contracts for Canine Control and so have the handling of all unwanted animals In this way no stray pets would end up in pounds or laboratories Id like to tidy up a lot of loose ends this week if you dont mind First of all thanks for the warm and personal notes about the column and the good wishes to the Smileys They came from all over the continent Many of you will be getting your Christmna cards at Easter or possibly in July My wife lost her list of addresses We had a refreshingly different New Years Eve this year Went to a skating party on the bay We even took skates But fortu nately we had to make a couple of calls before we got there and when we did the skaters were pooped I expressed great before allowing someone to set me down before the fireplace with a small potion of herb tea But it was a great party Just as we arrived a pretty young woman hustled in from outside clutching her pants and various other things Shed been out on a on the ice and theyd gone through She was quite annoyed Last lime Id seen her she was eight months pregnant This time she was almost in shock She said shes like to meet me under normal circumstances Another feature of the parly appealed to me Instead of the usual maudlin rendition of Auld Lang Syne followed by a round of sloppy kisses we all stood to attention and sang a maudlin ver sion of Canada Speaking of centennial year some readers may have noticed a rather sardonic attitude toward this great national occasion in my last couple of columns Please excuse it I dont really feci that way Its a sort of backlash For years Ive been trying lo tell people how great Canada is and could he Kim had her first teenage parly over the holidays She invited 18 and showed up Thats the way they operate nowadays She wns adamant about her parents stay ing out of the way We did with hidden horror But when it came time for the food she came to us hissing furl- Arent you even going to cook the hamburgers And we spent the next two hours feeling much like a couple of shortorder cooks brought in for the evening to do the catering The music was turned up so loud I was sure the cops would raid us Kids kept wandering into the kitchen and demanding flatly Got any cold pop But it was over finally We checked the liv ingroom Not a hum on the piano Only one with all the z The art of politics is said lo be based on compromise and if this is so Libera Leader Pear son has shown exquisite artfulness in bringing economic nationalists Walter back into the cabinet Gordon the former finance minister who resigned when the Liberals failed to win a majority in the election he freely admitted he had given the Prime Minister bad advice had been on the verge of walking out of the party completely when his surprise appointment was an nounced Mr Gordon a chartered account ant who represents the polyglot riding of Toronto Davenport is the leading crusader in Liberal ranta for res r let ions on American control of the Canadian economy It was during the first days of Ihe Liberal regime that Mr Gordon brought in a budget containing so many repressive eco nomic measures against American industry that he had to back down amid a howl from stock market investors He later authored Ihe book A Choice for Canada which argued that this country could be rescued from US economic control only by such devices as a Canadian Development Corpora tion This is a Crown agency which Gordon created but still remains to be written into law Following Gordons resignation the Liberal cabinet took a decided turn to the right with the ascend ancy of such staunch free enter prisers as Robert Winters who assumed the vital post of minister of trade and commerce Winters by deed and word indicated he was less concerned with Canadian control of indus try than he was with the main tenance of Canadian prosperity in general Why then did Gordon go hack into a cabinet still dominated by men such as Winters who are diametrically opposed to the Gordon position that Canadians must be prepared lo make sacri fices to maintain their economic independence The answer must be that Gordon saw himself being completely frozen out of government policy net The government tarred with the brush of- and can be expected to make an aboutti face in the direction of Englishspeaking doing so it will cut from under the Conservatives last hope they have of creating issues on which the Tories could fight next election Elizabeth Better The is soon if everything goes well The proverbial new broom hat sweeps well or the fresh blood that brings new inspirations- is getting active With this this proposal the Mayor is ping in right directum knowledge that is running loose in our town and could he of ire- service Whether lawed or in establish ing the TONCOFGA must delayed although we dont pre sume that the first benefits from its activity can be derived before the mill rate is going up this year of course is the en vogue abbreviation of the Town of Newmarket Committee of Out side Financial Guidance and Advice The only objection on- could have is that it is not sug gested to be TONCOFGACLAM which then would be the former- consisting of women and i i- ri trimmings upset on the rug So were going to let her have another party wo years from making levels and decided he now for her daughter could do more to achieve his r by continuing to participate in Son Hugh brought us a special government than excluding Christmas present this year The himself from the Pearson A announcement that he was ting school Oh well you cant win them all But it doesnt make the goose go down any better even though you assure him that hes cooked his own and has to lie in it or whatever the saying is Nephew Paul of Laval appear ed out of nowhere as college do Father wants him to be a doctor He wants to be a beach comber And hes lost his boots and his feet were soaking That kid has lost his shoes or boots over years in South America the West Indies Holland and Capo Breton Island But he never loses his good spirits bless him Gordon Sinclair columnist and TV personality and I have in common Hes rich Im not Hes shrewd and crude pugnacious and pontifical astute and asinine I was about to say Im not but on sec ond thought wont But we are as one on the need for a holiday in February Did you see him tackle the Prime Minister on that re cently Ive been shouting this theme for years Its the greatest centennial gift Mr Pearson could give this nation midFebruary everyone in this country is so frayed and flogged that its amazing there arent suicides and axemurders galore I dont care what they call it But lets have the nearest Monday to Valentines Day as a national J i day lay to I holi- st ratio in He must also know however differences between he and Pearson Liberals of the right wing are vast and barely bridge- able When a Prime Minister faces a situation in which thousands of voters fear their government selling the country flown the river what better strategy than lo throw a comradely arm around the mail who is known from coast to coast as the strongest opponent of that very sellout Along with the Gordon appoint ment another significant shakeup took place in the Pearson regime with the resignation of Guy as Quebec lieutenant of the Prime Minister- Of all French Canadian members of the Liberal cabinet probably Jean Marthand the chieftain who now holds down Manpower portfolio is the only one who understands the mood of presentday Quebec During this year of Centennial celebrations and apparent lull in political infighting it is apparent Mr Pearson will bend every effort to reshape his party for the next election This accounts for welcoming back into cabinet ranks Mr Gordon despite the fact Ihe cabi net dons not share the Gordon economic philosophy It also will account for Mr Pearsons expected downplaying of the importance of Quebec representation in the cabi- Womens thrift and common sense in money mailers provide healthy counterweigh to mcn sophisticated finance concept and in many places women have gone on record as the solution to a budget mess achieving maxi mum results with almost norv existent means Town is big business however it also is a giant household and women are generally masters of economics which they have to by at current living costs and earn- ingsl The principles thai keep Jin smallest unit the family clothed fed and sheltered and in respect- able appearance are much the Hospitals where patients Will readers please jvpuld have received nothing York County residents through o i have indeed Brought cheer and goodwill to I would at this point say to Mrs Area Chairman New- join the North York Branch of the MLS by sending a donation to the Rank of Scotia Rich mond clearly marked for the Ontario Humane Society North York Branch A donation en- Elf it a t WW I W titles the donor to full l job well done in and a to the Newmarket area and add a Humane magazine The Animals OH W fc te Ail lhe County Christmas Gift and economical way of dealing with stray and unwanted animals is by means of a contract with mm W6SK Ik mi v 1 I J v same as those in larger applying to the budget of a town It is still too bad that we dont have a woman councillor at least- one female brain among the men Newmarket lias a number of Indies though who hold administrative positions and who would be to the proposed committee Throughout Newmarkets hj story up to the present day women have been successfully running a number of organiza tions and have formed auxiliaries to many enterprises that recogniz ed the value of the female ability to cope with problems None of litem its yet has been a While this is not jo advocate the nor the formation of an auxiliary of to Town Council it is meant to be a point to ponder It does not even have to lie which like a monstrosity although not quite as had as other names think As soon as mem- hers have been found for J a name must be invented that is pronounceable that will identify the group without lhe hiccups or other mental to the cause a fefCi Serving A Northern York County Since 1852 m i f v Kit tm Member of CanadIaQWeew papers Bureau Circulations Ready for another t