Mets Bow Out Hon Minor ami Alex Grant llu- Hie arena Mike unite J ivns or not Zephyr hits upstairs on second level was ruled solo Ihcy Is into urn Tin- flVtlldlTldy burgers on three nils while was only all they needed In 011ANCBV1LL in Ihc interior of the arena Hid KinKs Punch Press Operators Sheet Metal Workers on Wltan i5n Skulk COME AND SEE 2nd CANADIAN OPEN SHEEPDOG TRIALS SEPTEMBER 24 In ho J CRANK FARMS BOND HEAD Located mi Bill Line Line Snath Hut it ot TllG Futuro trophies In I ted Audit hi FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until oclock in ibe afternoon on Monday the day of October for the purchase subject to the conditions of sale hereinafter mentioned either en bloc or in separate parcels of certain vacant construction company limited and related companies I I Pa Ira Tared 1 Block I Partel I lllnrk a j Pared a Parcel I plan lit of York I of York plan SIS York lately acres of land 1 the Town of mill in I of the anil the balance Mill he pa The or any tender will no ay application the undersigned Ontario this nth day of September Itll THE ITAHKKON COMPANY anil West Staff Has THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD BEFORE SEPT 22nd 26 BRAND NEW PONTIACS BRAND NEW 1966 BUICKS 2 BRAND NEW 1966 BEAUMONTS BRAND NEW ACADIAN Must be sold before Sept We need the space for our models Its our tough luck your good luck SAVE UP TO Terras for Every LESSOR NEWMARKET arc there backtoschool expenses you need to provide for KENWOOD HOTEL