Management Se what degree Aurora has gab- hopes Dels IMI international fame Box Addis Ababa Ethi- Edward Cavanaugh will rwive Ms letter i irf a letter Saturday vUreg- from England we siii e mail delivery from ii cents your room Earl of High St Potters Bar small businessmen Once people enrol the Depart- England The of 80 per cent and over intended for him but for a M a hundred communities proving their enterprises This is the achievement of the management development Instructors are recruited group of men in the provinces since they started working four years ago Northern York County Education Theme Of Won St nance and real-es- from among the experts in NeW PlanS their fields Most of them are Ownermanagers of re- publicspirited men or tail wholesale service te the sponsor to give of teaching the the Englishs home Jan and the topic was Education Mrs Douglas Thompson re plied to the motto Mrs Archie Sedore and Mrs Elgin will assist in Tuck Shop at the hospital people trying to focus their and entertainment Humane industries leacning Manufacturing engineer- North York The students pay or their ing and contracting manage- Branch Ontario Humane So- Jan 25 instruction usually 25 per will bold an open meet- Mrs Jackson read a course although In with local Monday Jan at Vic- paper on History and Healing program through J the rate Is by no means sponsors cognizant of the Hall at 730 pm of years ago talion of the 25 cents per need for continuing education Tom Hughes general man- Mrs Micks gave a dent hour is the cost to the The Ontario program has of the Ontario Society poem on Income Tax and Ing Jan This course over sponsors including outline his plans for the Mrs Douglas Thompson read how a to experts who develop texts Ninety chambers of com- immediate future of humane a paper on Emergency owner regardless the five fulltime or boards of trade In York County an ani- Members made several of business n use Worn fa professIonalf M belter to te at a arl these J2 and half of the money spent and retaU associations serv- central location and the ap- were brought the meeting books of accounts to operate Mm and and will ho sent to the Chit- and half Of money ana central books of accounts to operate the by the ice clubs and individual com- of an inspector and and will be sent to the Chi- more profitably wecu- drens Aid Society i of the Aurora Rotary Club indicate that this will be the first of many such sem inars they look forward to making available to the com munities in the future A program evolves for each community developing man agement skills in business and industry that nurtures great er economic security Without doubt this is a real educational bargain of con siderable Interest to business and industry We operate a mobile busi ness school said the Ontario superintendent the pro gram Mr George He was reporting tn the federal- provincial conference of the handful of men charged with Implementing the business management development program conceived in the Federal Department of Trade and Commerce in 1962 and now operated by the Depart ment of Manpower and Pro vincial Department of Educa tion The provincial superintend ents and the federal chief of the program were meeting in Toronto recently to review their progress and exchange ideas Our efforts are primarily directed at the small business operator and designed to help him make sound deci sions Mr Dupuis said In fact courses are in two distinct groups manage ment training which includes accounting retail R J LUCAS SUPER VALUE R1NDLESS BREAKFAST j 1 i lb PRESSWOODS MILD CURED SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE CRYOVAC I T Work on the new com munity centre at Aurora is moving at a nice pace with final touches being applied to various sec tions of the inside of the building This view shows canopied en trance which leads to a roomy lobby area Shepherd Staff Mr and Mrs George Van and children Mr and Mrs Harvey Currie and family of Bradford Mrs Marion and Steven of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Allen purchasing finance and sharp and family of Toronto taxation to mention just a jj Yeaas dinner with i 2 3 sample and courses for su pervisory personnel in con ference leading effective su pervision and basic relations These are intended for per sonnel of both small and large companies Bulk of the training pro gram goes on in small com munities with populations anywhere from to The superintendents are try ing not to duplicate courses offered by universities or lo cal school boards But as one said if this is the only way to get people learning their parents Air and Mrs Arthur Van FAST It IMF COLDS TUFFLEX IRONING BOARD PAD COVER I each I fci At is RfifllaUracI Trad Mark of The Bayer Company limited Aurora Ontario Brownie Pack Party EAST GWIIX1MBURY HEIGHTS The 2nd East Gwiliirabury Brownie Pack held a skating party at the Newmarket Arena on Dec The Brownies along with Brown Owl Mrs Hicks Taw ny Owl Mrs Williams and Breoda Williams en joyed two hours of skating and some of the Brownies took their tests for a skating badge The party was finan ced the sale of Christmas cake and cookies held by the pack in December Mr and Mrs Stanley Dales Waller Avenue have as their guests Mr and Mrs Robin Hewitt and their four year old son Lee of Warrington Eng land Mrs Hewitt is Mrs Dales sister This store wide sale is a wonderful fact not a dream Its our way of saying Thank You to our friends and customers on our 46th Birthday serving Aurora and district You not only save on our store wide sale but with your purchase BETWEEN Visits Parents Miss Louise Walker of Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax spent the holidays with her parents and sister Mr and Mrs Walker and Carol Mrs Sadie Sheridan of was the guest at the home of her son and fam ily Mr Francis Sheridan Mr and Mrs Don Cameron of alio Mr JANUARY 13th and 28th YOU WILL RECEIVE A FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE ONE TO A CUSTOMER LYNN VALLEY STANDARD 1 Lb HEINZ PURE TOMATO -I- SPECIAL SAVE II SHREDDED WHEAT David of guests at the f Mr Mf DISCONTINUED LINES REG NOW Vilas Dining Chtirt Reg 2400 each SALE PRICE SET OF Kilgour Dining Chain Reg each SALE PRICE SET OF Pc Chesterfield Suite Reg 35995 TO CLEAR Chesterfield Suite Reg TO CLEAR 2 Colonial Chesterfield Suite Reg To Clear -1IEDROOM- DOUBLE DRESSER CHEST PRICED TO CLEAR Chesterfields- Swivel Rocker Chairs at Sale Prices ODDS AND ENDS IN TABLES AND LAMPS WITH SAVINGS UP TO 50 I j i al rt rt J jv a a a BTLS SPECIAL SAVE I J OZ PKGS I A GOLD SEAL FANCY PINK r TIN IDEAL FOR COOKING OF FRYING VIVA T SPECIAL SAVE r mm j ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN NEWMARKET UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY JAN WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMINION STORES i- I M