Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), January 11, 1967, p. 7

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r NEWMARKET by Rub Haslet Mr Robert den iY6f have been spending the season With parents- Mr and Mrs Ernest Bob and bis became the proud parents of a baby girl here They are calling her Wendy Mr Robert has just his Bachelor of Theology degree at the Cana eiian College in Winnipeg and he left Jan to take up his pastorate in His wife and will follow later Miss Cam Anne Wilson was guest of honor on the of her ninth birthday at the home of her parents Mr- and Mrs Roy Wilson The guest at her birthday tarty were to playmates They attended movie at the local Theatre especial ly shown for children during the holiday season Mr and Mrs Kenneth had as their holiday guests Miss Ethel dark of Toronto and their daughter Esther who is attending the Canadian College at Winnipeg Mr and Mr Glen and Sandra Bene of Mass visited their parents for the sea son Mr and Mrs Ernest den and Mr and Mrs Ken neth Peter and Richard McLach- both attending the of Boston on hoc scholarships were home the holidays with their Ely Miss Janet Stewart of Al bany was a house guest for the Christmas week with Mrs McLachlari AURORA The Era January 11 t Topics Of The Town by Emma Purchase Jy Mr and Mrs Hob and Mr and Mrs look over buffet preparations during the New Years Eve dance at the Legion hall Shepherd i I Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Brookes were Mr and Mr Albert White Kirs A their aunt from Eng land Mr and Mrs K Collins Miss Angela Collins of King- aton Peter Collins of Ottawa Miss Maureen Collins of Cal gary Alta and Miss Me- of Mount Dennis Miss gave a surprise party for Mrs at her residence on Friday Dec Miss was assisted by Miss June of Also aisting were brother Michael and sister Anne Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Kerran of Cedar Valley Mr and Mr Donald Mr and Mrs ryi Mr and Mrs Turner of Hidden Valley Farm Mr and Mrs J Hamilton of King City Mrs M Moorby To ronto Miss Christie Moorby of Vancouver BC and Miss es Patricia Cites Jane Trus ter Barbara Duvall and Mes srs Murray Thompson Allan Shipley an Robert Mr and Mrs Roy Wilson attended the New Years Eve Gala at the Golf and Country Club Mr and Mrs former Main street merchants are holidaying with Mrs brother in Auckland New Zealand It is espectcd will spend the Mr and Mrs Arthur Sheri dan of Andrew street accom panied by Mrs of Aurora travelled to North Ray on Friday to see their nephew compete in the Fig ure Skating Competitions held there or the Northern Sec tion Lake Simcoe Socials Dr and Mrs Howard Shanks have returned from their threeweek camping trip to Nevis Island RWI BY BURROWS Mr and Mrs David the former Charlotte Mc Laughlin Montreal recently spent a day in Sutton and friend ami relatives Mr and Mrs Al Thomson and four children of Mrs Betty Thompson of and Peter accompanied their Jacksons visiting friends Island Sound Conn Montreal was the holiday week guest of her sister Mrs Conrad and family Mr and Mrs John McAfee and family were hosts for an event which has become al most traditional oh Queen St parents and relatives Mr and Mrs Noble recently spent a week in visiting their son and his family Mr and Mrs Wm Noble While in they attended a family reunion at the home of They held a New Years Mr and Mrs Rob Tierney Wednesday eve- house on at their residence A love ly bulfet luncheon was served Mr and Mrs Joseph Toronto and Mrs Agnes of Toronto were Christmas Day guests of Mr and Mrs J McAfee and fam ily The Central Ontario Sec tions of the of which Newmarket is a member is hosted this year by the Upper Canada Figure Skating Club at Tain situ ated at Dales are Jan to the The Guide and Scout Moth ers Auxiliary held their first meeting of the new year at the residence of President Mrs Gibbons last week Mrs Palmer of Hol lywood arrived at her parents home Mr and Mrs George Thursday evening with daughter for a few remainder of the winter there weeks holiday Mrs Ralph Cupptes Hostess For Wl Meet MOUNT The December meeting of Mount Albert Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Ralph and the meet ing was convened by the Public Relations Committee The girls attended the short course under the leader ship of Mrs and Mrs Jordan were pre sented with small gifts as a token of the work accom plished The finished products were also on display Mrs If Pearson gave an interesting talk on Preju dice and its affect on public relations The hostesses for the meet ing Miss Dike and Mrs served lunch The January meeting will he under the of he Citizenship Committee and will be held in the church parlors Miss Mary and her fiance Mr Gordon and Mr had dinner at the home of Mr G Burrows Jack sons Point Mr and Mrs Peter Eustace Paul and Lee enjoyed four days in vis- Old Drugs A Hazard NEWMARKET Old drugs are a poison hazard The Food and Drug Directorate advises throwing nut old drugs when they have served their purpose Some drugs lose their strength with age Vitamins antibiotics insulin and per oxide are some examples of those drugs that lose their effectiveness with age However there are other drugs like he common head ache pill and Iodine which become too strong to under go other harmful changes with age Unities with damaged or missing labels also he thrown out Flush discarded drugs dnwn the toilet Make sure Ihpy do not fall into the hands of children Dr and Mrs anil their five children spent Christmas week in Sutton and Jacksons Point Dr Noble John and Rill spent Christmas in Miami Mr and Mrs Ron and family and Miss Janet Pringle spent several days at Ihe home of Mr and Mrs Kills Mosslngton Park The Jacksons Point outdoor rink is in full swing and skaters of all and ages are taking advantage of it The municipal office is sporting a spanking new Cen tennial emblem AURORA The annual meeting of Aurora and Dis trict Horticultural Society was held in the ladies parlor of Aurora Church on Jan President Miss Claire presided Reports of officers showed that society had com pleted a very successful year The membership of is more than in There is a bank balance of The flower shows were very fine but members would wel come more exhibitors Dr of was guest speaker al the annual banquet The society hopes In in crease its membership to ton in this Centennial year A motion was passed to change the night of meeting to the third Tuesday of each month Rev pre sided for the election of of ficers Past president is Gor don Duckworth president Misx Claire first vice president David son second vice president Miss secre tary Mrs K Anderson treasurer Mrs honorary directors Miss Helen Raycroll and Hayes Directors for Mrs Oliver Mrs M Hamilton Mrs Mrs Beaumont and A Adair Directors for 196769 Miss V Charles Mrs White W Mrs Duckworth Mr Davidson Introduced Mr Howard Oliver who show ed slides Pieces of Eight Cruise tour of British West Indies and gave an interest ing commentary Mr Wilfred Adams expressed appreci ation of the gathering The meoibers In stalled Royal Canadian Auxiliary executive to Branch Aurora Presi dent Betty Butler was In charge of installation assist ed by past president William Waite Bert McGregor Vick Pat Doyle and Us Legion Auxiliary officers for are as follows Past pres ident Peggy Ortin president Marie Anderson first vice president Betty Young sec ond vice president lona Watson recording secretary Ml Doyle corresponding sec retary Valerie Harlan ser geant al arms Jean Smith Executive committee Mar ion McGregor Theresa Clu- Dorothy Reld June Wheeler Margaret Barry Maud and Real- rice Ritchie Spoils officer Belly Crawford Legionnaire Rill pre sented Betty with her Auxiliary pin Mrs George of Churchill visited Mr and Mrs Harry Metcalfe street Says r r-r-s- v Between and 60 members opening meeting of the Friendship Circle on Wednesday Jan Five members Mrs Florence Dawson Miss Luclla and Miss Mrs Godfrey and Mrs Agnes celebrated birthdays this month and In their honor two large birthday cakes were served as refreshment Rev and Mrs Fredrick of St John who were returning from a six mouths trip abroad spent New Years with Mr and Mrs George Fish Mr ami Mrs Cameron lob- law and Dr Lillian enjoyed New Years with rel atives al tap mm J CHILDRENS ART CLASSES sponsored by Newmarket Recreation Committee Stuart Scntt School Wednesdays Thursdays pm on opening nights January IS and Course Fee SELLING OUT ALL FALL WINTER STOCK OF TOP QUALITY CLOTHES TSHIRTS UP TO OFF SNOWSUITS DRESSES COATS WASH SLACKS 20 OFF Alli KIDDIES KORNER Mi Main on FALL WINTER MM THAN Reg Values up to 1000 t There- something for Chowa from a wide of for wear afternoon and afterfive ami holiday in an ing of and I lf 1 m iit i I H I I r is cQMViiitm ON A WAIKt ftAM BRANDS l 134 Davis Drive r c irX5

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